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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. It's been 20 years since I've seen a full episode, but I'm trying to remember what was communist about it... as for the Smurfs and Captain Planet... Anyway, Agent ONE, you are a riot!
  2. It's got Arnold, but does this DVD set have enough Southern Cross?
  3. For a second there when I loaded that page up, I thought Northrop was offering a tanker version of the B-2.
  4. I got 401.7 billion fromhttp://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2005/defense.html and http://www.defenselink.mil/releases/2004/n...40202-0301.html and it appear I'm off by about 40-50 billion of Reagan's Cold War budget. Check http://www.defensetech.org/ to see what the Military is and isn't spending it money on. 350193[/snapback] But have you adjusted for inflation?
  5. Decided to do some digging this afternoon, and it looks like Lockheed's original B-2 proposal, Senior Peg, was finally revealed earlier this year: http://www.dreamlandresort.com/black_proje...senior_peg.html I found a link to the story about it being on Aviation Week's website, but you need to be a subscribed member. I am really surprised I haven't heard about this before. From what I can tell, it looks like the Lockheed B-2 was quite a bit smaller then Northrop's design. When what became the F-117 was proposed, one of Lockheed's original proposals was for a two seater, F-111 sized aircraft, but the Air Force wanted to take the safer route and go with a smaller aircraft to begin with. Lockheed's B-2 design was clearly based off of their intermediate range attack aircraft. Interesting that the twin V-tail is on an extended part of the fuselage. Northrop's B-2 clearly beats this in payload and range (probably in stealth, too). Can't wait to see what other proposals and prototypes from the 70's and 80's that are "in the dark" that are just waiting to be declassified. Though it's in Czech or Polish, here's another very interesting site. http://www.hitechweb.szm.sk/stealth1.htm
  6. C-17 airlaunching a dummy rocket. Didn't read it over in full detail yet, but it looks like it has to do with our anti missile program. C-5 airlaunching a Minuteman I. The picture's on page 10 of the PDF file. Early B-1 (AMSA) proposals, early B-2 and early ATB concepts, and the proposed 747 ALCM carrier.
  7. Man sues Microsoft over alleged Xbox 360 glitch. Surprised MGREXX didn't post this here first! I wonder where this guy was when all the glitchy PS2's were happening at it's launch. Again, the problem a lot of these people are having is that they are sticking their 360's, along with "the brick", right into a compacted space in their entertainment units with virtually no ventalation. PS That is one sweet looking 360 case!
  8. They used three of mine!
  9. In my own bit of Xbox news, I went ahead yesterday and cemented my 360 as being my primary system for the next several years. I had about $400 in credit through Gamestop which I was planning on using towards preordering the PS3. Last night I used a good chunk of that credit to purchase the wireless Internet antenna for my 360, preordered the Ghost Recon game which comes out in a few months, a 64 Meg cartridge (in case I need to transfer anything to someone elese's system), and a year's worth of Xbox Live. I won't get the PS3 in 2006 for now, but I'll see what's going on in 2007 or 2008. As for system malfunctions, my understanding is that the system failure rate is currently well under 3%. The company I work aims for having a failure rate under 3%. I think this is a typical goal of a lot of companies that make home entertainment and other electronical devices.
  10. Are you having any issues? 348515[/snapback] Nope, at least not yet! But like yourself and others, I got a bunch of game systems, etc. and I want to keep them surge protected.
  11. Hand grenade in Vietnam. Of course, he speaks with that voice synthisizer because of all those cigarettes he was smoking in 'Nam.
  12. Right now, I have mine plugged to a power strip. Got no choice.
  13. So who else is on Xbox Live? I'm giving the Gold membership the free trial run. Of course my alias is Apollo Leader. Last night was only my second night to play and the first time to go online. It was also the first time that went over an hour in playing. So far, the system is holding out... the real challenge my be coming up a week from this Friday or Saturday. Looks like a bunch of friends, my brother, and myself might be doing a LAN party with Halo 2 and I might put my 360 to use... since these get togethers can go quite a few hours, I hope my system holds up! And for all of those who've had PS2 problems throughout the years, I've had my PS2 since launch day in 2000 and the system has worked just fine after 5 years of heavy use. I even took the case apart back in 2003 to give it a flip-top so I could play the Sega Macross game!
  14. Are you talking about the power button on the front of the 360 (has the light "ring" around it) or something else?
  15. Ah, so they do exist. So, I'm guessing they are there for the sake of being there in the background while the focus is on the girls for the sake of silly fanboys? Sad. 347721[/snapback] Don't you know anything about this game? The female characters in Dead or Alive have always been one of the biggest draws of this series. Obviously, the producers of this film are going to take that ball and run with it.
  16. Umm.... 347562[/snapback] x2 and how can you say it looks like it has promise? it looks like a made for tv or straight to video movie, and none of it looked liek it made a damn lick of sense, since when woudl all the girls team up and all of them be using katanas? only kasumi and maybe ayane would, and since when were there armies of generic ninja in doa? and that part at the start of the trailer, wtf was that, i dont tihnk you could make them sound any ditzier 347582[/snapback] Okay, just to better clarify myself, I think it has promise as an okay, Saturday afternoon action flick and nothing else. I'll probably see it once or twice and maybe get the DVD when it comes out if I enjoyed it enough in the theaters. Can't say the same for Doom which I saw once and will probably never see again and have no plans on getting that on home video... Considering the main premise of this game is to have busty females pounding the crap out of each other and nothing more, I think some of you guys are putting some pretty high expectations on the movie adaption which isn't a super high budget production to begin with...
  17. If you look at the back end of the 360, it does have two cooling fans.
  18. I finally fired up my ssytem last night... mainly played Pefect Dark amd was playing with my system's settings. I had my system going for about 45 minutes or so... neither the system or power converter didn't seem to heat up too much. Just a little bit ago this afternoon, I had stopped at the Gamestop at the Westroads mall here in Omaha. The guy who is the current manager I've known for about 7 or 8 years and one of the other guys there told me that basically 1 or 2 systems have been returned at all the Omaha area Gamestops (about 5 or 6 stores) combined during the last 5 days or so. In the case of the one deffinite return, it was because the case of the system was cracked; whether it was at the manufacturer or during shipping, I don't know. Those who have had systems with problems I can definitely understand their angst and if my system runs into problems I will be upset too, but I think this is a case where a relatively small number of people and their problem(s) are being amplified by the Internet.
  19. One wireless controller.
  20. The Frank, Er, Jack Bauer Power Hour returns!!! Looks like Jack or somebody's gonna get a little crisped.
  21. I remember when a whole bunch of people on here were all ultra-pestimistic about Terminator 3 and Alien vs Predator, and it turned out that those movies weren't so bad after all. I say we give it a chance... doubt it will be as bad as Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros., or Doom! I think the movie has promise. BTW, guess who's playing Bass Armstrong? Hint... some know him as "Big Lazy"!
  22. I've had my system for three days now, and I haven't opened it up yet! With all of these overheating stories, I'm not sure if I will! Plan on firing things up either this evening or tomorrow.
  23. No more "Wax on, wax off" or "Side-da-side" either. It's because of Mr. Miyagi that every Dan or Daniel I know I end up calling "Daniel-san". RIP Pat!
  24. With Mari giving Minmay her English voice (even if Mari's job is so-so, it will be cool just to have heard it done), brand new extras (namely interviews with Mari), "improved subtitles", new box art and DVD art, and that the Animeigo DVD's might go bad (I've loaned my set to two different people these last few months and no complaints of any problems ), I am most definitely getting a set. Still deciding if I will keep the Animeigo set.
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