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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Existing Ace Combat 6 thread.
  2. Hopefully Toynami will one day get around to doing the Elint Seeker and Super Ostrich. But otherwise it's great to see some definite word on the future of the FAST Packs and at least a few more 1/100th scale VF-1's.
  3. The point is, how is Tommy suppose to know what was in that "pie"? In this sick day and age, you really don't know. And with the mindset shown in Khyron's journal and video, is it really a stretch that he may take that next step of really trying to hurt someone? And as for Tommy's reaction, what in the hell was he suppose to do especially since he was caught by surprise like that and while being taped? This is a testimony to his own character. As someone who actually has met Tommy Yune in the last few years, seeing this kind of lack of respect for him and this kind of form of assault really chaps me.
  4. I haven't been able to find it yet, but Khyron Prime admitted ahead of time that he was going to pull this stunt off. Again, further putting himself in a hole.
  5. (I posted these comments over at Macross Nexus in response to Keith's post... lots of food for thought some of you should consider) I was told about this incident in detail yesterday and given the above links. Keith, you and those guys at the RDF HQ, not to mention the perpetrator of this crime don't realize the seriousness of what has taken place. Besides publicly humiliating a real flesh and blood human being, this was an act of premeditated physical assualt. Notice how hard he hit Tommy in the face? What if that wasn't just shaving cream? What if his concoction included bleach or something else that could have permanently blinded him and/or poisoned him? What about semen or blood which was contaminated with AIDS/HIV, Hepatitis C, Herpes, or a variety of other diseases? What if this had been a blunt object, a knife, or God forbid a gun that he shoved up into Tommy's face? Instead of attacking Tommy or someone at the Harmony Gold booth, what if this was a radical Islamist who decided to strap on some explosives and walked onto the convention floor and blew himself up taking hundreds with him? After this took place, the AX security spent a hole hour or more scouring the convention floor and hotel looking for this guy. With the action taken by "Khyron Prime", he has effected a lot more people then just Tommy Yune. If the guests of the AX are vulnerable to being attacked by over-zealous fans, you will see an increase in security. People's personal effects are going to more thoroughly searched. Even more cosplay costumes and items will be barred. If people like Tommy suspect they are going to be attacked especially if they see nut jobs like this spouting out such hate and venom online ahead of time, that's going to started driving guests and companies away. What if you are an anime producer/creator from Japan and you are invited to be a guest at the AX and you hear about such an incident? Why in the hell would you want to fly half-way around the world to be potentially attacked by some psychopath? ALL OF THIS OVER A F-U-C-K-I-N-G CARTOON!!! What kind of lives do some of you people lead? It's good to see that this guy has posted the admission of his crime along with the video... his path to being anally raped in prison is almost complete. This is a HUGE wakeup call to those in the Robotech, Macross, anime, aw hell, ANY fanboy community.
  6. In both the movie and the preview comic, it's stated that Megatron was moved up to Hoover Dam in the 1930's.
  7. Dude, what the hell are you talking about?
  8. Considering this hangar is the biggest building that's ever been built at Groom Lake, I think there's little doubt that this continues to be THE place to be for testing out the hottest and most secretive of military aircraft. I'd also check out the Roadrunners Internationale website, too. Lots of great stuff on the A-12 and early programs out of Area 51/Groom Lake... and this by some of the guys who were involved with the A-12 Oxcart/Blackbird, YF-12, U-2, and other early programs that flew out there. One of the interesting articles on the site has to do with how during the late 50's and a good chunk of the 60's, Area 51 was not a secret. Phone numbers for the base and acknowledgement that Area 51/Groom Lake employees were involved with playing baseball/softball games with other government employess were in government newsletters and other public documentation.
  9. AND each shuttle has done the trip a few dozen times each (except for Challenger) over 25+ years.
  10. Due to inclimate weather in Florida over the last few days, Space Shuttle Atlantis made a stop over here in Nebraska at Offutt during Sunday and the first part of Sunday. ...and I got on base to see it! Here's a few pictures I took on Sunday evening. This is at least the second time that one of the Space Shuttles stopped here at Offutt while enroute back to the Kennedy Space Center; the only other time I think was when Columbia stopped here in 1985 over 21 years ago! At least I can finally say that I've seen one of the Shuttles while they were in service along with the special 747 they use for ferrying them around.
