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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. There are people talking about orbital flights, both manned and unmanned. Some of those involved with the CSXT are talking about sending up the first unmanned orbital flight, but it will be a number of years before that happens. All the combined moneys and donations into the CSXT, including the two failed flights, was well over a million dollars. I know that Burt Rutan is contemplating orbital vehicles and even a space station.
  2. Doh! Guess I should have proof read the title of my post! "Is that a rocket in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" Is there anyway we can edit the title of our threads that we start or do we have a mod take care of that?
  3. The CTF's are barely used on the fighter versions of the Eagle simply because they can't be punched off for a dog fight. They have been used on C models if they have been operating out of a place like Iceland and the North Sea region where having lots of fuel is the difference between life and death. But if they are still using the CTF's on the fighter versions of the F-15, I don't know.
  4. http://www.stratofox.org/pics/csxt-booster-2004/ This news is almost two months old, but the booster section of the CSXT rocket was finally found in November. The booster section hit the ground so hard that it obliterated the first few feet of the body tube and the fin canister broke loose and slid to the front end of the rocket making it look like it's on in reverse! Because the president (Bruce W. Lee) of our rocketry group here in Nebraksa was a CSXT team member and a close friend of the leader of the CSXT project (Ky Michaelson), we were suppose to have the booster section at our meeting two nights ago. Unfortunately Bruce had surgery on his leg a few weeks ago and our meeting got canned because of the weather, so I'm not sure when I'll get to see it. Below is a picture of me with the payload section last July! For those who were interested, the Discovery Channel's program on the CSXT is suppose to air one of these days, but I still don't know when. I believe the show will be titled 77 Miles Up. I have seen some promotional footage from the show. Though this hasn't aired, Ky Michaelson has been featured on a few episodes of Monster Garage.
  5. When did the Air Force Museum get the first YF-23? It's been nearly 12 years since the last time I was there and with all the cool stuff they have got since then (Tacit Blue, YF-22, Bird of Prey, one of the B-2 structural test craft, the YF-23, and soon the X-35), it looks like it's time for another visit.
  6. Up until Sega's Macross game, every 3D Macross game played sloppy and none of them had any rudder control. I'm confused on what you think is wrong with Aero Elite or Macross' (PS2) flight controls. Maybe the thrust increase and decrease buttons could have been switched around, but the layout works fine by me.
  7. Dave, I'm VERY shocked that you've never played this one. To those not familiar with the Aero Dancing/Wings/Elite series (I have both Dreamcast Aero Wings games and of course Aero Elite), it is definitely a much more realistc "flight sim" then the Ace Combat or Air Force Delta series are. If you want an over the top blast-a-thon, then I would go with either Ace Combat or Air Force Delta. In my case, I appreciate all of these games. My main complaints with Aero Elite are: 1) There is a maximum speed inhibitor which I don't existed in the previous games in the series... for example, in the original Aero Wings/Dancing, I could get the F-15 up to Mach 2 and then vertically head straight up to over 80,000'. Aero Elite/Dancing (3 or 4?) lets you only get up to 800 knots and the maximum altitude I can reach is only 60,000 feet. 2) You can only fire or release weapons when you have a lock-on on a real target (a plane, tank, etc.). Otherwise, Aero Elite is great because every aircraft handles very uniquely and a hell of a lot more realistically then let's say Air Force Delta (I'm using the Dreamcast game as the example since that's the only one I have). The game has a very lengthy training course that will teach you how to properly land and take off, ACM, flying and landing the AV-8B Harrier, flying helicopters, and aircrafty carrier operations. This game is definitely for aviation fans looking for something more realistc then the aforementioned games.
  8. Even though I have not had the chance to seriously play Ace Combat 5 (got it for Christmas... just need to tear myself away from GTA: San Adreas!), I am going to make a safe bet that there is still one console flight sim game that beats all of the Ace Combat games and the Air Force Delta games. The game came out almost two years ago and is by the very same guys responsible for the awesome Macross game for the PS2.
  9. It wasn't until I read this thread this evening that I had even heard about that Raptor crash. Considering that the production model of the Raptor has been flying since 1997, I would say they are doing pretty good to have not lost a single aircraft up until now. BTW, one of my Christmas gifts from my sister and brother-in-law, who are at Langley, was this long-sleeved F-22 shirt.
  10. That is probably the best thing said in this entire thread.
  11. Well, I see that someone else has finally figured out who the latest employee at HG is. Kevin told me this about a month ago or so, so this is old news to me. There is suppose to be a formal announcement soon. and before I forget... BAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNKKKKKKKYYYYYY!!!!!!
