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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. I can just see the theme song for the Tobey Maguire Robotech movie... Rick Hunter, Rick Hunter, doing the best a Rick Hunter can... Guess we'll see what happens with the Macross related designs since they are owned by Studio Nue/Big West and they haven't been exactly playing ball with Harmony Gold/Tatsunoko as of late.
  2. Have always played my 360 and PS2 horizontally. Since the systems I'm playing at a given moment sits on a moveable printer cart, I figure there's no reason I should risk getting the system knocked over. And of course there's the issue of the discs getting damaged by playing them vertically.
  3. Who isn't? Seriously the last time I played GHII on my 360, I had three songs left to beat on hard. Still trying to figure out the best way to get the 1,000 note or 400,000 point achievements (been trying Freebird on medium and X-Stream on hard).
  4. E71 I think is what I got after my system slowly died out over two weeks. Good luck with your replacement!
  5. There's an r/c aircraft event that's been held over in Iowa for many years and they had a B-29 that was billed as being one of the largest r/c aircraft in the world (I think... it's been a long time since I've seen a brochure for one of these events). But I don't think this B-29 was as large as the one in the video above. BTW Graham, thanks for the Airbus A380 pictures!
  6. You mean like this big r/c B-52? Guess they were trying to reinact that B-52 crash from 1994! Speaking of which, there's a long video on Youtube that documents that pilot's history of showboating at air shows, practices, ceremonies, and photo ops. The guy clearly knew how to fly the B-52 to its limits, but that one particular day he pushed it way too far (too sharp of a banking turn at low speeds) and the aircraft stalled and it resulted in his death and three other Air Force officers' deaths, including one of his fellow B-52 pilots that had tried long and hard to get him grounded.
  7. Speaking of Halo 3, just 3 weeks to go! Right now I'm trying to plow my way through DW: Gundam. Pleasantly surprised to see that Bandai was able to rehire all the voice actors from the First Gundam TV series, Char's Counterattack, and most of the PS2 First Gundam games. Of course you can play it in Japanese too so major props to Bandai/Namco and Koei! Also working on Streets of Rage 2. Almost have all the achievements, but I almost think it's impossible to score 800,000 points or more on Hardcore mode.
  8. Got any other systems? When my 360 pooped out, I just went back to playing some games on my PS2 that I had been meaning to get back to. If I may ask, which 360 did you have? How well did you have the system ventilated?
  9. These are a few pictures I took at that show at the Lincoln Municipal Airport. Notice the extra windows on the B-24. I took like over 1,100 pictures that day. It was a great day for an air show. I wish I would have had more time to have posted more of my pictures from that show.
  10. Since you're talking about the CAF's flying B-24, at some point during it's life it was turned into some sort of VIP transport or something. It no longer has a bomb bay and on the side of the fuselage where it's bombay was, there are windows. Let me round up some pictures I took of it at the air show I was at back last September.
  11. When my system went kuput, I had my refurbuished unit about three weeks after my confirmation call that my system was indeed dead. So far my reurbished unit has lasted almost 1 year and 1 month. It has put in many an hour of use. The only times I've had problems has been if the power flickered off and on during a storm or some other interruption in the power took place. Turning the system off and then turning it back on has done the job. BTW, I finally tried the Mountain Dew Game Fuel over the weekend. Since it had cherry flavoring, I originally though it was just a repackaged Code Red. The stuff actally tastes pretty close to Mountain Dew's Amp energy drink. Good stuff.
  12. If we are on the same page, Jim Ross is on the list! That's if we've been talking about Vince's "Kiss my @$$" Club. (Definitely getting a form of "crack" through that!). http://www.wrestlecrap.com/classic3.html
  13. South Korean Halo 3 promotional videos! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q60IHr9SS4Y...2Din%2Dkorea%2F http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldn5m-vMLwA...2Din%2Dkorea%2F
  14. I agree, it's a rare opportunity. TAKE IT!
  15. Considering how good Factor 5 games usually are, that's a shame.
  16. I've seen some 60GB units left in stores locally this past week so they're still out there.
  17. The 20GB 360 is now $349 and the newer machines are coming with the HDMI port. As for Gundam, if all that you've seen was Gundam Wing, you've never really seen Gundam period!
  18. Along with Call of Duty 4, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band... lots of good stuff.
  19. I'll be picking up DW Gundam tonight. Next week, Fatal Fury Special will finally be hitting XBLA here in the states. And of course Halo 3 is just about 3-1/2 weeks to go. Looks like a lot of great games coming out this fall.
  20. Busted! WWE Suspends 10 Wrestlers for Drugs. I wonder who?
  21. Was this Kawamori's F-16 design for Patlabor 2? Throughout the years there have been proposals to put 2D and 3D thrust vectoring nozzles on the F-16.
  22. After nearly a year, Part 4 of the best live action Street Fighter series will arrive on September 7th! Many more episodes to come!
  23. Instead of how many college students can you stuff into a telephone booth, how about how many ninjas can you stuff in a helicopter?
  24. I have good memories of Flight of the Navigator. Paul Reubens was the voice of the ship??? No way! Didn't realize that the ship was CG.
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