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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. The link still works, but if I do a search on Walmart's search engine, it doesn't bring up the PS3 system or PS3 bundles. And in other news... Only 150,000 to 200,000 PS3's available for US launch??? Since the whole "North American" launch is suppose to be 400,000, I don't know how many PS3's were suppose to have been allocated to the US, Canada, or anywhere else come this Friday. But with the recent announcement of Gamestop/EB saying that they were unable to fullfill all their preorders and were even asking employees to pass on getting their systems for now, I am going to have to say that 400,000 is probably not going to be the case this Friday or weekend. For about a week or so, some companies like EA have been projecting that only 500,000 - 800,000 PS3's will hit North America by the end of the year (again don't know what the break down per country will be).
  2. For years I had heard about there being footage of Luke watching the opening battle with his long range binoculars so this was the first time I ever got to see that (unfortunately it's a grainy black and white image and they used audio from the Star Wars radio adaption). So far I've watched the first 12 parts.
  3. I see it has already sold out. After the early adaptors and technophiles get their fill of this system, it will be interesting to see how well the PS3 does during the next 12 months. Using the $300 benchmark of the PS1 in 1995 dollars, the PS3 (60GB) would have been worth like $450+; when the Saturn was launched at $399, it pretty much sold out to hard core gamers and early adaptors, but it eventually went down in flames with the system pretty much dying out just 3 years later. To those thinking of getting a Blu-Ray movie player (including the PS3) or an HD-DVD movie player, I hope it gets through enough people's skulls that it's not worth it unless you have an HD television to show the image on. Just a few more days until all the fun and excitement begins!
  4. Just looked at gamestop.com and it looks like the game is shipping as we speak.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y22kkHBEndk...ted&search= This is just a link to the trailer on You Tube, but much of the production is in multible sections on You Tube and is available for download elsewhere.
  6. COD3 is worth checking out, too.
  7. Just a few more hours 'till launch. Wonder how many horror stories of people being beaten up, robbed, or even killed over getting a PS3 in Japan?
  8. You must be talking about the 2-player online co-op. So far I've just played the 1-player game. I haven't played Contra in any form in quite some time and I don't think I ever had much of a chance to play the arcade version back in the day so this was definitely unique to play it (tried it both classic and enhance). Last night I finally got COD3 and GOW. Being a BIG fan of COD2, I spent like 2+ hours with COD3.... it is going to be hard to go back to COD2, at least for a while. Very awesome game. Treyarch did a very nice job with this incarnation. Can't wait to get this game played though. The XBL game is great... up to 24 players in a game, driving around in tanks and other vehicles and blowing stuff up... As for GOW, by the time I got to it, it was time to go to bed so I only had about 20 minutes to play around with it. I will say that the amount of graphic detail in this game is INCREDIBLE and that's with my 9 year old 25 inch TV. Can't wait to get an HD TV! The Xbox 360 has a real winner with this title. Also picked up the Sega Genesis Collection for the PS2 last night. All-in-all, a very good day to be a gamer.
  9. I have to say that I like the PS3's overall appearance compared to the PS2. But yet, it does kind of look like a George Foreman Griller. And that it uses the exact text font from the Spiderman movies I think is stupid. BTW, for months now I keep hearing all these references of Ken Kutaragi and giant grabs for months now. What was the significance of this? Is this Ken's own "It's Ridge Racer! Riiiidge Racer!"?
  10. 1/100th scale Valkyrie Series 2 update on Toynami's website - 10/20/06. Looks like the VF-1J's are coming soon.
  11. I should have been picking it up today with Call of Duty 3, but due to some shipping snafu, only one of the area Gamestop's got GOW, but I figure I will go ahead and pick up COD3 tonight so I can concentrate on that and then pick up GOW tomorrow night and focus on that. Oh yeah, Contra is up for downloading, too! So many games, so little time...
