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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. I think you or one of the others mods need to retitle this thread so there's no confusion on what this subject is about (notice Star Wars is not mentioned). Anyway, it's good to see that Lucas finally saw the writing on the wall and is giving us what we want. But at the same time too, are we going to have a a new DVD of any and all of the Star Wars movies coming out every year now? In 2004, the 2004 SE comes out as a boxset. 2005 - another boxset release of the 2004 SE without the 4th disc from the 2004 boxset. Now the original movies come out including the 2004 SE with them. On top of this, aren't all 6 movies being given some sort of 3D effects for a 2007 theatrical run and I presume a home release afterwards? Ouch!
  2. It's probably like in the case of the "Sled"... the nickname I believe has been used for both the SR-71 and F-105 (though the F-105 was also called the Lead Sled).
  3. Has the full story about this ever come forward? Anyway, thanks for posting these points. Back during the late 40's/early 50's, B-36 Peacemakers often had to lower their altitude and speed because early Air Force and Navy jet fighters had a difficult time intercepting this bomber when it flew over 40,000 feet. This is a case of one aircraft scaling back on its performance and tactics in order to give another aircraft a better chance in making a kill.
  4. Which F/A-18 is suppose to be the "Rhino"? Rhino has long been a nickname for the F-4 Phantom II.
  5. I thought those were AMRAAMs that mysteriously look exactly like Harpoons (Harpoons with their large anti-ship warheads at least make more sense than AMRAAMs). I own a copy of ID4 that I got in college, I used to put it on when I had to write a paper. It was actually vastly more entertaining when most of my brain power was tied up writing the paper. 396379[/snapback] I just wish for once these Hollywood producers would just do a tad bit of research when putting these movies together. I remember after ID4 came out and talking to some Hornet pilots at the 1996 Offutt air show - the issue of the Harpoons being called AMRAAM's was discussed and I think I even recall one of them talking about the HUD displaying a Mach 3.5 airspeed.
  6. Nintendo 64 = Ultra 64 = Project Reality (Ultra 64 was the final name, but due to some legal issue in Japan or parts of Asia, the Ultra name couldn't be used and in the end Nintendo decided to use the same name for all markets) Gamecube = Dolphin Wii = Revolution The thing in the Wii/Revolution's case is that Nintendo has been showing the system for a year now and has had the name "Revolution" slapped on to it all the time and the gaming public has had all this time to absorb that in as being the identity of the system. That is where I think Nintendo has made a mistake. But as for the name "Wii" itself, though it sounds pretty silly and people are going to be having lots of fun with its name (lots of play on words, penis and urine jokes, etc.), one has to give Nintendo credit for coming up with a name that now has the gaming community talking about their system like crazy.
  7. Nintendo Revolution renamed "Wii" (pronounced "we"). And here's Nintendo's announcement. So if Wii does bad in sales, Nintendo's detractors will say, "...and Nintendo cried wii, wii, wii all the way home!" Unique name, but since the Revolution name has been pushed for a year now and even has had a physical case that has been publicly been shown with it, I think it's a mistake to change the name after the gaming public has had a year for the name Revolution to sink in.
  8. I think the title of this thread is misleading. Most of the talking in the interview is done by Tommy Yune. The main parts where I heard Kevin speaking was regarding some of the distribution issues and history of Robotech and also their cellular phone plans. I have met both Tommy and Kevin before and have had quite a few phone conversations with Kevin over the years so I know what they sound like. Though the GATV guy stumbled around a little bit at times confusing Macross with Robotech and vice versa (but he would either catch himself or Tommy would), I thought it was a pretty good interview.
  9. There was a Robocop vs. Terminator comic by Dark Horse, so be careful what you ask for. The first AVP I enjoyed more then the last two Alien movies and the second Predator movie and thought that AVP was an okay popcorn action movie, but this sequel looks a lot less promising then the first... Either AVP should have been a complete stand alone film or the sequel should have been set in the future like in the original comic book or the original AVP submitted script from 1991.
  10. Dave, you might be interested in this story since it should mean quieter 360's.
  11. Good news for US Gundam fans! Mobile Ops: One Year War coming to US later this year.
  12. Since this is aviation related, I'll post it here: Legendary test pilot Scott Crossfield killed in plane crash. A few hours ago it was being posted on news sites that his private Cesna was missing but it was unknown if Crossfield was unboard. But now it has been confirmed that the first man to break Mach 2 is dead. BTW, some sources are reporting he was the first man to also break Mach 3 which is incorrect. It was an X-2 that first broke Mach 3 piloted by Mel Apt and Apt died on that flight.
  13. Not sure how many surpassed 300, but the greatest German ace of WWII and greatest ace of all time is Erich Hartmann. Unlike some German aces who I think had kills going back as far as Spain 1936 when Germany helped the facist government gain control there, Hartmann's 352 kills were all done during the last three years of the war. Undoubtedly, this is a feat that will probably never be beaten.
