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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Added you to my friends list while on xbox.com, but I'm not sure if it automatically sent you a friend invite or not. Friday looks good right now. How about 8:00 central time? I'll create a player game right about that time and I'll send you all invites so make sure to be online before 8:00 central! If it would work better for a majority of people to play on Saturday night instead, let me know. I got my Headshot achievement tonight... 2 to go!
  2. Go My Way! Someone took the Japanese version of the Xbox 360 2007 WWE Smackdown vs RAW game, used the character creator feature to recrate some of the characters for the Japanese 360 game The Idolm@ster, and made this little movie!
  3. There better be a Snake Eyes!
  4. Okay, there's one! How about Friday or Saturday evening? Looks like both evenings are free for me. As for Halo 3, I registered too, but so far I haven't gotten the invite. Might try the "3 hours of Halo 2 route" when February 1st rolls around.
  5. I just realized last night that a bunch of Macross Worlders with 360's and GOW should have a big get together one of these evenings and play some Player matches together. Anyone interested??? Reply here or message me through your 360. Or for those wanting to do some Rank matches together, I can send out an advanced notice on what time, number of matches, and stage I'll be playing.
  6. Go My Way! Someone took the Japanese version of the Xbox 360 Smackdown game, used the character creator feature to recrate some of the characters for the Japanese 360 game The Idolmaster, and made this little movie!
  7. Over the next two days or so, those who were picked to be part of the Halo 3 multiplayer beta will be getting an e-mail. After this, there will be two more ways to be part of the beta and that's play Halo 2 on your 360 on Xbox Live for 3 hours or more on Feb. 1-3 and then apply or get the specially marked copies of Crackdown. In Gears of War developments, I'm now up to 45 of 49 achievements. Just need about a dozen more headshots for that achievement, should be close with the sniper achievement, need about 40 more hosted matches to get that one. "Seriously..." I need about 7,800 more kills!
  8. Too bad about Bam Bam. A few weeks from now, Smackdown will be shot here in Omaha. Looks like my firned Mike and myself might be going. Also it looks like we'll be going down to Kansas City in early March to see Ted Dibiase at an appearance for his ministry at a church down there (http://www.heartofdavidministry.com/index.php?s=Events&s1=ViewEvent&s2=&event_id=151). Of course Ted has roots back up here in Omaha and I believe he was born here, too.
  9. Actually that happened in season 1... Lou Diamond Phillips played an Army officer in charge of guarding that Serbian general!
  10. Probably most everybody has seen it by now, but Jack Bauer's brother is that bald nerdy guy who was behind that cartel of businesses/industries backing the Logan presidency last season!!! When Joel Sernow and company were doing last season, I wonder if they knew all along that this mysterious guy would turn out to be Jack Bauer's own brother? Besides Jack's wife and daughter, the show has never elaborated about the rest of Jack's family, until now.
  11. Erik, so far most of the 1/48th scale comparison picks have been between the VF-1 and other existing 1/48th scale models and toys of real military aircraft so this is definitely different seeing one of these toys in an actual scale setting. Macross and O scale train sets... what do your fellow O scale enthusiasts have to say about your Macross hobby? Maybe you should make part of the set you guys have going to incorporate a little air base for your VF-1's.
  12. Was it on Letterman or Conan O'Brian that has the nerdy black guy and his Recliner of Rage and a few years ago he was railing against all the different Robotech DVD's out there? Guess there's one or more Robotechies working on the late night TV shows!
  13. There is one thing, JUST ONE THING, that needs to be done to make this movie perfect. The opening credits start and you hear a slow drum beat start up - Thump... Thump... Thump...Thump... Thump... (Guitar) BWAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM (Iron Man movie title appears on the screen and of course you hear - ) I - AM - IRON - MAN BWAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM Of course I'm talking about using Black Sabbath's Iron Man as the theme song. At the VERY LEAST it's got to be somewhere in the ending credits. Yeah, yeah, I should probably get back to work!
  14. Kojima has stated that they should be able to get MGS4 running on the 360. He's also expressed his displeasure with Sony not supporting rumble any more. I lost interest in the series after the PS1 game, but I might give this one a spin if it's on the 360.
  15. There's an article circulating out on the net right now which shows which of the new systems is the loudest and oddly enough it's Nintendo's Wii, especially its disc drive, which is the loudest of the three systems! As for Gears of War, for the most part its played just fine on my 360. But what's most annoying is that friggin' patch they put out a few weeks ago. Up to that point, there had been virtually no lag or connection issues playing the game, but ever since there are quite a few matches where you get the connection error message which causes everybody to stop playing, but usually after a second or two the message will disappear. Also about two weeks ago when I was playing online, my game all of a sudden blacked out and I think I had 4 red ring quadrants on my 360. I think there may have been a brief power surge or something so I hope this wasn't a sign of my second 360 going on the fritz. Over two weeks later, the system seems to have been playing just fine. In other Gears news, last night I got the Boomshot achievement leaving me just 5 more achievements to go! Got Lost Planet over the weekend so I would like to get to that soon, but I would also like to really get back to playing through COD3 and finally getting back to GRAW before GRAW 2 comes out. So many games so little time!
