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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. I got off work today at 4:30 and headed straight up to Gamers (www.gogamers.com) up on 84th in La Vista to pick up my system. While all the other systems had been cleared out right after they had got their shipment in the morning, they had held my system and stuff all day. While other people were going nutzoid trying to get a system somewhere at midnight, here I was nonchalantly walking into the store right during the late afternoon at my own leisure. All together I ended up with a premium system, Quake 4 (got COD 2 from the same place on Saturday), 3 wireless controllers (not including the one with the system), and 2 rechargeable battery packs (probably won't be using all 4 controllers too terribly often at this point). Because of all the trade-ins, I ended up just having to pay an additional $180 or so for the stuff I decided to add on at this point. The only let down was that they had not recieved Ridge Racer 6... ironic that the only 2 games I had originally planned on getting for the laucnh, RR6 and DOA 4, did not end up in my hands today. Since I saw RR6 elsewhere, I'm sure Gamers will get it soon enough. After I was done there, I headed on out to hunt down a copy of Perfect Dark Zero (another last minute decision purchase ). I checked out the Walmart in La Vista and they were out. I then drove to the Target about a mile south. They had two copies of the Collector's Edition left, so I was able to snag one of the hottest games for the launch. Now I just have to get my stuff all set up!!! Unfortunately tomorrow on my day off, I have some projects to work on, but hopefully I can spend some serious time with my system tomorrow evening. I plan on getting setup on Xbox Live soon. Maybe we should start a thread for Macross Worlders who want to go head-to-head on Xbox Live whether it be Halo or something else?
  2. In a bit of good news - Perfect Dark Zero gets a solid 9.0 rating from Gamespot. Guess I know which other game I might get tomorrow to go with RR6 and COD2! As for the situation with some stores forcing people to buy bundles, I would say to make sure to bring all of your Sunday adds with you regardless which store you stand in line. I am looking at Best Buy's add right now and there is NOTHING about a requirement for buying a bunch of extra stuff beyond the system. Didn't find any footnote (at least immediately) talking about the possibility of this being implemented. The only fottnotes pertain to limited quantities. I wonder if this is a Best Buy policy or a per store basis. If enough people make a stink pointing out what is being specifically advertised for in the add, those stores forcing a bundle might cave. At least in my case, I am only being "forced" to buy two games (bought COD2 on Saturday, which the store i'm getting it from will honor that as being one of my two games, and Ridge Racer 6... might get Perfect Dark Zero, too!) and one of those battery packs for the wireless controller. Looks like I could have come out MUCH worse.
  3. Does that include such scenes as: 1) Zod or one of his men killing that boy who tried to escape from that small town with the light of a police car. Someone cries out "He was just a boy!" Then Zod or one of his men say something like "He'll never be a man." 2) Superman erasing Lois' memory and then destroying the Fortress of Solitude. Without seeing this, it makes certain things in Superman IV quite confusing. For some reason they would play these scenes when it was aired on one of the national networks. Same thing went with the first Naked Gun movie... a scene cut from that shows how Frank's umpire vest was shot full of holes and deflated; in the theatrical cut, one moment the umpire vest is intact and then in the next moment, it's all deflated and shot full of holes!
  4. Good news... for me... looks like I will most deffinitely be getting my 360 tomorrow! Only two stipulations are that I have to be getting two games (already taken care of) and that I get one of those rechargable battery packs for the wireless controller (gonna need 4 in the long run anyway). Should be picking it up at lunch time tomorrow!
  5. Haven't read the books, but I've enjoyed the movies so far. I agree that this one is the best one to date. Does anyone know if they are going to continue with the rate of releasing these every year and a half, or are they going to return to releasing these movies once a year?
  6. One thing that needs to change is that the cover of DVD #1 needs to be mirrored correctly... the throttle quadrant should be on the left side of the cockpit! I say that we e-mail ADV about this. As for its origin, the cover of the one Robotech Perfect Collection tape is the only place I think I've ever seen it use. Don't know who drew it. Anyway, it's good that they are using official art for the box and possibly some or all of the DVD's themselves. This stands out much better then the Animeigo DVD boxes and DVD cases.
