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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. http://roadrunnersinternationale.com/artic...wallstreet.html As it turns out it was aviation author, Lockheed Blackbird enthusiast, and former Minnesota Air Guardsman himself James Goodall, who is one of my favorite aviation authors, that did the "stealing". Basically he took back some of the displays and dials he had personally donated when he was involved in having 128 shipped out to Minneapolis and was involved with its restoration. I can undertand his fustrations and the parts were his to begin with, but when he gave those parts for this A-12, those belonged now to that A-12 regardless where it would be displayed. Though I can fully understand why Mr. Goodall and a lot of the others involved with Article 128 would be upset by what has happened, that there are other A-12's that would be a better choice (from an historic and combat point of view), that 128 will not be viewable up close by the general public once it's at CIA HQ, and from my own point of view this takes away the closest A-12 I can visit, but the bottom line is that the Minnesota Air National Guard Museum (http://www.mnangmuseum.org/) is NOT the greatest place for viewing anyway. Since it's right on Air Guard property, it's not exactly convenient to get to and the museum is only open a few days a month. Right after 9/11, the musuem was closed for awhile since the Air Force took back its old F-89 Scorpion hangers that the museum uses so it could operate F-16's there. When I made my only visit to the museum in August 2003, I had to arrange my visit weeks in advance since the museum wasn't fully open to public. Ironically, even though this A-12 may not be readily accessable to the general public, more people may now have the chance to actually see this A-12 just because of alll the people that work there at CIA HQ. If I get a chance to go see the aircraft and get some pictures, I'll make sure to post them here. I'll try to post some pictures of my 2003 visit tonight.
  2. Well, yeah, he's going to have a lot of his peronallity quirks and stuff, but if you were in Logan's shoes and you were having to deal with your mentally unbalanced ex-wife, not to mention whatever shame he has since a lot of the problems Martha now has are his fault, you would probably be uncomfortable, too. Considering the last thing he says is her name, his thoughts and concerns are towards his wife even though she (apparently) has brought his life to an end. BTW, isn't this like the 4th or 5th time on 24 where somebody important in CTU custody/control gets killed because someone with a beef or vendetta is allowed to be too close to a weapon?
  3. A-12 Blackbird Article #128 here in Nebraska as I speak! The A-12 that was on display at Minnesota Air National Guard meseum is currently enroute to the CIA's headquarters in Langley to be put on display. Sadly, some jerk that was pissed that the aircraft was being taken from the museum, got into the cockpit and stole some of the displays and dials and maybe some other vandalism, too. This was one of the best preserved A-12's in existence. Since Worldwide Aircraft Recovery (http://www.worldwideaircraft.com/) is in Bellevue and that's where the aircraft is as I speak. I have already placed a call to the company and hope to hear back soon on whether or not I'll be allowed to go down and see it and maybe get some pictures. I had the chance to see it when I was up in Minneapolis back in 2003.
  4. TMNT out on XBLA today! I know what I'll be playing tonight.
  5. Awesome! Get some pictures!
  6. After all the weasliness and villainy displayed by Charles Logan during season 4 and 5, I actually felt pretty bad to see him die. He was clearly a changed man. Redemption seems to be a big theme this season, though the counterpoint seems to be that if you take that road there can be a huge price (as in your past sins finally coming back to strike you down once and for all).
  7. Is there anymore information out yet about the 30th anniversary DVD's/set?
  8. Thunderbirds 2086 entry on Wikipedia.
  9. Ahhhh yes, Thunderbirds 2086 and Battle of the Planets (Gatchaman), the two shows that introduced me to anime. It would be awesome if 2086 ever saw a DVD release. Heck, it would be even more awesome if a "Perfect" DVD set with both the original Techno Voyagers (Boyagers) and the 2086 incarnation was released. I can only dream... BTW, didn't Mikimoto do all the character designs?
  10. I picked up my Gunbuster set from the nearby Best Buy (FINALLY got several sets in!) last week. Since I had never watched the series before, the change in the soundtrack in the first episode in Noriko's training scene obviously didn't effect me any; I do have an old used US Renditions VHS tape of the first episode or two so sometime I might go and make a comparison. So far I have gotten half way through and so far I like it. Definitely a classic.
