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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. I thought the senator looked familiar... seems like 24 is becoming a Robocop reunion show! At least the guy who played Methos on Highlander has some work. As I've said before, since the show is no longer pigeon-holed to Los Angeles, I think that's going to help the show immensely.
  2. Last night I managed to beat Gears of War 2 all by myself on Insane. Like with the first game, persistance pays off and it also helps that I've been playing this series for 2 years now. The only spots that really got tough for me was where you find Maria and in Jacinto where there's a spot in the one courtyard where you take on a number of Locust Drones, Boomers (the ones with the exploding maces), and 2 Bloodmounts. Speaking of game achievements or accomplishments, Activision released these stats about Call of Duty 4 (these are the 360's stats): http://www.joystiq.com/2009/01/08/cod-4-ov...ane-on-veteran/ 71.1%, or 7,111,508 people have completed F.N.G. 68.8%, or 6,886,509 people have completed Cargo Ship. 46.5%, or 5,654,643 people have beaten the game on any difficulty. 2.8%, or 283,632 people have completed Airplane on Veteran difficulty. So I'm among the less then 3 percent that have beaten the final stage on Veteran? Cool. The stage is pretty rough and it took me about 4 hours of straight through play to do it.
  3. Hopefully this will all be straightened out, but once again this is further evidence that nanny state, big government does not work.
  4. Right from the source: http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=897783...cUserId=4549175
  5. In the most recent issue (January) was there any indication that this was going to be the final issue? If they put out one final issue as a goodbye to its readers and/or something to commemorate the magazine almost turning 20, I would definitely pick it up.
  6. I was planning on seeing this around Christmas and even my dad expressed interest in seeing this, but it disappeared so quickly I never had the chance to go see it. Really wish a definitive, first class Punisher movie could be made. Guess this one was strike three.
  7. Hey, I love shmups and Final Fight type games! A great source of stress relief AND stress.
  8. Well, there's still Seanbaby's website, but it doesn't look like he's updated it in a while.
  9. I saw the news about EGM yesterday. Very sad to see it go as it was just reaching it's 20th anniversary; yikes, another sign of getting old. Furthermore, it's sad that they didn't get to have one final tribute/20th anniversary issue since the rug was pulled under their feet. But the harsh reality is that a lot of gamers these days are getting their video game news and information from Internet gaming websites and blogs. Why wait a month for something you have to pay for when you can get that information online instantly and free? I originally became a full time reader of EGM in the fall of 1991 as I started my senior year of high school. In the spring of 1992, I started my subscription which I constantly maintained for the next 15 years. When I let my subscription expired, I started getting a bunch of nasty letters from the EGM subscription people basically threatening legal action for letting my subscription expire and I ended up having to call them up to see why I was being harassed like that. A few years ago I sold off my entire video game magazine collection to a local collector store. I estimated I loaded up in my pickup something like 400-500 pounds of gaming magazines. This not only included all my EGM's, but nearly every issue of Gamefan, every issue of Next Generation, Nintendo Power, and a bunch of others. Especially with EGM's demise, part of me wishes I had kept some of those magazines. I'm tempted to go check to see if that collector still has them. RIP EGM! Steve Harris should be proud of what he contributed to the realm of video game journalism.
  10. For those remotely interested, Konami's Rock Revolution is down to $20 at Best Buy. That sure dropped in price pretty quick. I know a lot of the covers suck (at least in the vocal department), but if I got the game it would be for Megadeth's Holy Wars... The Punishment Due. I got through GHWT on Hard (Guitar) about two weeks back. The only song I ran into troubles with was the song by Muse. A lot of rapid strumming that was hard for me to time. The rest of the songs I didn't have much problems completing. Now if I could only beat GHIII on hard...
  11. When my first 360 went kaput, all my phone calls were definitely with Americans and not with those in India. Just call the stores up and see what they have to offer.
  12. "Canon" as in being the true, real deal. Not the "Macross Cannon" of Macross II.
  13. Considering some of the venom some of you guys put in Astrobunny's comment box, I'm really suprised he decided to sign up on Macross World. All you had to do was point out that Macross Frontier is a sequel to the original Japanese Macross series (which was used as the first third of Robotech), that it has nothing to do with either Southern Cross/Robotech Masters or Mospeada/New Generation, and steer him to sites/forums such as Macross World or the Macross Compendium. The other stuff is going to drive people away and not win any arguments.