  7. I saw the trailer during Smallville and when I saw Harry Potter this evening. Besides Marlon Brando, the ship that Clark sees in the barn is the same one that brought him to earth as a boy so they are definitely tying this in with the Christopher Reeves movies... hopefully the last two are being completely forgoton and struck from memory! I kind of wish though that they would have given this a complete fresh start like what was done with Batman Begins or tie this in with Smallville.
  8. How many of the books did the BBC complete as part of their mini series? At Walmart over this weekend, I saw that they have the three-DVD set of the BBC's production of The Chronicles of Narnia... it looks like the first three books are covered. How far along did the BBC version go? (I ended up picking this up as a Christmas gift for my parents... my dad has much, if not all of C.S. Lewis' works)
  9. Hopefully I will know Tuesday morning if I'll be getting my system or not from one of the local gaming specialty stores. I did pick up from them my first game already... Call of Duty 2. When I went over to the nearby Walmart yeasterday evening, they already had some 360 stuff for sale including about 1/2 a dozen wireless controllers.
  10. ***BUMP*** I might as well ask, but what security (anti-virus, firewall, etc.) is available for the 360? I know it doesn't work quite the same as a regular PC, but since you have the ability to go online, download content to a hardrive, it can be networked to your PC(s), uses a Windows based OS, etc., what are the chance of your system being hacked or infected? Right now, I'm probably going to skip going the network route... it'll save me a lot of dough and I won't have to worry about the 360 being used as a backdoor to my PC. I'll probably just unplug the ethernet wire from my cable modem and plug in my 360's ethernet wire.
  11. I might as well ask, but what security (anti-virus, firewall, etc.) is available for the 360? I know it doesn't work quite the same as a regular PC, but since you have the ability to go online, download content to a hardrive, it can be networked to your PC(s), uses a Windows based OS, etc., what are the chance of your system being hacked or infected? Right now, I'm probably going to skip going the network route... it'll save me a lot of dough and I won't have to worry about the 360 being used as a backdoor to my PC. I'll probably just unplug the ethernet wire from my cable modem and plug in my 360's ethernet wire.
  12. Hmm...How early did you camp out in front of the store for your PS2? I'm just trying to get an idea of how crazy it's going to be...I bet people will start lining up at midnight at least.. 345590[/snapback] When I got my PS2 at midnight at a local Babbages on launch day, I showed up to the store about 1/2 an haour before midnight. There was about 20 or so people ahead of me. A few minutes after I got in line, about another 40 or 50 people showed up in a few minutes so my timing was good. If you have the system preordered at a specialty store, make sure to find out if one is being held for you or if it's a first-come-first-serve basis.
  13. Gamespot's been starting to post their reviews on some of the first big titles, and things are looking good so far: Call of Duty 2 Kameo: Elements of Power
  14. Just poking fun at whats always talked about when the topic of politics is brought up...not trying to get into a debate...Remember this is all about Southern Cross! When did I mention radical Islam? jeeze... 345245[/snapback] My bad. Considering the context of some of the stuff in Southern Cross and some of what you were saying, I started to project what you were trying to get at. I apologize. This thread does need more Southern Cross!
  15. Describe these certain "administration failures". Maybe we should have "had more Southern Cross" during World War II and tried to "understand" and be "tolerant" of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan... It is quite clear that you do not understand what we are dealing with when it comes to radical Islam. The French thought they could suck up to them and now look whats been happening to them on their own soil for the last several weeks... ...and Agent ONE, you are a riot!
  16. When I watched the Southern Cross DVD set all the way through two years ago, I enjoyed it for the most part, but it did hurt that the creators had a lot to wrap up in just one or two episodes. It would have been interesting if the series could have gone at least another 6 to 12 episodes.
  17. At least in my case, I've never owned an original Xbox, so basically the only set of games I can't play are my DOA Ultimate set, but eventually I might add a few more Xbox 1 games to my collection like DOA 3 (currently compatbile) and Metal Slug 3 (currently not compatible). Anyway, just a little over a week to go and I'm pretty psyched (I can finally play my copies of Halo 1 and 2 without borrowing someone's system!). Just got to decide how much more stuff to trade off and what exactly to get with that credit...
  18. Even so, depending on the extent of his addictions, he may have caused permanent damage to his heart, liver and other organs in his body. The strenuous activities he was participating in probably furthered along the strain he had already put on himself. Anyway, that's too bad that Eddie's life came to such a short end.