  16. Iran trying to get F-14 parts and other US military gear. On the updated episode of Modern Marvels on the History channel having to do with the F-14 Tomcat, this whole very issue is addressed of Iran very much wanting to get their hands on all the parts, instruments, etc. being taken from scrapped F-14's.
  17. For those wondering, Curtiss is indeed dead. On the official site for 24, when you go to the Season 6 bio for Curtiss they have "DECEASED" stamped over his picture. Unlike a lot of the other characters' deaths on the show regardless of how unexpected or tragic (ie. David Palmer, Edgar, Tony and Michelle), at least they were done by the bad guys. one could feel that there was a sense of purpose of their deaths in how it would carry the story, and ultimately a satisfactory retribution would take place (namely Jack offing the said bad guys). Here, this death was very sickening and tragic. What can be done to repay Curtiss' death? Curtiss had every right to want that "former" terroist dead or to pay in some way for what he did to Curtiss and his unit during Desert Storm. I have a feeling that our terrorist-turned-good-guy is not all that he is cracked up to be. I will guess right now that Jack may ultimately have to kill this guy. As for Wayne Palmer... Wayne Palmer < David Palmer 'Nuf said. And just how many more David Palmer siblings are going to materialize?
  18. The original Patriot was a late 60's/early 70's design intended primarily to knock down conventional aircraft and I believe that it used a proximity fuse warhead in order to make its kill. For what it did and accomplished during Desert Storm was above and beyond was it was designed and intended to do... taking out out a tactical ballistic missile on a reentry trajectory. I'm not sure how much the current PAC-3 shares physically with the original, but for all practical purposes it is a totally different missile. The original Patriot was a simple looking rocket with clipped delta fins. The current generation Patriots look for more exotic in design.
  19. I wonder what it would take to resurrect the anti-satellite missile tested out on the F-15 back in the 1980's and modify it for this purpose. I wonder if the Phoenix could be modified for this role (a navalized F-15 carrying Phoenix missiles as an alternative to the F-14 was proposed at one time). Anyway, good to see that the F-15 could yet see some sort of anti-missile/anti-satellite role.
  20. I hope you guys there in the LA area are wearing lead underwear and 3000 SP suntan lotion! Since the nuke went off in Valencia, this is where Macross World's own Kevin Lam of the Valkyrie Exchange lives... Harmony Gold is using Muslim extremists to take out one the main sources of Macross goods us Macross Purists have been using for years... sorry, I couldn't resist. Seriously though, what is happening so far this season is a very believable set of scenarios that may very likely happen in the very near future. Just this first set of four episodes has nearly trumped every other season in 24's history, with the possible exception of Season 2.
  21. I finally got Volume 7 last weekend. I myself got as far as Volume 2 last spring and haven't finished up the rest of the set. Just way too much going on in my life this past year. Hopefully I'll tackle the ADV Macross set along with the Gatchaman DVD set sometime on the months ahead.
  22. I've been joking around for the longest time that Jack Bauer is invincible because he's a vampire and that The Lost Boys is about Jack Bauer's youth... last night was the proof! Hey, does anyone remember from Season 1 when Lou Diamond Phillips was on one or two episodes? When Keifer and Lou are having their gunfight, they should have played Bon Jovi's Blaze of Glory as the background music! Along with having Robocop and Samwise on last season, this is why this is the greatest show on TV EVER!
  23. Just finished up the show an hour ago (central time). Awesomeness has returned to TV! But considering all that Jack went through during his one to two years he was held captive in China and now all of a sudden returning to killing people and breaking their will's on a dime, and all the other $hit he's been through during all these episodes, how much can one man, even Jack Bauer, can take? Based off what the preview for tomorrow showed and a little snippet I read (I stopped before I read the specifics), I think poor Jack will have a total breakdown tomorrow night. But so far, it looks like this is starting off to be a great season of 24.
  24. I do. I have the rerelease of the RX-78-2 (Blue Box) and the Real Type Zaku II (Green Box). I have never taken them out of the box, but they're just so cool to have. They're just so, well, big! Definitely status symbol items to add to one's Gundam collection. I was able to snag both for a $120 apiece a year ago this month.
  25. Turns out the award was for the Dualshock! http://kotaku.com/gaming/top/sony-whoops-d...emmy-227799.php
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