  14. The Regults seen in the Sentinels look considerably different then the ones you see in Macross. They almost look like a new mecha.
  15. I don't think this was ever posted, so...
  16. Yeah, that trailers been out for a few months now. Anyway, it's just a few more weeks until the Jack Bauer Power Hour is back on the air!
  17. I'm looking at my Dell's flat screen here at work and it utilizes a green power button just like in the new Metal Gear promotion so that gave me second thoughts about what was being hinted at. I wouldn't be surprised if MGS4 made the jump to the 360, though for me it's not a huge deal since I lost interest in the Metal Gear series after the first Solid game. Enough other great games coming out as it is.
  18. I'll definitely watch for you being on there. Just need to beat the last 12 levels of Horde. If you need help with GOW2 on Insane, I will gladly be of assisstance.
  19. I beat Gears 2 on Normal a few days back. Make sure to stay through to the end of the credits... a possibly interesting development for Gears 3. I am now playing the game on Insane by myself. BTW, still need to beat the last 12 levels of Horde mode, so if anyone wants to play, let me know.
  20. I was wondering why this thread was brought back to life. I haven't had the chance to read every post, but some things that differ between now and 2000-2002 is that Toynami is the one exercising its rights (instead of Harmony Gold) though it appears they are directly approaching retailers/distributors like BBTS instead of sending out lawyers with cease-and-desist orders like Harmony Gold did to Kevin Lam (Valkyrie Exchange) and Spideyjerusalem back in the day. Interesting blurb in the BBTS e-mail suggesting that Joel and company have quite a bit MORE business planned with Toynami; obviously it's an enough of a business arrangement that they are valuing it over Yamato Macross imports. If memory serves me correctly, wasn't it announced last spring or summer that the arrangement where Toynami will be releasing Bandai 1/55th's also includes a lot of other licenses including Gundam (MSIA's FIX Figurations, etc.)? I wouldn't be surprised if Macross merchandise beyond the TV series and DYRL (such as Macross Frontier) is part of this; heck there's been those of us here on Macross World speculating that for months now. I know a lot of you are upset at this development and definitely worried and concerned about how this will effect your ability to collect these fine toys from this series that we love, but I would recommend not getting worked up in a tizzy over it. It's not worth being stressed out about a bunch of stupid pieces of plastic; if the economy continues to tank further, we will have much bigger things to worry about. For all the worrying and agonizing that we did over 6-8 years ago, pretty much all of our favorite Macross importers continued to sell Japanese Macross merchandice and we were able to experience what can truly be described as a golden age for Macross collectors. And when it comes to all these companies and businesses (Big West, Harmony Gold, Toynami, Bandai, Yamato, etc.) and the rights/stakes that they have in these properties and licences, we got to think things through with the minds of level-headed adults and not as some over obsessed fanboys.
  21. Which PS3 do you have? The PS3 no longer has backwards compatibility except for PS1 games. That was one of the deciding factors in why I went with a straight out Sony Blu Ray player instead of a PS3. But ultimately, having one game console these days is plenty for me. If I did have a PS3, I would definitely get the Resistance games, though pretty much any game that has appeared on both the 360 and PS3, I would pick the 360 versions of those games (Achievements!). I really think Sony should have stuck with the original 60GB PS3 from two years ago.
  22. Got my Sony Blu-Ray player last night. I watched the first part of the Ed Norton Incredible Hulk movie. Now I just need to get a 1080P flat screen to more fully enjoy it, but still a great picture even in just 720P. Definitely a new concept in needing to hook a movie video system up online for updates, but considering all the fluxes DVD technology went through throughout the years, it would have been nice if DVD players could have been updated in the same fashion. I noticed that the main option screen is set up pretty much set up the same as on the PS3 and PSP. I'm guessing a lot of Sony's home entertainment products are using a similar operating system? (It appears my player is Java based).
  23. Yamato, like any other manufacturer, has a lot of things to consider when it comes to the costs of their products. Things such as engineering, design, manufacture, production numbers, what kind of sales numbers they expect, shipping cost (ie. fuel prices), the current and projected economic state, and ultimately the profit margins they need to pay their employees their salaries and keep the company afloat. Unlike Namco/Bandai, Yamato is a smaller company catering to a niche market. Their products are obviously going to be higher priced.
  24. I hope my good friend Jon doesn't throw up when he watches this! Groverfield
  25. More evidence of a 360 MGS4 port?
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