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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. It's official: 20GB PS3 has been discontinued.
  2. I finished the DVD set up back on Friday. I was definitely impressed and moved by it. The artwork in OVA #5 was totally phenominal. The ending is sad in that everyone and the world that Noriko and Kazumi knew had long since passed away many thousands of years early, but that Jung's promise to her friends was somehow kept by the people of Earth during the next 12,000 years in anticipation of the Gunbuster's arrival was very touching. This ranks up there as one of my anime all time favorites.
  3. Yeah, been meaning to give that a rental. Looks fun.
  4. So you're on vactation during the time the Beta is up and running? That sucks. Crackdown is supposed to be worth playing and at least you'll have 10 days to get a preview of Halo 3 goodness so keep the game I say.
  5. Halo 3. Multiplayer Beta. May 16th.
  6. Regarding Wayne Palmer, looks like we were all wrong though obviously he is in a world of hurt and I see it very likely that he is going to die or at least have to relinquish the presidency at some point.
  7. Looks like the rumors of Kim Raver still being part of the 24 cast after all turned out to be true.
  8. http://au.gamespot.com/news/6168669.html Looks like Frank Welker will be voicing Megatron for the Transformers movie video game, but not the movie itself (Hugo Weaving)?
  9. Sometimes we got game news that's not specific to any particular system, links to game related humor, Macross Worlders wanting to wax nostalgia about classic gaming, and so on and so forth. Obviously these posts wouldn't be appropriate to go into the dedicated threads for the PS3, 360, Wii, PSP, and DS threads or some of the threads we have dedicated to big hits like Guitar Hero, Ace Combat, and so on. I think this is the way to go.
  10. Assault Suit Leynos/Target Earth - Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Assault Suit Valken/Cybernator - Super Famicom/SNES Assault Suit Leynos 2 - Sega Saturn (Japan only) Assault Suit Valken 2 - PS1 (Japan only) With the exception of Valken 2, I've had every one of these games; Leynos 2 is the only one I still have. Leynos 2 is like Cybernator on steroids. Valken 2 I believe was the last game in the whole series and was the first one to go 3D.
  11. Surprised no one has posted this before, but some people have made custom hacks for other songs to be played to either Guitar Hero I or II. My favorite one - One of my all time favorite songs which I would kill to see on a future version of Guitar Hero - And for those wanting to destroy their guitars (and fingers) - and
  12. Guitar Hero II for the Xbox 360 came out yesterday! I picked my copy up along with an extra guitar. A word of warning, though. There are aparently two different models of the same basic guitar; one with the possible foot pedal expansion port near the power cord and one with the port next to the headphone jack. The one with the port near the power cord apparently has been having the issue of the whammy stick being not as responsive as it should. The one that came with my game is this model and even before reading up on Joystiq about this I noticed that I was having some difficulty puting it to use. I think pushing it back to its starting position seems to help so if I can get around this I'll keep it, but its possible I might take it back at some point. Other then that, lots of fun! For those wanting to quickly and easily get the Van Halen achievement, play Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box on easy. It's well over 500 notes long and is pretty easy to play.
  13. Guitar Hero II for the Xbox 360 came out yesterday! I picked my copy up along with an extra guitar. A word of warning, though. There are aparently two different models of the same basic guitar; one with the possible foot pedal expansion port near the power cord and one with the port next to the headphone jack. The one with the port near the power cord apparently has been having the issue of the whammy stick being not as responsive as it should. The one that came with my game is this model and even before reading up on Joystiq about this I noticed that I was having some difficulty puting it to use. I think pushing it back to its starting position seems to help so if I can get around this I'll keep it, but its possible I might take it back at some point. Other then that, lots of fun! For those wanting to quickly and easily get the Van Halen achievement, play Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box on easy. It's well over 500 notes long and is pretty easy to play.
  14. Almost forgot about to post this, so here goes: 24’s Mary Lynn Rajskub Gets Sexy For Geek Monthly
  15. Regarding Wayne's change of heart, I think some of you have forgotten that he was in an induced coma and that it was warned that bringing him out of it could result in brain damage... wasn't most of this episode spent on debating on wether he was fit and capable to be president? Obviously there's a very good chance that he is "not himself", but at the same time something else may have been brought to his attention to have influenced his desicion. Guess we'll have to wait 'til next week! As for the Russian general, that was definitely hardcore that he would have half of his arm amputated like that to get rid of the bug. But considering all the bad stuff he had done, it was a suitable ending for this character. Too bad Jack didn't get to spend some more "quality time" with him, though!
