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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Part of what makes these so funny is the guys redubbing over the original voices actually mixed in some of the original script making these feel more authentic. The guy who redubbed Starscream did a real great job (especially on the Shockwave's Burden episode).
  2. Someone posted the Rude Awakening of Optimus Prime elsewhere, but here's that video along with other Transformer redubs by the same guy! (Warning: lots of adult language ahead) The Rude Awakening of Optimus Prime! Shockwave's Burden! Heavy Metal Fight! SOS Wheeljack! Autobots Inferior, Decepticons Superior!
  3. Time to resurect the wrestling thread! The Self Destruction of the Iron Sheik. I'll have to read through it again, but from what I understand Warrior refused to shake the Iron Sheik's hand while he was signing fan's autographs at this May 6th convention (I think someone was trying to get a promotional picture of the two together), and the Iron Sheik snapped like a twig. And to quote from the Warrior's website: I’m not a two-faced hypocrite. I am a principled man and I don’t swap out my principles to just make nice. I told Bernie upfront, once I found out Hogan was going to be there the same day and time, if Hogan or his handlers or even the Triumph Sports promoters (organizers for the whole event) had some covert idea to attempt an impromptu photo-op they best reconsider it unless they wanted Hogan to end up with similar ass-kicked-by-mind all over his face. I did not know Sheik was going to be there or that he would attempt to come up and shake my hand. Doesn’t matter, my reaction in these instances is automatic. You lyingly smear me, I let you know I don’t appreciate it and I don’t befriend you. Period. All these former wrestlers have gone wildly out of their way to disparage, ridicule and mischaracterize me — and done so like there would be no damaging effect on my reputation or the livelihood of my own family. It’s not a joke to me and I’m not going to diffidently treat it like one. You will never see me shake the hand of any of them that I know have done it — not Hulk, not Bret Hart, not Steve Borden, not Goldberg, not Dibiase, not Ross, not Heenan, not any of the McMahons…never.
  4. Gundam, Live in Concert! This is just too awesome!
  5. First videoes from Guitar Hero III (Slow Ride by Foghat and My Name is Jonas by Weezer). Also links to IGN's pictures of the wireless guitar for the 360. Since Neversoft is now doing the game instead of Harmonix, obviously some things have changed. Don't screw this up, Neversoft!
  6. Is it me or does the size of the trees look too big in some of the forrest scenes? Remember these are 60 foot tall mobile suits and the types of trees they are depicting and the way the ground is drawn seems to make the mobile suits look like they're just 6 feet tall. But other than that, looks like it's got potential. Hopefully this Gundam game comes to the US.
  7. Rejected WiiPlay Games.
  8. The member list has been updated. As for the link to the tidbit on MGS4 on the 360, were all the names and references previously censored or was the writer just doing that to be sarcastic? With all the rumors flying around for so long and Konami always mincing their words very carefully when this subject comes up, I would say it's a safe bet that Konami at the very least is exploring the possibility.
  9. Hey, that's the F-101B at the Strategic Air and Space Museum!
  10. I stopped at a local Super Target last night and they had a whole section of an isle cleared off and all the pegs and price labels have been put up for where all the movie stuff is suppose to go. Looking back I should have asked when the stuff was going to be put out on the shelf.
  11. Fatal Fury Special heading to Xbox Live! (US release). Wii owners stateside will be glad to know that Actraiser is also finally coming.
  12. I haven't fired up my 360 in a few days, but what was your Live ID? If you are on my friends list still, I'll try to send you another invite.
  13. Not surprised considering A)the Blue Angels were a no-show B) Saturday was canned and C) it started to rain during the F-16 demo right before 2:00. I did get over a 100+ pictures taken, but it's just a case of going back through and picking some and deciding which was to crop and reduce in size. Funny thing is the weather has been gorgeous each weekend here since...
  14. Which would you prefer more, the Gundam TV series or the three part movie? I like the movie because it got rid of the more goofier mobile armors and stuff, but I like the TV series from the standpoint that there is a lot further depth to the story and characters. I myself like the original Gundam (TV series and the movies) because not only did it launch the real robot craze, but it still kept its super robot roots making for a real unique experience.
  15. As Jean Luc Picard would say, "Make it so!" Make it say: The Xbox 360 Thread Elite Edition! Edit - I see the change has been made. Thanks.
  16. Hey, I'm a completionist.
  17. So what chains have been selling the movie toys so far? I picked up Protoform Prime and Starscream a month ago from a Target.
  18. Video at Fox News about how some of the gadgets and technologies from Star Wars have become a reality. http://www.foxnews.com/video2/player06.htm...p;&&new AP video about the 30th anniversary. http://omaha.cox.net/cci/apvideo/0523star_wars_700.wmv Memorial Day last year me and a bunch of friends did all 6 movies in one sitting. With breaks and everything it took about 15 hours to do it.
  19. Most of the time I refer to the movie as just Star Wars.
  20. One of the biggest movies of our time, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, was released nationwide today on May 25, 1977 here in the US. Since I was only 3 years and 9 months old that May, I don't have any memories of seeing the first Star Wars movie during its original theatrical run. Empire Strikes Back I do have some memories of seeing. Return of the Jedi I very vividly remember seeing at the Indian Hills theater here in Omaha a few days after it came out. For those with thoughts and reflections of the original Star Wars movie, post here. Anyone plan on watching the movie sometime today?
  21. If it's all right, I'll add you guys to my friends list, too.
  22. Still mean to post some pictures from the Offutt air show... yikes, it's already been three weeks! Looks like you got a good show to attend.
  23. To start off the new thread, Grumman actually looked into doing a pseudo Gerwalk style VTOL aircraft in the 1970's!
  24. Looks like it's time for a new 360 thread! Downloaded Rush'n Attack last night. Nice to have the flame thrower that was absent in the NES version. And as a few have suggested below, I am going to start a master list of everyone on macross World who is on Xbox Live. I'll update the list as more post to this thread. The name on the left will be Macross World ID's while names on the right will be their Live alias: Apollo Leader - Apollo Leader Chowser - Sarge051 Mechafan - TechGhostR6 BoBe-Patt - bobe patt Sephiroth - Sephiroth017 MilkManX - MilkManX Dante74 - Lorenzo74 David Hingtgen - Xenogears Id Valkyrie - Valkyrie2036 Axelay - Silent Scope EX JsARCLIGHT - JsARCLIGHT Oihan (Oyan) - Ashmedai Alpha OTS - Qaztab Fort Max - Angst O Tron mikeszekely - Pharaohman eugimon - eugimon Mechafan - TechGhostR6 VT 1010 - ROU21 Beltane70 - Beltane0070 Ishimaru - Ryvann danth - Coocoocola yellowlightman - Crocodilopolis Godzilla - Tsoumiester Spatula - Delicious Bunny
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