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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. I've seen some Core systems recently, but I swear I have not seen a Premium set other then my own since November. BTW, I believe we got a dedicted 360 thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ic=16743&st=560
  2. Mech VS squishie... I love Bandai. 388521[/snapback] Really hoping and praying that Bandai USA pulls through and releases this one here in the US. This looks like a great tie in to the 08th MS Team or the Dreamcast Rise From the Ashes game.
  3. TurboCD would be more appropriate. Sayuing TurboDuo games is like calling SegaCD software CDX games. 388474[/snapback] Yeah, I forgot that the CD drive for the TurboGrafx/PC Engine started off as a separate attachment.
  4. Let me know when you're on Xbox Live and get Over G Fighters. If you get Blazing Angels, let me know (picked it up this week).
  5. Now that the original 0079 Gundam is FINALLY getting a R2 release hopefully they'll allow the other regions to get a proper subbed version after that. I'd love to have an actual Mobile Suit Gundam box set with subtitles. 388705[/snapback] I too wonder if this means that we'll finally get a new, proper release of the TV series in Japanese, with English subtitles, with the proper opening and closing credits, and with the missing "Doan's Island" episode? The hangup about MSG not being released on DVD in Japan was a major cause in our DVD release being messed up. Hopefully MS Igloo and the Zeta trilogy will eventually see a release, too.
  6. The games will be downloadable like NES, SNES, and N64 games. Besides Genesis and TuboGrafx games, Turboduo games will be included to.
  7. You got a problem with that? Anyway, I haven't been very actively watching new episodes since 2000, though I have been buying the DVD sets and I like watching classic episodes every now and then. Since they got til July 2007 to make this thing, it better be good!
  8. HHH vs HBK. When things went bad for Shawn, John "The Vanilla Ice of Professional Wrestling" Cena came to the rescue. (Does anyone notice that Cena is looking increasingly like Stone Cold?) BTW, I dare anyone to make up a sign with the Ultimate Warrior's logo and hold it up when Vince is out on the floor. More pictures tomorrow or Friday.
  9. First match, Carlito vs. Kane. Kane of course. Afterwards, the Masterpiece and Carlito were out in the ring dissing us who live in the area. Kane chased Carlito away and then the Masterpiece had to perform his submission on The Big Show who was a little to big for him to handle.
  10. First up, Mick Foley had some gifts for Edge and Lita. (Foley and Edge's match at Wrestlemania was one of my favorites).
  11. RAW time! Look at all the signs... at somepoint early on during RAW, someone outside of the floor seating was holding up a sign saying "TNA is better" and not too long afterwards one of the WWE goons in black grabbed the sign from the guy. There was also a guy holding a sign which I think said "Blade is here". I presume this is refering to Blade Braxton? Lilian Garcia started things off by singing the Star Spangled Banner (awesome job, Lilian! ).
  12. The Bizzare One himself, Goldust vs. Gene Snitsky. Deffinitely one of the worst matches of the night with several mistimed and misplaced moves, but the crowd was definitely cheering for Virgil "Dustin Rhodes, Goldust, Seven" Runnels III. Goldust won.
  13. The next match was Lance Cade vs. some local "talent" right here from the Big O. Guess who won?
  14. Chavo Guerrero vs. Rob Conway. If people keep yelling out, "Eddie, Eddie, Eddie!!!" Chavo's going to think he is the reincarnation of his uncle! Chavo won.
  15. During the hour leading up to RAW, there were several mid-carder/jobber matches. First of which was Trevor Murdoch against... against... I can't remember his name! I remember the guy had been out of the WWE for over a year or so and he had just started wrestling in the WWE again. Trevor won.
  16. Okay time to post some pics from last Monday's RAW! Sorry that these aren't the greatest... they were taken with my old 2 megapixel camera. I have a top of the line, 8 megapixel Canon Digital Rebel with a 75-300mm telescoping lens, but I didn't feel like risking nearly $1200 worth of camera equipment! Still, I wish I had it with me and perhaps if I go again, I might take it with me next time. Anyway, here's some pics from last week's RAW. First of which here's the Omaha Qwest Center on the inside... definitely quite a bit bigger then the Omaha Civic Auditorium which was the main place in town for many years for music concerts, sports (including WWF shows), and other public events. Also got a picture of the equipment and displays that the TV production people are at (notice that the camera action hardly ever points over in this direction in relationship to the stage and ring).
