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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. I say we also return to the days where soldiers are dressed up in flamboyant, brightly colored uniforms, marched out on the battle field in large formations, and then mowed down by the thousands in minutes. Stealth works.
  2. Talking about DOA4... DOA4 Save Glitch? I haven't played it since last week, so I don't know if I got the glitch yet or not. Anyone else having troubles?
  3. PS3 pedicted to run $399 - $699. I am going to predict that whatever the final price of the PS3 is (either as a "core" pack or a "premium" pack), the equivilant Xbox packages will be marked down at least $150 less then the equivilant PS3 packages. If the PS3 "premium" launches at $499, the Xbox Premium package will be marked down to $349 maybe even $299 undercutting Sony by $200. With the future of the DVD format up in the air, the new drives just being introduced to the market, and with their higher initial costs, I have to say that Microsoft was wise in sticking with traditional DVD's... the format still has a lot of life left in it.
  4. To quote James Bond, "I thought Christmas (Jones) came only once a year."
  5. YOU like Jimmy Stewart!??? Next you are going to tell me you like the Mets. 357103[/snapback] You should give Jimmy Stewart some major respect. The guy walked away from a lucrative hollywood career when WWII started and flew B29 bombers in combat, only returning to film when the war ended. Show me any actor you worship today that would do that. Van Damme or Arnold? ha 357579[/snapback] Yup, and he stayed in the Air Force, eventually retiring as a Brigadier General. You don't get good old fashioned patriotic movie stars like that anymore. These days, they're mostly a bunch of whining left wing chumps who pick some obscure cause and put their name on it so it looks like they care about the little people. 357647[/snapback] Jimmy Stewart also flew several B-52 missions in Vietnam. As for World War II, I thought he flew missions in Europe so I think he was on either B-17's, B-24's, or maybe both (guess I should look it up). Strategic Air Command is an almost rough autobography of himself. When he's flying B-36 Peacemakers and B-47 Stratojets in that movie, he truly deserved to fill in the shoes of that character. Hey, when is Strategic Air Command coming out on DVD anyway???? Though Jimmy Stewart may not be the greatest actor ever, but one thing is for sure is Jimmy Stewart represents a Hollywood of a long gone era... one that represents and was in touch with the real America.
  6. Hmmmmmmmm. I forsee the VF-0S taking the cake in 2006. But then again.......if Yamato releases a 1/60 YF-19 that'd be great. 357792[/snapback] Then there will be some guy named "Occasional Fan" who will come onboard here to MW to try to shame us Macross fans for inflating the vote for the VF-0!
  7. Got DOA4 yesterday. Awesome! Can't wait to get an HDTV in the next year or so to further enjoy these games. Back to DOA4... 1) On the Vegas style stage where cars can run you over, I noticed that the LED screens between traffic can display a number of messages. When I wasn't referencing my Gamertag, it ran a message involving the launch of the 360. If you were playing using your Gamertag, it would reference your motto (it's located with your location) from your Gamertag! Nice touch. 2) For those using Kasumi against her clone, there's at least one very cheap way to win. When Kasumi's clone get 's in close enough, use Kasumi's flipping kick (push back diagonally on the controller and hit kick). On the regular difficulty setting, this will knock down Kasumi's clone each time. As for the other difficulty settings, and other characters, the jury's out on that... I've only played with Kasumi so far! (Addmittingly I'm a Kasumi fan ) 3) Does anyone know what's up with Aerosmith's connection with the DOA series for the last 4 years? DOA3, DOAU, and DOA4 all use Aerosmith songs! Are they big fans of DOA or is is DOA's creator a big Aerosmith fan?
  8. So A1's been banned from posting the last week or two? Thought it seemed pretty quiet around here these days. Anway, I say bring him back!
  9. Finally, DOA4 ships today!!! Can't wait to get my copy.
  10. I believe one of the guys who had a major hand in writing the screenplay for Munich was the same screenplay writer for War of the Worlds that dropped in subtle commentary comparing our brave men and women in our armed forces that are in Iraq right now to the invading Martians. Now this same guy is trying to humanize these Islamo facists in this new movie. And Hollywood wonders why ticket sales have been dropping these last few years...
  11. I would like to wish all of Macross World a Happy RamaHanuKwanzMas! RamaHanuKwanzMas From the Glenn Beck Program Sung to “Holly Jolly Christmas†Have a RamaHanuKwanzMas It’s the PC time of year Every holiday displayed Because of morbid fear Happy RamaHanuKwanzMas Yeah, we know the name is queer Oh good golly can’t offend nobody On (*BLEEP*)mas this year Oh no, the Eskimos Need a holiday We’ll get right back to you When we think up one for gays (yay!) Happy RamaHanuKwanzMas What a time for winter cheer But if you see a Christmas tree You’ll hear Christmas jeers (boo!) Screw you, ACLU For winning the twelve Million in your lawsuit Versus Santa and his elves Happy RamaHanuKwanzMas And everyone must now adhere So by golly, don’t hang up that holly On (*BLEEP*)mas this year (yeah… and no more sleigh bells either) ********* Seriously, Merry Christmas guys! Hope it's a great day for all of you and your families.
  12. Whether it be the critics or the movie going public, I think some people completely forgot that this movie is a REMAKE of a nearly 75 year old movie which has had one serious remake by Hollywood already so there's nothing too new here (besides the special effects and some characrter and plot development) unlike the Lord of the Rings movies which were fresh material. Some people had the wrong expectiations of this film... this was Jackson's opportunity to pay homage to the film that led him into getting into the motion picture industry. As for me, I saw it on Wednesday and enjoyed it for what it was. I might have the chance to see it tomorrow night, but even if I don't, I plan on seeing it at least one more time.