  12. Popular Science's Best of What's New 2006 Award goes to Nintendo Wii. Remember when videogames were fun? When the controllers had only a couple buttons and you didn’t have to spend an hour learning the seven-step finger dance for “walk?†Nintendo does, so it took a step back, looked at its superpowered competitors, and took a totally different path with its new console, Wii (pronounced “weâ€). Nintendo’s processor is 75 percent slower than an Xbox 360’s. The company decided that gamers didn’t need to pay extra for photo-realistic renderings of its iconic talking mushrooms. Instead it reimagined the controller, introducing a three-axis accelerometer that transforms your hand motions into in-game action, so you really play the games. In Wii Tennis, for example, swing your hand just as you would a racket. In Excite Truck, hold both ends of the controller as if it were a steering wheel. And look out for that tree, because, photo-real or not, these games will draw you in.
  13. Legendary... indeed! Gamestop has revealed what the Halo 3 Legendary pack will look like. Put my money down for it yesterday. Gonna be a long wait!
  14. Contra is out this week! ... so is Gears of War and Call of Duty 3 and a bunch of other great games. The next few weeks will be pretty big for video gaming.
  15. A Castlevania movie is in the works too by that Anderson guy responsible for Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, and Alien vs. Predator. At least its not Uwe Boll! As for Halo, its got a good story and I think it has the potential to have a good movie adaption. At least Bungie and Microsoft are trying to make sure it is done right.
  16. Working just fine.
  17. Just a little update. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?_d...rp=15&iht=n Boxset Volumes 6, 7 and 8 have now been reduced to $14.99 apeiece not only through bestbuy.com, but also at the stores! I picked up all three volumes last night. All said and done I was able to get Volumes 1 and 3-8 for a total just under $100. Not too shabby I say. Since I was ordering Macross Vol. 5 through bestbuy.com this morning, I went ahead and ordered Boxset 2 of Gatchaman even though it was $22.99... cannot understand why the first few volumes have remained at $20+ even though they've been out for almost a year and a half unless the first few were the biggest sellers. Probably will wait for Volume 9 to drop in a few months.
  18. The big question once again... will Igloo see a US release??? The Zeta movies are suppose to come stateside so hopefully MS Igloo will, too.
  19. Has anyone seen the Virtual Console list for Japan? Besides the games being priced better, there's a lot of great SNES games (like Link to the Past) that will be available for Japan during the next few months that won't be available here in the US. And a lot of these games were big sellers in the US back in the day. I wonder what's up with that?
  20. In the early 80's, the guy who did all the mobile suit designs for the original Gundam series went back and did a series of artworks known as Mobile Suit Variation (MSV). Besides depicting mobile suits that didn't make the final TV cut (if Gundam had gone to 52 episodes, there had been additional mobile suits planned), alternate variants and paint jobs of some of the existing suits. This included "real type" paint jobs. BTW, still waiting for BBTS to do another 40% sale on the Jumbo Grade figures so I can get Char's Zaku II and the Real Type Gundam!
  21. It's been awhile since I've seen Char's Counterattack all the way through, but there was a scene in which Char's Sazabi gave some other mobile suit a high kick just like that (may have been the final battle between Amuro and Char).
  22. I was looking for you in the show last night. Do you remember seeing any camera guys or crew from the History Channel there? It was a good show. Still hard to believe that the Tomcat is gone. The last of Grumman's US Navy "cats" is now history. Also hard to believe that it was 20 years ago in late October 1986 that I went and saw Top Gun twice during that week!
  23. It's Wednesday and today... all three SKU's for Halo 3 go up for preorder at Gamestop/EB! And the game is probably a year away still. It's going to be a long wait!
  24. Never have played a FPS with a keyboard. I've seen my brother play PC FPS with a keyboard for years, but to me it looks cumbersome as hell. Isn't it pretty easy to hit the wrong key during the middle of battle? BTW, I haven't tried a mouse yet, but USB keyboards (wired or wireless) do work with the 360. Makes life a lot easier typing messages to people or just typing period on the 360.
  25. Volume 6 is now out. I snagged mine at Suncoast on Sunday; combination of it being on sale for $19.95 and my 10% discount I got it after tax for a grand total of $19.25. Ironically, I still don't have Volume 5 yet! Never showed up at Best Buy and never saw it at Suncoast. Probably order it online this week.
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