  12. I was told recently about HG (or at least Tom Bateman and a few others at robotech.com) setting up this Carl Macek page. Part of the reason why this page was set up was so that that his detractors couldn't go out and set up a page for the sole purpose of bashing him. HG has picked up a number of other domain pages, some of which I think we'll see going public soon.
  13. I got mine from the Right Stuf today!!! Since Urbandale, which is a suburb of Des Moines, is only a 2 hour drive from Omaha, even just using UPS Ground got it here in under a day!
  14. During the past number of months, I haven't been posting here as much as I used to. One of the disturbing trends during this time has been the over use of "'x' raped my childhood!" In fact, I think Shawn should rename this message board as "X" Raped My Childhood World! For all of you fanboys, now it's time to vent! If your childhood was raped by George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Carl Macek, Shoji Kawamori, Yoshiyuki Tomino, or one of your relatives (oops, that's a different kind of rape! ), post it in this thread and be done!
  15. It's too bad about the changes to the opening and closing music, but again, this is a case where Bandai Japan is the enemy. First they force an English dub only for the original Gundam TV series and at Tomino's request, they left an episode. From what I've gathered over the last few years, the Bandai offices here in the US aren't the problem; they would gladly like to give the customers what they want. For those really upset about this, I would recommend e-mailing, snail mailing (this will more likely get attention then an e-mail), or even calling Bandai up. Doesn't anyone remember the music licensing issues which would probably screw up a US release of Macross 7, even if the other legal problems weren't going on? Even with this, I'm still stoked to be getting this DVD set this week.
  16. Awesome! Since I had mine preordered through the Right Stuf and since they have me down as "Back ordered", I called them up a little bit ago to see if they had actually got any sets in yet. I was told that they haven't received any yet and it would be next week when they do. At least the good news is since the Right Stuf is in Des Moines and I'm in Omaha, it should reach me within a day, even using UPS Ground.
  17. It's been said on and off through out this year that the update to AEUG vs. Titans would see a US release in early 2005 though I really don't know what's happening now. Hopefully the Gamecube version with its 4 player vs. mode is released here.
  18. Not a big deal, but it's a spinoff from the rt.com site: http://www.robotech.tv/ Also, some of the Robotech ratings and demographics information that Kevin "Bankofkev" McKeever had researched earlier this year: http://www.robotech.tv/info.php
  19. http://www.aintitcoolnews.com/display.cgi?id=18904 I just saw this linked at Gunota. Let the cries of "'x' raped my childhood" commence!
  20. I can't wait until the Jack Bauer Power Hour, er 24, is back on the air!
  21. Just wanted to update what I said a few weeks ago. Regarding the Macross development I was talking about, I am not sure now if anything specific is going to be announced, but there is going to be some major Robotech related announcements coming very soon, some of which could effect Macross directly or indirectly. Sorry for being cryptic, but I have to cover my source.
  22. As I mentioned in the Tour of Duty thread, the Rolling Stones' "Fade to Black" did not become the theme song until after season 1, so the music used on the DVD's I believe is correct. As for if Fade to Black will be used in the subsequent season 2 and 3 DVD's (if made) remains to be seen.
  23. I'm surprised no one's started a thread on this: http://www.msigloo.net/index.html It's completely CG, it takes place during the One Year War, and it appears to be from a mainly Zeon perspective. I believe it's suppose to be a 5 or 6 episode OVA. Does anybody have any additional input about this new series?
  24. Just a few thoughts on what hurt Gundam in the US: 1) Bandai (Japan) and Sunrise preventing the original Japanese track from being on the US DVD's of Mobile Suit Gundam. Not to mention Tomino leaving an episode out for us American fans. 2) 9/11 - with about 6 episodes left to air on Cartoon Network, the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 derailed the complete airing of Mobile Suit Gundam. Subsequently, I believe this (9/11) effected the Cartoon Network airings of Stardust Memory and War in the Pocket (first delaying both showings then finally airing "TV7" edited versions on Adult Swim). 3) Cartoon Network's refusal to pick up Zeta. Not only did this delay the DVD release by about a year and a half, but it ruined the plans for releasing all the cool MSIA and 7.5" figures.
  25. A few days ago I ordered both the F91 DVD (which I didn't think was to be officially released until next week) and the new Mobile Suit Gundam novelization (just came out) from the Right Stuf. Not only did I get the book today (I've already skimmed over the book already and it looks to be quite interesting), but low and behold, F91 was packed in, too!. This is my first Gundam DVD since Char's Counterattack over two years ago. I first saw F91 over three years ago so I know what to expect. Next stop, Zeta!
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