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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. If Square Enix would space these games like one every three years or so, I think that would keep the series fresh and exciting. After Final Fantasy VI/III, I pretty much lost my enthusiasm for the series; tried twice to play about 15 hours into FFVII, but the environmental wacko story line wasn't my cup of tea...
  2. The gold tinted canopies of stealth aircraft like the F-22, F-117, etc. are intended to keep radar signals from entering into the cockpit which happens to be a big contributor to an aircraft's RCS.
  3. Yeah, I'll probably download that puppy tomorrow. I did have SOTN for my PS1, but I never had the chance to fully play. The achievements are definitely a reason to repurchase this classic.
  4. Virtua Fighter 5 will be out on the 360 this summer so I think its very possible. With the 360 having an installed base of around 10 million or so and with the PS3 having a lot less (2 million?, Sony's been pretty quiet on how many PS3's have sold worldwide at this point), it would make plenty of sense to go multi-platform.
  5. The king of arcade style flight sims, Ace Combat, heads to Xbox 360.
  6. It's been 4 months since the Wii came out and I still have not physically seen a system that I could actually go buy. This news is posted at numerous blogs and news sites, but there is talk going around that Saturn games could be hitting the Virtual Console.
  7. When I first glanced through this I thought this sounded like Seven Cities of Gold which I played quite abit back during 1987-88.
  8. http://roadrunnersinternationale.com/article128.html My pictures are up on the site! Go down to where it does a picture scroll showing A-12 Article 128 being disassembled in Minneapolis and eventually turns into the pictures I took on March 14th. Definitely an honor and privelage to have had an involvement with the Roadrunners official site but to have had the chance to comminicate with some of the pilots and participants of one of the most fantastic and mysterious aircraft ever built.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kglIfooXvQ8&NR Sword? - Check Trenchcoat? - Check Ponytail? - Check Make sure to check out some of Mike's movies, I'm in a few of them, namely THIS one.
  10. Have at you! Castlevania Symphony of the Night, with its Resident Evil quality voice acting, is out on XBLA next week! Now Konami just needs to get Super Contra and Rush'n Attack released...
  11. I received this e-mail from A-12 pilot Ken Collins this morning: Richard, I knew Ben Rich personally. He did not let Jim Goodall in the door. In fact, Goodall was barred from Lockheed. Jim told people that he knew Ben and that he was to be allowed to have pictures and some were "stolen"; some employees were fired. Think about it, The Skunk Works was a highly classified area, mostly at Lockheed's insistence. Goodall had no clearances. Goodall came to my office telling me that he talked to Ben Rich and Bill Park and had their approval. Not so. Since I've been reading Mr. Goodall's books for nearly 20 years and have been somewhat a fan and that he had the credentials of having conducted the first public interview with an F-117 pilot back in 1990, this was pretty shocking and dismaying to hear this. Regardless of how strong or weak of a case the MANG Museum has in keeping this aircraft, Jim Goodall's past and current actions and behavior is a detrament to their cause.
  12. How much does shipping of a 1/48th through HLJ go for?
  13. I don't have time tonight to explain this but I am in touch with TD Barnes of Roadrunners Internationale (he CC'd his e-mail to a half dozen other A-12, YF-12, and SR-71 pilots) and I received an e-mail this evening from Ken Collins who was both an A-12 and SR-71 pilot. Funny thing is that this just started out with me researching the fate of the second YF-23 about 36 hours ago.
  14. Part of the reason you want to stick with guns is because you never know what rules of engagement may be forced on the pilots, ie. forcing the pilots to get in close enough for a visual conformation. And of course guns can be used for both air-to-air and air-to-ground.
  15. Gun-DAMN! ToyboxDX's own Matt Alt and others build Bandai's 1/12th scale, $3,000 RX-78 Gundam. If only I had $3,000 to throw around for one. http://toyboxdx.com/brog/?p=112
  16. Some of the landing gear bay doors, skins, and what appears to be some of the RAM wedges that go into the leading and trailing edges.
  17. Outer engine nacelles and wing tips.
  18. Main landing gear; the upper sections of the landing gear were still attached to the engine nacelle sections.
  19. Left and right engine nacelles.
  20. Okay time for some pictures! First set is the main fuselage which was split in two. That's me in one of the pictures.
  21. I got a bunch of pictures of A-12 128. As soon as I have a chance to get them on my computer and scale some down in size I'll post a few. I struck up a pretty good conversation with the company's vice president and he's promised to stay in touch with me to let me know what happens to the aircraft next. Right now they are waiting to hear from the CIA on what they are suppose to do next. It remains the possibility that it could be heading back to Minnesota.
  22. If you give your fiancee an engagement ring and the wedding gets cancelled, normally one doesn't get the engagement ring back. But in my opinion this hurts Goodall's case because it will put into question on what exactly he took and it makes him look bad. Furthermore by taking his stuff back, that can said that him and his supporters have less of a stake in the aircraft. But I would rather this aircraft have remained out here and I am against mounting rare and historic aircraft up on poles since it involves mutilating the aircraft. Either way its a sad case and the arguments from either side in this matter are reasonable and logical.
  23. Looks like I might be able to go see it! I'm running home to get my camera in a few minutes. If the gates to the place are open when I get down there I'm in business. If not, I might try to get off work early tomorrow or Friday and try again.
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