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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. According to Bankofkev at his Robotech Panel at that anime con in Boston, there were a number of DYRL product announcements that he announced at the panel which "put smiles on the faces of those who were attending" (I'm paraphrasing). I surely hope that Toynami doesn't make DYRL versions of its MPC VF-1's, unless Toynami has gone back and redone it's MPC VF-1's from scratch and/or they will be releasing them at a much more competitive price. As you said, Kevin, people like myself have gotten nearly a lifetime's fill of VF-1's over the last three years. A lot of DYRL fans have already put their money down on Yamato and Bandai's Macross VF-1 Valkyries. Though their MPC VF-1 was the least of the transformable VF-1's released on the market during these last few years (and overpriced for a US toy of its size), here's hoping that their Alpha/Legioss comes out alright.
  2. Kevin, does this mean the Elint Seeker and Super Ostrich are cancelled? If there is a lack of interest, here's why: 1) Macross fans want Yamato or Bandai Macross Valkyries, which leads to... 2) There is already an over flow of VF-1 toys on the market. 3) What's the point in Toynami and Harmony Gold doing them unless there's a Region 1 DVD of DYRL to support?
  3. When I've read about the proposals for using a souped up F-15 with some RCS improvements or even the (GASP) Super Hornet as substitutes for the Raptor, the comment I've seen is that you are getting 50% of the Raptor's capability for 90% of the cost. The F/A-22 is a bird in the hand that is running off the production line NOW. Going with a substitute would be a colossal waste of 20+ years of time of the ATF program and the many billions of tax payer dollars poured into the program. It would take billions more to develop an inferior product and even years more to get it in to service. Those who don't think that the F/A-22 Raptor will provide a level of deterence and that it will see combat some time during its life are fooling themselves... these same people thought that the B-1 and B-2 were unneeded, too.
  4. So far, that set of pictures are the only ones of 1001 ever released.
  5. The first picture of the first of the two Have Blue (with it's extra pitot tube and camo job) was released to the public back in 1991. Over the next few years pictures of the second aircraft (in its gray finish) were alse declassified. To my knowledge, no additional pictures or video of the two aircraft have since been released. Pictures of Northrop's Have Blue proposal is even rarer; only an artist rendering and one grainy black and white picture of one of the RCS pole test models have ever been released.
  6. It's almost the 8th where I live, but on April 7, 1979 the first episode of Mobile Suit Gundam was aired in Japan! A legend was born! April 1979... I was in preschool at that time... I'm getting old!
  7. Hope some of the new Gundam figures come stateside.
  8. When the first developmental F-117's were being flown at Groom Lake, the first F-117 was flown with a camo job on its first few flights (ditto with the Have Blue protoype). After that, the F-117 test fleet were flown around with a gray paint job. Lockheed proved that gray would be better at night time then black, but the Air Force wanted black and as Ben Rich said "He who controls the gold, makes the rules!" As for the F-117 shot down 5 years ago, there is still no official version of the story. Some sources say that the Serbs were able to track the F-117's to a certain degree on radar because the were flying out of the same base out of Ityaly with conventional aircraft and were flying the same patterns, thus making it easier to track. Just because an aircraft has a low RCS does NOT mean it's invisible. As for the F-117 returning to its gray roots, the A-10 went through the same story... started gray, went to European 1 during the 80's/early 90's then went back to a light gray!
  9. This makes mahq.net's April Fool even funnier!!!
  10. I would rather Toynami take their time and create a first class Alpha/Legioss.
  11. http://www.mahq.net/ Nice April Fools! I think the Mecha Headquarters is still alive and well.
  12. Before there was Top Gun, there was The Final Countdown... the OTHER F-14 movie! Still priceless seeing a Zero get waisted by a Phoenix. I first saw this on cable back in 1986. I'll have to pick it up this week.
  13. What, and not get my fix of fro wearing Nabeshin?
  14. Dave, I expect to see you at the Offutt air show this year!
  15. Did anyone see one of the recent issues of DW's Transformers which has Starscream and Skyfire on the cover? In the issue, there's a number of times where Skyfire is wearing a protective head cover that looks like a VF-1S head! On top of that, in some of the panels, some of Skyrfire's FAST Pascks look like that of a Valkyrie's! I only skimmed the comic so maybe I missed something... Back to the original subject matter, considering the huge flux of VF-1 toys on the market and the legal issues, I extremely doubt the "original" Jetfire toy will ever be released. Since Bandai owns the rights to the 1/55th scale molds, they would have to get the okay from Big West before they did anything with either HG or Hasbro and I don't see that happening...
  16. Where's Graham??? We still need answers!!!
  17. It is thanks to JELEINEN and Relayer that I've been able to see and hear Azumanaga Daioh the way it was meant to be seen and heard. Does anyone know how accurate the subtitle job is? I've been hearing that the sub's text is the same as the dub's script is.
  18. This will probably be the episode that makes or breaks me watching the show anymore. Most of the time, the show is pretty damn funny (like most of the last two episodes). But sometimes, Matt and Trey are full of crap. I wonder if Butters/Professor Chaos will have his eye back the next time we'll see him... maybe Butters' schtick from now on will be that they maim him every episode (but he returns to normal next episode).
  19. I wonder if it was the regular Monster instead? Then again, nothing has been seen of the Monster Destroid in a year or more, so maybe they decided to engineer a Koenig Monster instead... if it's 1/60th still, it will be huge and cost an arm and a leg! Spill the beams, Graham!
  20. For a 1/100th scale toy, it looks okay. Can't wait to see the final product (and a 1/60th or larger scale VF-0, too!)!
  21. So did you set up RVD with this computer?
  22. Will the comic book take 24 hours to read?
  23. This game's looking sweet. BTW, anyone noticed the CTF's over the F-16's wings? That has been tested out by Lockheed.
  24. I noticed the Macross button on the front page of Toynami's site last night. The "latin" is probably just some filler the guy working on the site put there just to get an idea of what the page is to look like when finished. The scary thing is that there is a button on the Macross page suggesting that Toynami will be doing Macross MPC's. Also, why in the heck is the Myria MPC shown on this page when that was a Macross Saga item???
  25. When Angle went through his first neck surgery, my opinion was that he should stop wrestling and go on and enjoy life (and his health) either doing other work in the wrestling business or some other line of work. Now that he is having neck related problems again, I can not find too much sympathy for him. What some of these wrestlers do to themselves just to get a few moments on TV or to be in front of some big crowd of people simply is not worth it...
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