  14. After the last match, my friend Mike and I stood on the northwest corner of the Qwest Center watching some of the wrestlers and other WWE stars drive by or be escorted. Here's a run down of some of who I saw. Arn Anderson - first guy we saw. Maria - she was driving by herself. We waved to her and she waved backed; then she slid down a little deeper in the driver's seat! Virtually every wrestler that we saw driving a rental car or SUV was talking into a cell phone. If they were really talking or just using this as a security blanket of sorts, I don't know. Val Venus - Where's your sling, Val? Edge - Someone walking in front of his vehicle while he was waiting to turn left realized it was him and took his picture. All the while Edge pretended the guy wasn't there. Sgt. Slaughter, Gerald Brisco, and Pat Patterson were in one car together - Slaughter waved back and gave us a thumbs up. Definitely one of the best responses of any of the WWE guys at that intersection. Spirit Squad - in several vehicles. Shelton Benjamin - While the light was still red(and it had been red for a while), Benjamin just darted out in the middle of the street and made a left hand turn. No one was bothering him or anything. Prick! Lillian Garcia - She gave a quick smile and waved back to us. A black limo and a white limo - we presume Vince was in the one and HHH and Stephanie were in the other. My friend Mike, who is an actor at a local theater, performed his own immitation of how Vince walks around these days. I wonder what Vince thought? HBK - see a page back for the full story. It wasn't my idea but we tracked some of the wrestlers back to the Double Tree Hotel here in downtown Omaha. Goldust did sign a number of autographs and was talking about how him and Booker T were going to be teaming up again... their segment together on Wrestlemania the next weekend seems to give creedance to that. I missed out talking to him and getting my picture with him, but I got a shot of him and a few other wrestlers leaving in a van. I did get a picture with Matt Striker... didn't even knew who he was until that night, but I can say that I had my picture taken with a WWE personality. *********************** It was my first WWE/F event to attend in well over a decade and it was a fun evening. The next time RAW or Smackdown are in town, I just might go.
  15. "You've got no chance (duhdada, duh, duh, duhhh) no chance in hell..." Last match, John "Ice, Ice, Baby" Cena vs. Vince McMahon while HHH and HBK were hancuffed to the sides. Of course HHH got uncuffed and all hell broke loose. HBK got hit by both HHH's hammer and Vince's chair. Cena was taken out by HHH's hammer and was bleeding all over.
  16. What? That I'm perfectly secure with my heterosexuality and that I can laugh at sh!t like this? And what other "gay" pics have I posted? BTW, did anyone go to UFC 59 in Anaheim this past weekend? 392220[/snapback] I was thinking of that www.exodus.com pic you posted in the Engrish.com thread. BTW, post pictures and stuff relative to the subject your posting in and that isn't going to get the subject closed.
  17. Next up was a Diva match of then Wome's champion Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson vs. Candice and Victoria. Trish won the match and Torrie was letting (I think) Victoria really have it afterwards.
  18. After the whole Flair/Benjamin/RVD thing, Maria cam out for the Kiss Cam portion of the show. The scary part was when the camera showed backstage and Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson started to embrace and looked like they started to kiss... even scarier is Pat Patterson probably liked it! Immediately afterwards, Val Venus, Eugene, and Viscera took on the Spirit Squad. During the match, Val "hurt his arm"... later when I saw him driving away from the Qwest Center, he looked perfectly okay. By this time my batteries started to run out and I had to conserve my batteries for the last few matches.
  19. Dude, since you're posting all these gay related pics, aren't you saying something about yourself. Anyway, time to post some remaining pictures from three weeks ago. First of which "Whooooo!!!!!!!!" After Ric Flair came out to talk about the Money in the Bank match for was confronted by IC Champion Shelton Benjamin. After Benjamin attacked Flair and had the the advantage, RVD came in for the save. Of course, Flair attacked RVD afterwards.
  20. There wasn't any signs that their conversation were being evesdropped on. Unless he pulled a disappearing act so he wouldn't have to talk to Martha Logan. Still got my fingers crossed that Peter Weller at some point will wear some sort of body armor that is painted silver and makes him look a little bit like Robocop.
  21. It isn't just Catholics, but I'm pretty sure a lot of Christians (BOTH Catholic and Protestant) that are probably not too happy about what was in this episode including me.
  22. My friend Mike, who was with me for RAW three weeks ago, is down in St. Louis right now and was at RAW last night. Gotta find out how things went. I'll try to post some of my remaining pictures from RAW 3 weeks ago when I get home tonight.
  23. Dude, you must have a REALLY noisy system. In my case, my system sits on a printer cart in front of my entertainment unit. I sit up in my recliner a few feet in front of it. Occassionally I'll here the drive making noise, but it's never enough to be a distraction. Hope you have a new system when Over G Fighters comes out!
  24. Whatever noises my 360's DVD drive makes I usually just ignore or space off because my stereo system drowns it out. But if you're in an environment where you can't turn your sound system up to high, I can understand about it possibly being an annoyance. BTW, my 360 is approaching it's 5 month anniversary.
  25. Not to mention that the episode of "Doan's Island" was left off (Tomino though the US market could do with out it) and after the 3rd DVD, they started using the Cartoon Network opening and closing instead of the Japanes opening and ending.
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