  11. Nied you're in California not Maryland so how is that great for you? Looks like I'll have to go to Oshkosh or Chicago if I want to see a Raptor. It wasn't until 2005 that the Super Hornet appeared at Offutt's show. I wonder how much longer before we get to see the Raptor here?
  12. No matter how much searching online I've done about the YF-23, I can still no definite word on what's really going on with either prototype. A number of sites say that YF-23 #1 has been at the Air Force Museum in Dayton for a while now though I have not been able to find it on any of the museum's list for what aircraft they currently have. As for YF-23 #2, the Western Museum of Flight (http://www.wmof.com/display.htm) has it mentioned that they were expecting their aircraft back from Northrop Grumman by last summer though it appears that's not the case... whatever Northrop did with this aircraft, I hope someone at the company or in the Air Force didn't decide to take the aircraft out for some target practice. If you look to the south and east of where the aleged YF-23 is, you will find what appears to be an F-15 and even a MiG-21 out there! There is supposedly a MiG-29 out there, too (according to someone on the Google Maps message board).
  13. There's no place like Home.
  14. I thought you were Mr. "Unnaturally Sensitive to Quoted Images"?
  15. Feel for ya. My launch 360 pooped out in July after 8 months of heavy use. Fortunately I had gone with the 2 year extended warranty so my refurbished system and shipping and everything was totally for free. My refurbished system has worked fine since August (almost 7 months now). The only other system I ever had problems with was my original PS1 which I got at launch in September 1995. Since you just got the system, you should be covered by Microsoft's warranty which is now for a year.
  16. I believe the "Zephyr" is suppose to be rumored 360 which has an HDMI port and a much larger hard drive.
  17. Talk to me Goose, talk to me Goose... Museum and "JAG" owned F-14's reclaimed by the government. Turns out they weren't properly demilitarized.
  18. It's official, TMNT arcade on 360!
  19. Yeah there was a story in the past 12 months about how a bunch of pictures, movie footage, etc. from the Apollo program is missing. As for the "SDI Satellite", I'm really not really sure what to say. It looks like it's authentic aerospace related gear and the the gold foil would seem to be indicative that this was part of a satellite, but I don't think its an entire satellite; looks pretty small for something that might be for early warning detection, weapon guidance, or as a weapons platform. It would be interesting to find out the true origin and design of that piece of equipment.
  20. Didn't one of Sony's reps just within the last few days say that rumble/force feedback was "last gen" and wasn't part of Sony's future plans? What's he going to say when Dual Shock 3/Sixaxis 2 gets announced in the the not too distant future? Sony should have been honest up front that it was their legal squabble with Immersion instead of constantly sticking their foots in threir mouth about how first they couldn't get rumble to work on Sixaxis or that it was too expensive or that rumble/feedback was "last gen".
  21. Jack Bauer... Otaku style! Some real 24 based commercials Keifer did for Calorie Mate in Japan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QVNu2YOnSw&NR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdWLsw2ulaA...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwX18xLdROY...ted&search=
  22. T-U-R-T-L-E Power, T-U-R-T-L-E Power, T-U-R-T-L-E Power... Pictures have surfaced that Konami may be bringing the original TMNT arcade game to XBLA! But as Joystiq points out, Ubisoft has the rights to the current generation TMNT games so whether Konami could release it right now remains to be seen. After Symphony of the Night, Super Contra, and Rush'n Attack, here's hoping that Turtles in Time, the Simpsons arcade, and the GI Joe arcade game hit XBLA!
  23. Oihan, you're going to see The Who instead of playing with us?!?!? Where's your priorities, man!?!? Seriously, enjoy the concert. I have to run out in a few minutes to do an errand, but I should be back before 10:00, if not, I should be online sometime after 10:00.
  24. Now it just got even more tempting to get a Wii. Hopefully this means we'll see those games (especially Neo Geo) come stateside. Do you know if Metal Slug and Fatal Fury Special ever got released on XBLA in Japan? Seems like Microsoft is really starting to fall behind with XBLA.
  25. Gamestop's website still shows next month, but I extremely doubt it. It's been months since the last time any new pictures or details came out. Hopefully the original Japanese name of the game will be restored to this game, but at the very least I would like to see "Gundam" somewhere in this title. I hope by some chance that the Koei Gundam will get ported to the 360.
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