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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. The girl there at the Comic Con playing the M16 leg girl from Grindhouse (still haven't seen it! )... was she an amputee or did they have her leg hidden away somehow? Again I'm talking about the girl from the convention, NOT the movie.
  2. Patience, young padawan! If you had let me start the new thread, I would have called it "The PlayStation 3 Thread 80GB Edition"! Anyway, Lair is looking very nice.
  3. I first heard about that bomb a few months ago. Obviously this bomb is intended to be used in targets buried in the mountains (like Iran's nuclear facilities, Taliban and Al-Queda hiding in the mountains of the Afghanistan/Pakistan border). About the only thing you could do next is to use nuclear weapons. Since the B-2 was designed for a 40,000 pound bomb load and they're talking about carrying two of these 30,000 bombs, I wonder what will be done for the B-2 to accomidate the additional 20,000 of weight? Imagine how much altitude the B-2 will gain in the process if it drops even one of these bombs?
  4. In the case of the two P-51's colliding, at least the one pilot was fortunate to have survived. There was also another fatal air show crash this weekend at Dayton, OH: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,291268,00.html
  5. Though the gameplay was sluggish, for some reason I got a kick out JTJ. I managed to get all the Mobile Suits and movie cut scenes. The GM Sniper II was the best Mobile Suit in the game hands down.
  6. You must be talking about this: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/07/28/rumor-xb...-advertisement/ I would like to get get an Elite someday, but I would like to wait for a major price cut and confirmation that the system is running cooler. It will be a miracle if I can make my 20GB hard drive last another year!
  7. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=8508 I understand the Shadow Rising trailer was shown at the Comic Con this morning. Time to start a new thread!
  8. The last time I looked for it at Gamestop, it was listed for later this year. Hopefully they're just trying to make it perfect and not that it's been cancelled. It better be light years better then the Gundam game for the PS3 launch!
  9. Just a few days after the announcement that Northrop Grumman had taken 100% ownership of Scaled Composites: Explosion at Scaled Composites test site kills three. Of course NASA's having its problems this week: NASA shaken by Sabotage, Alcohol Claims. On one good note, though, Boeing's X-48B flew for the first time this week.
  10. So who attended this year's Comic Con? Please Post any stories, news, and pictures here!
  11. So who downloaded the Dynasty Warriors: Gundam demo yet? I did, but I haven't had the chance to play it yet. Any thoughts or opinions?
  12. Dragonforce... Through the Fire and Flames (master track)... Guitar Hero III... 'nuff said!
  13. 24 gone "green"? Looks like I WON'T be watching season 7. Anybody looking for some 24 DVD's on the cheap? Might as well do my part for the environment and not waste the electricity, energy, and cause pollution and thus "global warming" by watching 24 either on Fox or on DVD!
  14. So who do we go to get a DVD copy of this? Solscud007?
  15. Over the last 5 or 6 weeks, I have FINALLY seen the Wii available in stores where I could buy one if I wanted one. The Wii has done well, but has it done it at the cost of alienating Nintendo's core fans and gamers in general? More and more opinion pieces and blogs are starting to reflect that (this one below sums it up nicely): http://citizengame.wordpress.com/2007/07/23/ennuwii/
  16. Just when I had sworn off on buying anymore of Yamato's over-priced, QC problem riddled Macross toys...
  17. Don't feel too bad. A few weeks ago I got Rumble Roses XX when I saw it for $14.95 at a local Shopko. I also got Tomb Raider Legend for the 360 for just $19.95 on the same purchase... boy, did I feel like such a loser when I went to pay for all of that! As for this fall, I'm looking forward to Halo 3, Dynasty Warriors Gundam, Call of Duty 4, Rock Band, Guitar Hero 3, and Ace Combat 6. Maybe I'll get GTAIV at a later date. Last night was the first time in a year that I popped Over G Fighters back into my 360 and opened up a few more jets. This is my first full blown 360 game other then GOW or GHII that I've played since December!
  18. Super Contra and Wing Commander Arena out this Wednesday! Wing Commander Arena I could care less, but I could sure go for some Super Contra action. (This is the arcade Super Contra, NOT the NES Super C).
  19. Just a few things... 1) I hear that xstoys had that supper rare Gakken Tread there. Pictures anyone? 2) Haven't seen any pictures of Shawn in a few years... looks like you got some gray hair! We're all gettin' older! 3) As for the picture of Mari, I just have one word to say: "MIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" Seriously she's looking great for her age.
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doozy_Bots I had heard and read about this show before, but this is the first time I've ever seen it. All I can say is, WOW... (of course I mean that in a not so good way )
  21. I haven't fired up DOA4 since last September! I also realize it's been a year now since I briefly fired up Over G Fighters! Believe it or not, not including XBLA games, I have only played Gears of War and Guitar Hero II in the last 7 months or so! Last time I stuck my old 360 favorite COD2 in my system was late in December. COD3 I was initially playing like crazy online until I was bit by the GOW bug. Boy do I need some variety.
  22. I just realized that I haven't updated our Xbox Live member list in a few months. Anybody else want to be added?
  23. Benoit and family autopsy.
  24. When I got my PS1 back on 9/9/95, I did nothing but play Ridge Racer for about 5 or 6 hours straight. It felt like I was really playing an arcade game at home! Good times. And of course there's the ever famous WRONG!
  25. So besides trolling the Gundam threads bashing the RX-78 and all its iterations, now Graham is now going to be bashing our beloved VF-1 Valkyrie and all it's various versions.
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