  13. Guess we know what will be used on the PS4 or Xbox 720 in the next decade!
  14. I'm just curious if the loading speed rates for the PS3's Blu-Ray drive is posted anyware. I would think Sony would be nuts to release a machine with slower loading speeds then what the PS1 and Saturn had! Anyway, I've put two nights in a row of playing COD2 on Xbox Live for three hours+ each night. Fun stuff! Though it seems like some serious lag time shows up about 30 to 50% of the time (especially during the more active hours). I figure my system now has over 24 hours of good use of it now and no signs of any problems yet. The most fun I've had with a new gaming console in quite some time.
  15. Regarding Mel Gibson, be more specific. I have heard and seen numerous interviews with him. He has shared his faith (like all Christians are suppose to) and of course there is his movie about Christ's last few hours before his death and subsequent resurrection, but has he held a gun to your head? Ever since The Passion, the main things I hear about Mel are his next few projects including one involving the Holocaust and the other set in a Mayan village (I think) hundreds of years ago. (Tom Cruise has Scientology tents set up on the sets of his movies trying to get cast members and crews to convert). As for Bruce Willis, I understand in recent years he did seriously look into going into the arm forces, but he was obviously too old. And I got to ask you Agent ONE, have you served in the military? Do you have relatives in the military?
  16. Mari Iijima Interview Part 2! This time they used EIGHT of my questions! Though this was done online and not in person, I am glad to have had this oppertunity.
  17. Guess I should have read back one page before typing my above comments. At least my Raptor shirt I was given last Christmas by my sister and her family when they were still at Langley is still valid because it just says F-22 and not F/A-22!
  18. Let me see here, it's a little something spelled s-t-e-a-l-t-h. What's the point of being able to do a tail slide, a Cobra, or any of these exotic aerobatic maneauvers if you are swatted out of the air by an unseen enemy. Also, the F/A-22 uses much more modern avionics and cockpit displays. Though I haven't seen the stats recently, I beleive the F/A-22 outranges the F-15 and F-16 when carrying a similar combat load. Going by what has been going on in recent years, long range is going to become very important. Also, and this applies to the B-52, as an aircraft gets older (just like any piece of equipment), it will become increasingly expensive trying to maintain and upgrade these aircraft. But hey, as long as a viable fleet of Raptors is fielded, I am all for giving extra manueverability to the existing fleet of fighter aircraft.
  19. I guess you're responding to my comments, but let me make myself clear. People are USED to the Robotech dub, I didn't say it was better. (Keith, please quote who you're responding to. )
  20. Again, not surprising since certain key games like DOA4 weren't available at launch. I don't think the 360 will be the number 1 system in a few years, but I think Microsoft is going to take a bigger bite out of the console gaming market this time around. I finally have put more time into my 360 this past week and my system is holding out just fine. Makes a good hair dryer, too!
  21. Congrats, Ali!
  22. I saw it with the Christian singles group I belong to on Saturday and most of us enjoyed it very much. My mom and dad saw it last night and they enjoyed it too. When I was over at my parents on Sunday, I borrowed the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia, The Magician's Nephew (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardobe is considered book #2 even though it was written before The Magician's Nephew). Hope to start reading that soon.
  23. After hearing Roy speak in a more regular subdued voice, he sounds a lot better. The Bridge Bunny scene sounded good. Whoever is doing Global sounds like he is trying to mimic the guy who did Gloval for Robotech, but Global should probably be depicted with some sort of accent. I think this is going to end up alright in the end.
  24. After listening to those clips a few times through, I would have to say that: 1) Claudia and Misa sound all right. 2) Hikaru sounds either jittery or a bit timid (then again, Hikaru was unsure of himself and didn't sound confident at times). 3) Roy's actor sounds like he is speaking overly gruff and or obnoxious (of course Roy is suppose to be a bit obnoxious). I think if he tried to speak in a more normal voice, that would work just right. 4) I think I'll have to hear Mari's performance through out the whole show to make a complete judgement, but it's just so awesome to hear THE Minmay redo her role in English all these years later. For those who want to compare this effort to Robotech, remember that a lot of us onboard here have had 1 to 2 decades worth of having the Robotech voices sink in. Here, we have only had a few seconds of exposure to these short clips. Probably in time, the new Macross dub over will be more excepted.
  25. Just a few points... 1) Gonna have to go out on a limb for Harmony Gold on this one. Why HG didn't use remastered footage to begin with was because the proper materials for doing so did not exist when the first DVD's came out in 2001! Read the full, 3-part story starting here. Unlike Lord of the Rings which was made just a few years ago and efforts to make "special editions" of the video releases were made almost simultaneously with the movies, Robotech, Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada were made over 20 years ago; during these 20 years, issues such as licensing issues, missing and damaged audio and video materials, etc. come into play. 2) Regarding Macross being "double dipped", you have to give credit to ADV for making the efforts to make this a unique release (English dub, different extras) separate from the Animeigo release. And considering we are having THE original of Minmay herself reprising her role that she made famous so many years ago, how many anime series and their fans can have those kind of bragging rights. And with ADV doing the release, this Macross release will see a wider and cheaper release then the Animeigo DVD's ever did. We in the Macross fandom have it better then we think we have it... 3) Regarding "special edition" DVD sets of movies and shows coming out (whether it be known before or after the initial home video release), it is a lot easier to sell and trade off DVD's then VHS ever was. If in doubt on what is going to happen with your favorite movie for its home video release, do a little research or just ask someone from your local Suncoast.
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