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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Halo 3 Achievements revealed! Just 3 more months until the most anticipated game of 2007 is out!
  2. Look at the top 100 grossing movies of all time: http://www.imdb.com/boxoffice/alltimegross Of those only like 5 or 6 are R rated movies with The Passion of the Christ being the highest at 11. The reality is that G through PG-13 is where the money is to be made at film making. Don't you personally want a decent paycheck for what you do? But I agree with you that in the case of a movie franchise like Die Hard which has built its house and foundation on being an over the top, R rated film it is a mistake to tone it down like this. It will probably be enjoyable on its own merits, hey I enjoyed AVP for what its worth, but Live Free or Die Hard will probably feel out of place with a series known for its over the top language and violence.
  3. Never thought I would see a movie where Will Smith would be hitting golf balls off of the back end of a CIA A-12 Oxcart/Blackbird! (The one that's in the Intrepid's collection) Does anyone remember his rap/hip-hop days anymore? I wonder what DJ Jazzy Jeff is up to? http://www.djjazzyjeff.com/
  4. Next season of 24 and the Sarah Connor Chronicles... two reasons to look forward to next January!
  5. Make sure to sign up to be a member of that message because a lot of attachments there are only visible to logged in members. There's a lot of real cool shi... er, stuff that gets posted on the board.
  6. I think I saw that picture at f-16.net a few days ago on their forum. The picture was taken like sometime last year. There was also some pictures of when it showed up at the Air Force Museum for its restoration. Some sort of damage had happened to the forward part of the canopy... I think this is part of the reason why it is blue now (guess they couldn't get something more gold tinted?). But it's still confusing on what's really going on with the aircraft. Is it suppose to go on display anywhere? Where's #1 at? Supposedly the YF-23 seen on Google Earth/Maps was the full scale RCS model and NOT the real deal. Why it's just sitting out there, I don't know. BTW, I will post a few pictures from the Offutt air show soon... should probably post a few of my Blue Angel shots from last September since your's didn't turn out so well, David.
  7. They took down our Halo 3 Beta stats! Boooogguuusssss! I had hoped they would have kept that data up for a while. Now with the Halo 3 Beta over, I can get back to some serious Guitar Hero II playing, start playing one of several 360 games I got last year that I haven't hardly touched yet (GRAW, Over G Fighters, COD3), and continue my trek to getting 10,000 kills on GOW... 6,000 more to go!
  8. Now I remember (just a little). Still hard for me to believe it was 20 years ago when I saw that episode on TV. It was great to see Prime finally back for good, but at the same time his double resurrection that post-movie season severely cheapened the movie. Of these parodies, Rude Awakening and Heavy Metal Fight are my favorites.
  9. Halo 3 Beta ended last night. Though I should have gone to bed earlier, I was up past 2:00 in the morning getting in a few more rounds. I started one final Rumble Pit game right before 2:00. It ended at about 2:10. When I waited to see if it would automatically take me to another game, the countdown clock stuck and then took me back to the menu where you set up your game preferences. Matchmaking was frozen so you could no longer select it. Halo 3 Beat was over. Though I wish I could have had more time to play it (there was a time or two I didn't play it for a week because of my busy life), all in all, it was a fun time. Got to play the online, multiplayer game nearly 4 months in advance of the commercial release. It will be interesting to see if these stages will make the final game or if they will be radically different. Here's my final stats on the Halo 3 Beta: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/PlayerStatsHal...Apollo%20Leader And for those thinking of getting rid of their copies of Crackdown: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcrHhPRQI7U...oystiq%2Ecom%2F
  10. I agree that it would be best if they got rid of these streaks, but it just popped in my head that these stained areas may actually be from laser/beam/energy weapons ... the first US release of MP Prime had a little bit of this going on, but just a little bit. I think that's the answer because some of that streaking is taking place right there near the front of the air intakes and seems like a good spot he would get hit in a head-on engagement. And David, chill out! If you want to take this to an extreme, Starscream is NOT an F-15 PERIOD! He is a mechanical creature from another world that externally resembles an F-15 in his one mode and his internal mechanics, what powers him (Energon not jet fuel), and his propulsion (NOT a Pratt and Whitney F100) are not the same as a real life Eagle. Again, I think the toy would look a lot better if this "stuff" is removed or reduced and it's just given a very slight touch of weathering.
  11. Beta Q and A on robotech.com. If I can dig up any more dirt, I will.
  12. Maybe he's leaking Energon!
  13. I saw those pictures too, but I wasn't sure if that was a fan job. If they get that to the US and it's cheap enough, I'll buy two! Hopefully the carbon or oil streaks between the engines is toned down a bit (agree with David that that is over kill!), but I'm otherwise liking this finish over the Japanese release. Someone better tell Harmony Gold that a transforming jet fighter by Kawamori is hitting stateside!
  14. With all this wave of Transformer enthusiasm and the movie just a few weeks away, is there any official word on if MPC Starscream will see a US release? Perfect time to strike will the rod is hot. The movie Starscream $20 is just way too, er, "kibbly" for me in fighter mode! I want the Starscream by the Floating Head himself.
  15. Yeah I honestly don't remember how I voted, though I think my vote was a lot less judgemental and more optimistic. Especially in the last few weeks and months, I've been really psyched to see this movie.
  16. Send us proof that you did!
  17. Ha! That's funny. So in the live action Speed Racer movie we will probably see most of the characters in leather and S&M bondage, there will probably be a rave/mosh scene, and Speed himself will gradually change into a woman throughout the movie.
  18. That's too bad. My Macross and DYRL CD's are some of my most favorite soundtracks. R.I.P. Kentaro Haneda!
  19. Got my DYRL Gold Book off eBay in early 2001. Has the paper sleave that the film clip was suppose to be in, but the clip is long gone. Ditto with the VF-1S poster.
  20. Couldn't have said it better myself! For those interested, Target has a lot of their Transformer movie stuff on sale this week. The Robovision Prime which is a Target exclusive is $19.99 with the $9.99 toys being down to $7.99. Everything else is like 10% off (think that includes non-movie toys). Looks like a lot of us will be very lonely men this week!
  21. That's where I got my Leader Prime; it was the last one at the Super Target I was at and the two Wal-marts I went to had none, in fact one of the two Wal-mart Super Centers I went to had absolutley NO Transformer Movie merchandise out! But yeah, when I picked it up I thought the thing was suppose to be $39.95.
  22. Thanks for the warning! When I was out getting a few toys and stuff this evening, I waited until i was able to get my hands of the Peter Cullen voice helmet. Swag wise, I got the Peter Cullen voice Prime Helmet (will use it when I go see the movie and for Halloween, too ), the Leader class Optimus Prime and the Bumblebee - Unleashed figure. I'll probably pick up a few more figures in the weeks ahead.
  23. I'm trying to rejog my memory (it's been 20 years! ), but what resulted in Bumblebee being rebuilt into Goldbug?
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