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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. I saw those DVD's at Wal-Mart some time ago. I thought they were just some long forgotten animes from the 70's that some company here in the US bought the rights to on the cheap and released in English. For a buck apiece, I might have to check these out! Now if only Space Gandam V could be released in this manner.
  2. Milk, if you need someone to help you get your Dom achievement on GOW or just need co-op help beating the game on the harder levels, let me know. Ditto if you want some vs. play. As for Crackdown, as soon as I can pull myself away from going for 10,000 kills on GOW, I'll give that a spin. Still need to get back to playing Lost Planet, COD 3, GRAW, DOA4, et al some day...
  3. It was a spur of the moment thing. He was in a Player match and I had just fired up my 360 and was just firing up the game when I got an invite. So how does 10:00 Central time Friday night work for everyone? I'll start a Player match and invite all Macross Worlders that I see.
  4. Regarding the pricing of Yamato's stuff, regarding something like the new YF-19 which has had a long and costly development and released in probably limited numbers, I can understand why its costing what it is, but in the case of their 1/48th VF-1's, it blows me away that these things have gone up in price when they continue to make virtually the same exact product fo almost 5 years straight. The only thing that really differs with the Stealth VF-1J (regular and Super), the Low Viz 2 VF-1A, the Kakizaki VF-1A, and the Angelbirds VF-1A is the paint job! After the Hikaru Super VF-1J came out 3 years ago, I did not buy another 1/48th VF-1 until I scored a brand new, never been opened, Low Viz 2 VF-1A for just about $85 total off of eBay back in August. Unless I can get Yamato's stuff cheap off of eBay or someone's clearance, my Yamato Macross collecting is on hold. Just too expensive and getting to be too many horror stories of people's toys breaking.
  5. A few things from last night's episode: 1) After securing his nephew's release, Jack's dad spares Jack probably because he knows that Jack probably has the best chance at resolving the shi..., er, stuff , that's taken place. Which leads to... 2) The return of former president Charles Logan! Obviously the last few years have been hard on him. He looks scruffy and out of shape. 3) Regarding Chloe talking about how Morris didn't "motabilize" the liquor... how could I not help but think back to Bill Clinton and how he "did not inhale?" 4) Looks like Tom Lennox didn't end up being a traitor after all, but can he or someone else stop the assassination of Wayne Palmer?
  6. Those were pretty much my sentiments; I saw Letters last week and Flags back in November.
  7. I would gladly go pick this set up after work, but I can't find it ANYWHERE. Best Buy isn't carrying it, Target isn't carrying it, and most importantly not even the local Suncoast which usually gets virtually every anime title! Guess it might be time to wipe the dust off of my Best Buy.com account... Jason, do you know of anywhere here in Omaha to pick it up?
  8. I've been checking out all these Crackdown videos and it really looks a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I've been focused like a laser beam trying to go for 10,000 on Gears of War... I need about another 6,600 kills! Mechafan/Techghost, thanks for inviting me to play last night. I wish all those kills would have been ranked kills to count for my achievement; I was kicking some serious butt! But, hey, it was a lot of fun.
  9. I didn't find out about the missing Japanese track until right before I bought the first disc. There were probably quite a few other people who may not have found out until it was too late. As for my comments about Macross TV series on DVD vs. First Gundam on DVD, well yeah I know the differences surrounding each of the two series' releases, but I was just trying to point out the irony that we have somehow seen Macross TV already have TWO DVD releases in complete, unedited form DESPITE the licensing mess of the whole franchise unlike Gundam which should have had a straight shot for getting a proper release instead saw the deletion of the original Japanese track, deletion of an episode, and after the third DVD, the original opening and closing sequences were replaced by what was used on Cartoon Network.
  10. Ha, funny stuff! In more serious news, some of the stuff you see going on in 24 is becoming more and more a reality: http://wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=54286
  11. http://www.kryptonsite.com/ Looks like it'll be in 4 weeks. Looks like a few more WWE wrestlers will be appearing as escapees from the Phantom Zone. Looks like poor Chloe will have to put herself on the wall of weird now. I wonder if she'll develope any super powers? I wonder if this signifies that Chloe will be meeting her end soon... since Chloe was created for this show and was never part of original Superman universe, I think something will happen on the show someday to take her out of the picture. Funny how the main two shows I watch, 24 and Smallville, both have a major female character named Chloe who acts as support for the main hero!
  12. Back in July 2001 (almost 6 friggin' years now!) when the first of the English dub only DVD's came out, I think there were a lot of fans that thought it had the Japanese track as well; it turned out to be one of the hottest selling anime DVD's in the US that month. After it was realized the travisity that took place, I don't think any of the subsequent First Gundam DVD's even cracked the top 10. Here's hoping that the full TV series in Japanese can finally see a US release. It's funny how the Macross TV series has now seen TWO complete DVD runs despite all of the licensing nightmare issues the Macross property faces, but yet one of the greatest anime series, Gundam, still hasn't gotten a proper release here in the US! But if this continues to remain in limbo, I'm going to breakdown and get one of the bootleg subbed Gundam sets.