  16. New Halo 2 maps in April! Turns out they can be used by either 360 or original Xbox owners after all.
  17. "Greetings, Mr. Prime!" The voice of Megatron is Hugo Weaving.
  18. I know I pointed this out a few weeks back, but it's funny how the two main shows I watch these days, 24 and Smallville, BOTH have a blond girl named Chloe who act as a major support character to the main male lead (Jack in 24's case and Clark/Kal-El/Superman in Smallville) and their relationship to the main male character is plutonic (though Smallville's Chloe has always had feelings for Clark through out the show's run). Also, both shows started running in 2001.
  19. Based off the fact that you can get even larger USB hard drives for under a $100 (I got a 160 GB hard drive that I can plug into a USB port for under $100 last May), I would think that this new drive could be sold closer to $100, but it is a proprietary design with its own unique functions and production run numbers. As for the Elite itself, though they would have been taking a hit, I would think the Elite should have been sold closer to $400 while the Premium and Core systems would have finally gotten at least a $50 drop in price; this would have put the Core at the same price as the Wii. If the 120 GB drive comes down closer to $100, I think I would strongly consider it. But for now, I think my 20 GB drive will do.
  20. Top 20 Wrestlemania Matches according to IGN.
  21. Looks like there was some chip onboard the drones that were letting the bad guys force their way into CTU's network. Whether they intended to stream through Nadia's computer intententionally or not remains to be seen. But for now it looks like Nadia is in the clear. Also regarding last night's episode, they should have retooled the episode so that Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman could have reprised their roles from Rainman and been the hackers! Instead of counting cards, Rainman has now gone up in the world and is now hacking into computers! When the gunfire started happening, Rainman would have started going into his "V-E-R-N" or "Who's on first" routines. Seriously, at the end of the show I'm surprised the Rainman-wannabe didn't turn out to be putting on some sort of ruse and killed the CTU agent going to take him to his brother at the hospital.
  22. BTW, who's up for some Gears of War later this week or next week?
  23. I got my first system on launch day November 2005. The system was always used and played on top of a computer printer cart. The power brick sat on a flat, wooden floor. After 8 months of use the system slowly died out over a 2 week period. It was during some of the hottest days of last summer here in Omaha (it was around 100 degrees at that time); the south room on the top floor of the house is where I got my TV and game systems and it was probably 10 to 15 degrees warmer up there then it was during the winter. I had the 2 year warranty so everything was covered and I had a refurbished system 3 weeks later. Like my old system, I keep this system on a computer printer cart in the open with plenty of ventillation. The power brick sits on a flat wooden floor also with plenty of ventillation. For the first five or six months, I was using the Nyoko Intercooler, but after I had a 3 red rings incident I think back in January (may have been a power surge), I decided to research a little bit more about the Intercooler and people's testimonies. The big argument against it is that the way you are bypassing the 360's own power input puts an additional strain on the 360's CPU. I stopped using the Intercooler back in January and have been fine since. Besides, if this system breaks down, I don't want to risk nulling my warranty especially if the Intercooler was a cause. Because of Gears of War, I have probably put more hours on my system these past 7 months then I did with my first 360 during its 8 months of use. The main thing for anyone with this system is to keep it cool and well ventilated. Also, and this goes back to when my first system went bad and what the Microsoft reps were telling me, I make sure to turn off my 360 with the power down option on your personal settings side window; doing this instead of using the power button on the machine is suppose to help clear up the systems memory. Other then my one system break down, I have enjoyed my Xbox 360 and the whole 360 experience immensely. I have no regrets picking this over the PS3 (my PS1 and PS2 were my primary game systems over the last 10 years).
  24. Nice job, Grand Admiral! Jetfire was my first introduction to the VF-1 and to the Macross universe back in 1985.
  25. Did you ever get Zero G Fighters? I'm about to take a big break from Gears of War and I've been thinking about putting some serious time in on that one (haven't touched Zero G since like last July!).
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