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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Apollo Leader

    Graham's Sig

    1/60th scale YF-21 would be my first guess. Second guess is the long awaited SDF-1 Macross toy. "Super Dimension Fortress" rammed together as one word would be 22 letters... maybe Graham meant to put in one more underscore! Seriously, one of the biggest disappointments about the last 6-7 years of Macross goodness from Yamato, Toynami, and Bandai has been the lack of an SDF-1 toy. Especially a transforming one! The ship transforms and it's the friggin' namesack of the show to begin with!
  2. Here's probably just what you're looking for and GameStop carries it: Xsata Xbox 360 Data Transfer Kit.
  3. Just got the e-mail from GameStop a little bit ago so it is now official.
  4. Hey you found it. Hopefully we don't have connection or hosting problems again.
  5. PS3 viral web code cracked
  6. Wii preorders at GameStop/EB Games tomorrow (Friday).
  7. Time to rape some bandwidth of my of my own! (Nice pictures, Jeremy!) Here's a few of the 1100+ pics I took at the Guardians of Freedom air show a few weeks back. I started another thread for this subject though I'm not sure if I'll have time to post more pictures. The pictures that are like 1024 x 683 pixels were directly reduced from their original 3456 x 2304 pixel size. Pictures that are any other size are crop jobs.
  8. The game is so far away from release that is is indeed only speculation, but it has been said that major productions like Metal Gear Solid 4 could end up selling beyond the price of "standard" PS3 games (not including any special edition version with extra goodies).
  9. A mix of good/bad news for Sony/PS3 - Research Findings Put PS3 Way Ahead One interesting thing from the study: The research also found that despite all of the bells and whistles of PS3 and Xbox 360 with next generation DVD capabilities, online gaming and downloadable content, the key driver for consumers purchasing a new console was the games, especially exclusive games. As for a little something that could potentially effect the PS3 in the future - Sony Debt Rating takes a hit.
  10. How did you come up with the numbers? It's hard to believe that the libraries for each of those systems could fit onto one DVD (maybe TG16). But regardless of whether the Wii has a 1GB or just a 512MB flash drive, it would be a good idea to buy one or more additional memeroy cards.
  11. Hey where's some of your Tomcat Sunset pictures? I posted some pictures of the jet powered Shockwave truck over in the Transformers movie thread and actually convinced a person or two that that was the new design for Optimus Prime! I took over 1,100 digital pictures at the Guardians of Freedom airshow a few weeks ago... a quarter of those pictures where of the Blue Angels! Before I post them, I have to go back through and pick a few select pictures and either reduce or crop them so they are just 100-200k or so instead of being 2-4MB.
  12. I've noticed that "ripping" sound when it comes to like the F-14A+/B/D (RIP) and their F110 engines along with a few other aircraft.
  13. And in a few weeks more weeks when the system comes out, you'll be forking out $400+ more (remember sales tax, games, controllers, etc.) so it will mean 3 or less Yamato YF-19's for you! Congratulations to all who were able to preorder a PS3!
  14. Before too many people fall for my trick... Les Shockley's Shockwave and Super Shockwave. I saw Shockwave perform for the first time at an air show a little over two weeks ago. That was friggin' awesome seeing a large semi truck rippin' down the runway a at a few hundred miles per hour.
  15. I think Symphony is slated for early 2007. Based off of what is on xbox.com, I suspect that Contra will be out in the next few weeks. Remember this is arcade Contra, NOT the NES version.
  16. Okay fanboys! Michael Bay has heard your pleas and has gone back and redesigned Optimus Prime! Instead of flames painted on the sides, the new Prime will spit flames out of his smoke stacks and THREE LARGE AFTERBURNING JET ENGINES!!!
  17. This has been going on too long, but I've got to say it, Commercial aircraft/airliners = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............. But I guess when in Rome, do as the Romans do, so whenever I get the pictures I took at the air show at Lincoln a few weeks ago I did get some pictures of commercial airliners landing on the adjacent runway.
  18. Lucky stiff! In my case last year with the 360, I had mine completely paid off with store credit like two months in advance at a local video game store (as in a local game shop, not a chain like GameStop). On the day of the system release, I just went to work as usual, got off at 4:30 as usual, and went in and out of the store with my 360 like it was no big deal. Nice and relaxing. But at the same time too, it was a lot of fun getting my PS2 at midnight with 50-100 people at the local Babbage's/GameStop back in October 2000; there was food and drinks, hey it was one big party! After getting a whole bunch of game systems, including PS1 and 2, at launch, the PS3 launch is one system launch I'm REALLY glad to be passing up. For all who get the PS3, let us know what you think.
  19. Back to the issue of Wii memory, I was told by one of the guys I know at the local Gamestop I frequent that the Wii has 1 GB of internal flash memory.
  20. Xbox 360 owner in Italy selling 360's hard drive (with all of its game saves and downloads) and his personal Gamertag on eBay. So far the auction has busted $5,000!
  21. The game is way early in the development process to know for sure what kind of game or content will be in it. The thing to know is that more Halo goodness is on its way even if Master Chief's story may end with Halo 3.
  22. I think the Wii uses SD flash cards and you probably save the games on to there. Nintendo probably uses the same technology so that when a person downloads a game, picture theme, or some other service, it will remember the console ID number and those games saves can only be played on that console (that's if your system isn't online and of course you would need to be using your own "gamer tag").
  23. As the guy who started this thread, Mike is more then welcome to voice his opinion, pro or con. I enjoy hearing what Mike has to say about video games and the video game industry and hope he continues to post here. Notice that Mike says he will probably get the system once it has become more affordable, the system has been manufactured for a while (and thus more reliable), and the right combination of games comes out. I am sort of taking the same position, though in my case my 360 will probably remain my primary system since I really only have the time and money to support one console (hey, I'm 33) and the 360 has the games I am looking forward the most to these days. I am hoping Sony the best and maybe someday I will get the PS3. But with Sony's past record with the PS1 and PS2 having problems, multiple delays, a high price tag (great deal for all the technology, but high for a game console), trying to force their own alternative DVD format on the public (the public isn't chomping on the bit to rebuy their movie collections in a marginally better technology format), lack of a rumble feature (they announce different stories on why the feature was taken out almost each week now), very bad PR, and so on, it is wise to keep a healthy skeptism especially when making a $600 home entertainment purchase.
  24. I posted all this news and excitement back on page 32: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...6743&st=620 Besides the Halo Wars RTS, Peter Jackson will also be involved with a Halo universe based game (besides the Halo movie he is producing).
  25. Did the US Gundam vs Zeta Gundam have online components accessable? Even if Japanese PS1 and 2 games remain unplayable on a "regular" PS3, it good to see that it may be a lot easier to play import games on the PS3 then past or other current generation systems.
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