  13. I'm confused... since when does Hasbro have anything to do with the video releases of the Star Wars movies? Isn't that 20th Century Fox? I'll have to wait and see if its worth getting or not. Have my 2004 OT boxset, the individual Episode 1-3 DVD's, and still debating if I'll get the DVD's that have the OT as originally shot. If the set comes with the OT as originally shot along with loads of new extras and cut scenes, that will definitely make it enticing.
  14. No, Graham has to get the reps from Yamato drunk on sake, get them to spill the beans, and then give Graham the okay to post said insider news on Macross World!
  15. Looks like a pretty fit for poor Yang Newman!
  16. Big news! I got my e-mail invite last night to be part of the Halo 3 Beta! I successfully got in 3 hours of online gameplay of Halo 2 between the 1st and 3rd and I was successful in being amongst the first 13,333 to register last week. Looks like I'll be playing Halo 3 in the next few months. BTW, who would be interested in another evening of Gears of War playing later this week? I think either Friday or Saturday evening should work.
  17. Watched the show all the way through once last night along with the first half of the making of documentary. All in all, I thought it was entertaining. Lots of action, the first half hour ties in and gives more detail to that final episode of Robotech/Mospeada, the original cast members have definitely matured in their voice acting capabilities, props for stars like Mark Hamil and Chase Masterson for being brought into the project, and props to Harmony Gold for getting finally making this a reality. It will be interesting to see where this goes next. I say its best to watch this with little or no exposure to the Sentinel comics or the McKinney novelizations. On the negative end, I could have sworn there were "jaggies" in some of the CG, the detail of the CG needs to be bumped up some, there's maybe a little too much fan service with the female characters, and so on. Also, it was very obvious that they went well out of their way to make sure that anything that was Macross related was not discussed specifically or shown.
  18. Almost 3 months after launch, I have yet to see a Wii on display at a store that I can physically pick up and go buy. When I got my Premium 360 back in November 2005, I would not see another Premium 360 on a store shelf until well into the spring of 2006.
  19. I was told a number months back there was a several second clip that was cut from the show because the legal people at Harmony Gold were concerned that there was something shown that was basically too "Macrossy" in appearance or what it was referencing. Because Studio Nue and Big West own the rights to the Macross characters, mecha, and designs, HG has to be careful in what they show in this new series (you won't see any VF-1's or Zentradi Battlepods, the Macross saga characters will look radically different). They are also probably careful in what words they are using (ie. Zentradi/Zentraedi, SDF-1, Macross). I assume Protoculture comes up in The Shadow Chronicles and I guess that is probably okay because "Protoculture" was not one of the things that was part of Big West/Studio Nue's win in court in Japan in 2002.
  20. Haven't had the chance to watch the show yet, but yeah it looks (Robotech) Protoculture has a certain side effect on women's breasts! Not complaining though. But seriously, if we're going to complain about the proportions of the women's breasts, we might as well complain about the over-sized anime style eyes; who has eyes that large in proportion to their heads? Since it is anime style, things are going to be over-exaggerated... ...and perhaps we now know what Tommy's fetish is for.
  21. Awesome! Thanks for the update, Noel.
  22. All animation/cartoons in Japan would be referred to as anime. But when the term "anime" is be being used here in the US and abroad, it is specifically refering or implying to animation originating from Japan.
  23. I went ahead and picked up Shadow Chronicles last night at Best Buy. Curious to see how it turned out and if it's any good at all. But regarding the whole subject of whether RT:TSC is really anime or not, I had a phone conversation with one of the guys involved with the show last week about this VERY same topic matter. Here were some of my points: 1) Production of the show was initiated by a US based company and NOT a Japanese company. 2) Script, story, and art direction are all by non-Japanese. Many of these people are WASP's (White Anglo Saxon Persons/Protestants) and in the case where there were Asian-Americans involved, they were once again non-Japanese (ie. Tommy Yunne who is Korean). 3) The animation work is being done by South Koreans, not Japanese. Though a lot of the grunt work on a lot of true Japanese anime is being done by Korean studios (like DR Movie), the thing is all the art, story, and production is being done by the studios and creators back in Japan so thus it is still truly anime. In the case of RT:TSC, it's an American produced show using some mecha and characters originally created for a Japanese anime (Mospeada) 20+ years ago along with ones created by Tommy et al. Does this mean that RT:TSC is a horrible show? Not necessarily. Unlike the original Robotech series, this an attempt at an original animation production using animation and a story that was specifically created for it. But is it truly anime? I think my points argue that it isn't and that it is less true anime then even the original Robotech series was.
  24. Too bad that Jack's dad turned out to be a scumbag after all (no real surprise), but at least it was good to see that Graem suffered for his sins, though it would have been better if he ended up in a vat of acid like in Robocop! Hopefully someone will come to the quick realization that it was Jack's dad that offed Graem (all alone in the same room, truth serum stuff still sitting in the room etc.). As for Morris' kidnapping, I had a hunch before the end of the show that the person that was to be abducted to arm the remaining nukes was going to be a CTU agent or some other existing cast member.
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