  19. Since the Warrior leveled Triple H in about 30 seconds even after Triple H did the Pedigree on him, I could understand why Triple H probably has some choice words about him.
  20. From all the stuff I've read over at the Warrior's (Jim Hellwig's) website, he hasn't ruled out the possibility of hitting the ring again, though he has said that it would have to be within the next 5 or 6 years (he'll be 50 by then) while he has still has some semblence of youth and the ability to bulk up. With the bad blood that exists between him and Vince, obviously there's virtually no chance in hell that the Ultimate Warrior will see the light of day again in the WWE. And as for why he didn't participate in the making of this DVD, isn't it pretty pbvious when all the point of this product was to smear his name? He did go into some detail on his website about what the brief contact he at with either Vince or with other WWE officials, but that didn't pan out. If you read Death of the WCW, you read numerous times how wrestling promoters and owners, like Vince McMahon, have sacrificed giving what the fans want and making millions in return just so they can get back at or just simply make fun of those in the industry that they don't like. Look at what happened with the whole WCW/ECW "Invasion" of the WWE a few years ago. And in this case here, this DVD was put out just for smear purposes... those who consider themselves fans of the Ultimate Warrior are not going to buy this product, and then Vince will turn around and say "Look at the poor sales! No one care about the Warrior anymore!" And those who end up buying this DVD will be having to deal with the one-sided slant of this production. I know I've mentioned this before, but when I was in high school (Omaha North) back in the late 80's/early 90's, one of my classmates, Jan Callinger (who was a son of then Omaha mayor Walt Callinger), was a big wrestling fan and a big fan of the Ultimate Warrior. Occasionally, for some of the school's football games and other sporting and special events, he would put on blue and gold (North's colors) facepaint in the style of the Ultimate Warrior!
  21. So which song on that album is it? BTW, Red Devil, what is it that fires up your passion for Southern Cross and its Robotech Masters incarnation? I might have asked before, so I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself.
  22. Considering that the Dead or Alive franchise has been pretty much an Xbox exclusive for 4 years and one of the more popular franchises on the system, I'm very surprised that the DOA Volleyball game and DOA Ultimate weren't on this first list of games. Looks like I'll have to keep my Dreamcast DOA 2 just a little longer! Until I get some sort of definite Internet hook up for my 360, I'm glad to see it's possible to load the patches to one's computer, burn them to CD, and then load them on the 360. Talking about DOA 2, when I was borrowing an Xbox from a friend a few weeks ago so I could try out my DOA Ultimate, it was at that time I fired up my DOA 2 on the Dreamcast for the first time in many years to make a side by side comparison. It's approaching 6 years old, but DOA 2 on the Dreamcast was an awesome looking and playing game. This sytem died a very premature death.
  23. I hope DoA Ultimate runs on the Xbox 360, then. (Actually, I hope they all do.) I'd be more dissapointed, but it's only what, two weeks? I have three other launch games to pick up, so that just gives me more time to save for that one. I still need about $160 to pay off my games, so even with a few more trade-ins, I was kinda hoping to grab one game early. One game late works okay for me, too. 344158[/snapback] Besides the Halo triple pack, DOA Ultimate is the other Xbox game I've bought during the last two months in anticipation of getting the 360. Besides the $15 I spent on DOA Ultimate, everything else associated with my 360 purchase has been completely trade ins. Since you work for Gamestop, you could probably answer this question for me. What online hookup options are available for the 360? I know there's that $100 wireless antenna which plugs into the back of the 360. Besides the wireless connection, does the 360 have a regular ethernet connection? I was at Best Buy a few days ago trying to figure out which router setup I should go for my PC and 360. I don't know if it was because I was talking about going the wireless route for the 360, but I was given the impression that I was going to have to have one of their guys come out and test the security of my network setup after I got my router. (Just relized that an ethernet wire does come with the $399 system so I guess that answers my question. Now I just got to decide which setup is best for me...)
  24. As can be expected, BOTH Halo and Halo 2 can be played right off the bat on the 360 without any downloaded patches... AND the games will run at a higher resolution, too! http://www.gamespot.com/news/6139560.html And this sucks for me, but Dead or Alive 4 has been moved to December 1st.
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