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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. SNES Controller: The Most Influential Game Pad Ever
  2. Regarding some of the Elite's or any of the 360's malfunctioning, you will find that stuff happening with ANY electronical product. I mean in my own case I had a fan I had gotten two years go bad on me almost immediately out of the box. Right now my refurbished 360 has lasted me a good solid 9 months of pretty heavy usage. My original extended warranty lasts through the end of this year. As soon as these newer, cooler, more reliable 360's come out, I might trade my current one in, maybe for the Elite. Even with the problems I've had and others have had with the 360, its been one of my favorite systems ever and my most favorite gaming experience period.
  3. You forgot Jack's wife, Nina (though since she turned out to be a bad guy, she probably doesn't count), killing the head of CTU in season 3 (Ryan Chapelle?), Curtiss, and a number of innocent civilians Jack had to let perish in order for him to further entrenched with the bad guys (ie. a public power worker in season 2, a prison guard in season three when Jack and that drug lord were forced to play Russian Roulette in prison). It's a wonder that Jack hasn't gone psycho for all he has done, permitted or witnessed!
  4. The blame Heller is laying on Jack is unfair (ie. it's the Chinese fault the Audrey is damaged goods, Audrey took it upon herself to go to China to begin with... did she really think she could have secured Jack's release???), but he is understandably upset and would want to take his daughter away from anyone and anything tied to why she is in her current state of mind. One thing's for sure, some godless Chinese commie ba$tards are going to pay dearly during the next three episodes!
  5. Saw that too. Someone just made an entire video out of the one single image that currently exists of DNF. Watching the 1998 and 2001 trailer, it looked like either game would have been great. Here's hoping that DNF, if ever released, will be something worth purchasing either on PC or console.
  6. Offutt Air Show this weekend! As was to be expected, the Blue Angels had to cancel due to the loss of one of their pilots and Hornets a little over a week ago. Still have the F-16 demo to look forward to and Randy Ball's MiG-17. Another site reports that a B-2 will be doing a flyby of the show. If I got some time, I'll post a few pictures. Hard to believe it's been almost 21 years ago, August 1986, when I attended my first air show here at Offutt. The Blue Angels performed that weekend and it was one of the last shows with their A-4 Skyhawks.
  7. No time to play with myself... Duke Nukem Forever celebrates its 10th unbirthday. Come on 3D Realms, release the damn game already!
  8. I had forgot all about that. Schmups will always be a favorite genre to me.
  9. Top Ten Video Game Series That Fell Off A few personal choices of my own that I can't but help think, "Where did they go to?" would be Rare's Battletoads and Killer Instinct series. A few games that only received one game and never received a sequel that I wish would receive a sequel would include Axelay, Phalanx, and Space Megaforce (all SNES/Super Famicom)
  10. I decided I'm going to pick up some tickets for a Friday evening showing at one of the biggest screens here in Omaha... unfortunately they weren't doing a midnight showing there! But that's okay since that will save me a vacation day or personal time. Can't wait for next Friday!
  11. I got just two words, "Amuro, ikemasu!" Looks like Bandai is going to beat Lucasarts to doing a Beam Saber/Light Saber based game.
  12. After some more digging I found a message board which has a bunch of pictures of the various company TFX proposals. http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...amp;topic=526.0 I forgot that the Boeing design was dual air intakes, not one. Most of these pictures and designs I have seen before, but I think that this is the first time I've seen pictures of Boeing's design in mockup form... there was even a mockup section of a proposed tandem seated version of Boeing's design.
  13. I haven't been able to find any pictures online, but the Boeing design was a swing winger similar in form to General Dynamics design, but one thing that really stood out was its single air intake which was mounted over the fuselage. I've seen pictures of (what I believe was) Republic's TFX design which also a swing wing design though I think the cockpit may have been tandem instead of side-by-side. Found this article in Time's archive about the TFX going back to 1962. Funny how so many of these predictions were so far off... "TFX to be the last manned fighter", "Boeing's Dyna Soar being the way of the future of military combat aircrafct". Also, how many people reading this article would have predicted that the those H model B-52's rolling off of Boeing's production lines would still be in service over 45 years later? http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,829583,00.html
  14. So it's out next Friday. Who's going to see it at a midnight showing or sometime during launch day?
  15. Here's probably the most detailed report about the Blue Angels Hornet that went down and the Blue Angel who appears to be the one who perished: http://www.beaufortgazette.com/breaking_ne...p-5768379c.html In this and some other online reports it is being said that this Hornet may have clipped a tree or power line. My thoughts and prayers go out to the pilot's family and all those involved, namely those who lost their homes. The Blue Angels were supposed to perform here at Offutt AFB two weeks from now...
  16. Did anybody notice that when one of the P-51's crashed into the ground and then one of the crates broke open, low and behold the contents were the Ark of the Convenant (that housed the Ten Commandments) just like in Raiders of the Lost Ark! Also, I wonder if Jay Leno was the model for the German mecha? Other then some of the obvious flaws (ie. mirrored swastika, USAF chevrons on Army Air Corps men), nice film.
  17. Neo Geo games on Wii this summer! Besides all the umpteen million incarnations of King of the Fighters, Fatal Fury, and Metal Slug (don't get me wrong, I enjoy those series especially Metal Slug) here's hoping that titles such as Nam 75, Magician Lord, Sengokou, and some of the shmups that have appeared for the system will make it. I might just have to buy a Wii after all!
  18. I think it was fixed. It was just the tail I think that was damaged.
  19. Even without subs, I would kill for a copy of that on either VHS or DVD!
  20. I got the game when it came out last summer, but unfortunately my first 360 died right when I was getting into it and I have not gotten back to playing since. The thing about games like this, and Aero Elite/Aero Wings/Aero Dancing is that you have to be a true military aviation buff to appreciate a game like this. A lot of gaming sites and magazines will pan games like this when these games are aimed to a type of gamer and enthusiast that is not you typical gamer (hardcore or casula).
  21. In the case of this B-52 if I remember correctly, they were intentionally looking for turbulent conditions as part of an actual test (whether it had to do specifically with how the B-52 would handle or if this was a more general test I don't know). They found turbulance alright! As for what kept it stable, besides what little tail surface was left, the pylons mounting the engines and weapons (looks like they were carrying Hound Dogs) along with the tall, slabby fusealge probably helped in forward stability.
  22. Here's a great one to get this thread going: Konami Characters and their 80's counterparts.
  23. First three song packs for 360 Guitar Hero II are out... and that these song packs are 500 points ($6.25) apiece and you only get three songs per pack, that means one might potentially have to spend approaching $100 to be able to play the original Guitar Hero on the 360. Someone REALLY dropped the ball on this one. I for sure am keeping my PS2 GH indefinitely...
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