  17. Since we're into HHH bashing mode, here's the match that HHH doesn't want you to see! http://www.wrestlecrap.com/classic2.html (It'll be up until at least Thursday night) Talking about HHH and HBK, did anyone notice that both of them did the Degeneration X crotch chop during Wrestlemania? A possible reunion coming soon?
  18. PS3 for a little over $600 (500 Euros)? Once again, Sony's European arm spills some more beans on the PS3. I would have to say right now that the PS3 at a minimum is going to retail in the US for $499.99 or greater.
  19. Monday night I finally saw one of the Omaha Best Buys as having V2 in stock. Got there yesterday afternoon and there was one copy left. I still don't get why V2 has been more difficult to get and not showing up in stores.
  20. I agree that they should have used better art on the Animeigo DVD's and box, too, but since the Animeigo DVD's were coming out at the same time as ADV's Robotech disks it would make complete sense that completely different and contrasting artwork and package styles would be used. Since the Robotech DVD's were going to see a wider release then the Aniemigo Macross DVD's, it would make more sense for the Robotech Macross Saga DVD's to end up with the better artwork (but as a fellow Macross Purist, I fully agree that we should have gotten the better artwork! ) As for the notion of the concern of the Animeigo Macross DVD's cutting into the sales of ADV's Robotech DVD's, you have to think of this from a businessman's perspective and not a fanboy's perspective. I would think that Harmony Gold would want both of these product lines to sell as best as possible. Why would Harmony Gold and Aniemeigo spend a few million dollars and several years worth of labor in one of the biggest movie/TV series restorations ever if they didn't want it to be a success? They (HG) would have just left the film reels sitting in storage. Also, they wouldn't be pushing it now like they (HG and ADV) are now if they didn't want this to be profitable and a success.
  21. I recorded the episode to DVD last night so I haven't watched it, so did they give the whole team the belts or just two of the members? The last wrestler we saw coming out of the Qwest Center last Monday was KBK himself. Since my friend Mike is really impressed that HBK is a born again Christian in the wrestling business (both of us belong to the same Christain singles group here in town - http://www.greatadventureomaha.com/), he stood at the edge of the curb and started signalling with his hands, "I'm praying for you, man!" From Shawn's reaction, I think he understood what Mike was trying to say. Unfortunately before we could have had the chance to talk to him, the woman in the car ahead of him (which was also waiting to turn left) began to realize that it was either Shawn Michaels or some other wrestler actually got out of her car with a notebook and pen in hand and started walking back to his car. At this point, Shawn's driver quickly swerved around her car and got the heck out of there. Dumb broad! When I was at the Qwest Center last Monday and watching Wrestlemania on Sunday night, I was wondering the same thing, too. Considering that HHH seemed to be getting over with the crowd more then Cena, I was actually surprised when Cena beat HHH by submission. I think HHH has been hated long enough, the crowd may be starting to love to hate him. Like Ric Flair, HHH may be developing his own unique fan base regardless whether he is a heal, a babyface, or even if the fans are generally sick of him.
  22. Thanks for posting that video! I've always wondered how the M61 was going to fire on the F-22.
  23. The A-12 Avenger II was General Dynamic's baby with McDonnell Douglas being one of its partners on the project. GD was one of Lockheed's major partners and despite the controversies that GD had with the A-12 program, that didn't seem to stop the Air Force from picking the F-22 over the F-23. Ultimately the F-23 was probably perceived as being the more expensive and complicated aircraft to manuacture and of course it probably didn't hurt Lockheed to fire an AMRAAM and a Sidewinder.
  24. Is this the one that Northrop is allegedly converting into their "Strike Black Widow II" proposal?
  25. The Macross World Forum (as it exists today) was launched in early December 2000. I was like number 6 to join! Funny thing was I had just started posting to AFM just a week or two earlier...
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