  11. I saw it tonight (Monday the second) at the Cinema Center here in Omaha at 8:00. Frickin' awesome. I noticed the goof about Brawl being called Devastator, too. I wonder if that'll be fixed on the DVD? I will be seeing it again tomorrow night. Might have the chance to see it a third time this upcoming week. I think David was happy to see that Blackout was refered to as an MH-53 instead of just MH-3.
  12. Obviously someone at the WWE was trying to quickly take some sort of a ratings advantage with the Benoit story basically a few minutes old and smoking hot. They should have just stuck with the original planned broadcast and updated viewers on the situation along the way. If it had turned out that the whole family was murdered by someone other then Benoit, it would have then been appropriate to have done a memorial episode on either Tuesday's ECW show, Smackdown, or the next Raw when more information was available.
  13. Debra Williams (Stone Cold's Ex) speaks out on steroids and spousal abuse. In the video, there's a few clips from when Benoit won the WWE Championship belt and his wife and son are up there with him. Sad stuff.
  14. Crash Holly is dead??? Is "Sapphire" the Sapphire that was Dusty Rhodes sidekick? Some of the above people died from totally accidental, freak, or natural cause deaths (Owen falling to his death, Adrian Adonis I think was a car accident, Earthquake was cancer), but for the most part these people show the damage that these wrestlers do to themselves via drugs. NFL players also have a very short life span. Sad that we've had more involvement in this thread in about 36 hours then we've had in like 6 months. Anway, here's the lastest AP release about this case. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/more...ex.html?cnn=yes
  15. Yes it is, but in Eddie's case, Eddie dying a truly tragic death, the WWE spent a whole year making a mockery of its deceased super star's memory. The WWE has done plenty of tasteless and quistionable angles and story lines before, including involving the deaths of its employees and their families, so if they try to do something that makes light and focuses on what happened with Chris Benoit, I wouldn't be surprised. Hopefully Vince and company will show some good taste and do the right thing this time.
  16. Maybe it's too early for me to say this, but I'm going to guess that the WWE is going to milk Benoit's murder-suicide for all it's worth. Over the next year, Chavo Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr. will be fueding on who was truly Chris Benoit's best friend (instead of shouts of "Eddie! Eddie!", it wil be "Benoit! Benoit!"). At some point in the future, the WWE (Vince) will come up with a storyline similar to what happened with Chris Benoit and his family. For those who doubt it, check out the Wrestlecrap Gooker 2007 Award Winner which I posted on here a page back: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...350&st=1000
  17. The latest word is he strangled his wife, smothered their son, and then hung himself in his weight room. Roid Rage is being looked into as the reason he killed his family. Whether it be steroids or something else, after he killed his wife and son, he probably spent the rest of the weekend in the house pondering what he had done and what kind of future he was going to have. Suicide was the only way out...
  18. More updates on the case. When I went to bed last night, I had missed the news all evening so this was a total shock when I saw this just a little bit ago this morning. Looks like Chris killed his wife and son sometime over the weekend before killing himself Monday morning; he sent some "weird" text messages out Sunday morning and then missed the WWE pay-per-view event Sunday night. Definitely a very shocking and sad tale. I wonder what evil and darkness was eating at his soul?
  19. With the exception of the one where Prime and Bumblebee are in Sam's backyard, I saw the rest posted on IGN last week. Can't wait for next Tuesday!
  20. The problem of the B-2 was not the management of either the Air Force or Northrop, but of a military cut-and-slash happy Congress after the fall of the Berlin Wall and of the Soviet Union. It took 15 years to develop an aircraft that was designed to be implemented for 30-40 years, and Congress decided its whole fate based on a few world events that happened over just a matter of months. The decision to scale the B-2 production run to 20 aircraft was extremely short sighted. What has happened in the world in recent years (not just the Middle East, but also North Korea, China, and Russia possibly falling back into communism) has been proof of this. Back in 1993 for an English class at the community college I was going to, I wrote a research paper making these arguments. History has proven me right.
  21. Yep, political correctness is a b*tch. If today's environment was back in WWII, one half of the world would be flying the Nazi Swaztika and the other half would be flying the flag of Imperial Japan.
  22. Here's how to make an AWACS aircaft using the wings and tail to layout out your radar array! http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...pic,2024.0.html
  23. I haven't been on as much recently (my wireless router's shot and I've been busy with other things), but just let me know when you'll think you'll be on. 6,000 more kills for Seriously and I got earn the new achievements that were recently implemented!
  24. Other then following Wrestlecrap and the like, I've been out of the WWE loop now for a few months. Too bad about Sherri.
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