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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Yeah that's what I get when I use IE at home.
  2. Okay, here's a Youtube video showing a Russian news report on the "Father of all Bombs". It shows the Tu-160 Blackjack that allegedly carried it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1ee_cDX7ys Regarding the Fox News video viewer, I can view clips on there no problem at work, but when I try to watch the same clips at home, it will show the viewer but never show the video so I'm guessing it's something toggled on or off in the web browser security settings.
  3. Looks like one of the guys on the hero's team looks and sort of sounds like Jim Ross! The Southern accent, the black cowboy hat, the puffy face... That's the first time I've seen Robot Jox period. I wonder if MST3K ever covered this movie? Got to wonder why they have such a small arena when you got these big robots that would so easily fall into the bleachers? As for those wondering about the direction of the Robotech movie, I extremely doubt we're going to see much of anything from Macross in it. We'll probably have triple changing variable fighters, maybe a love triangle, the Robotech incarnation of "Protoculture", lots of big star ships (maybe one or more variable), but stuff directly ripped from and unique to Macross will be at a bare minimal if not all. It will probably be in the vein of Mospeada/New Generation or the Shadow Chronicles.
  4. Not yet, but I'm hoping to get some more stuff trade in to help pay for the Legendary Edition. BTw, 1up.com has a bunch of pictures of a bunch of sweet looking games that are being shown at the Tokyo Game Show INCLUDING Mobile Suit Gundam: Operation Troy (AKA Mobile Ops: The one Year War). Click on one of the pictures and it will take you to like 6 or 7 new pictures from the game. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3162743
  5. I just tested the link and it works for me. What are you having problems with? Just getting the video to play? Could be your security settings.
  6. Surprised no one's posted it, so... Russia tests out "dad of all bombs". Allegedy the most powerful air launched conventional bomb ever made. Dropped from a Tu-160 Blackjack. Video of said bomb test.
  7. Lots of good stuff coming out on the 360 and XBLA in the next few months... as long as our systems continue working!
  8. BTW, are you THE Robotech Master of Space Station Liberty fame?
  9. Depends on what is directly taken from Macross whether it be designs or names. Again, this movie is way early in its development.
  10. I suggested that they use Black Sabbath's Iron Man all the way back in January.
  11. Righteous! Someone must have read my suggestion on this thread from many months ago! Hopefully they use the song in the opening credits!
  12. But remember, this is like 10-15 years later so Chun Li is NOT suppose to be as a hot as she once was! She's gotten older like the rest of the bunch. Anyway, the magic continues!
  13. As the guy who was the one to ask those questions, I think you're grossly misstating Kevin's answers. The thing is the movie is so early in its life, it is not known yet if its going to be a direct live action retelling of any of the three parts of Robotech, something in the vein of the Transformers live action movie (taking familiar things from the past cartoon - character names and personalities, Peter Cullen as Optimus, etc. - but making it brand new when it comes to plot, mechanical designs, etc.), or something all together new. As for how Macross may come into play, if something that they want to do or use comes from Macross (ie. mechanical designs like the VF-1 Valkyrie) and if there is anything that is legally in question somewhere during the scrpt writing process or in production, they will adjust accordingly. Add to it that there's no telling what may transpire with the Big West/Tatsunoko case in the upcoming months, again it's way too early to give a specific answer or details.
  14. Just realized that mikeszekely wasn't on this list.
  15. Okay, here's the list from page 1 in its 9/9/07 updates form. Again, name on the left is the Macross World alias while the name to the right is the Xbox Live alias. Looks like some of you are playing right now.
  16. As for those thinking that Toynami may end up making toys and stuff for the movie, I have little doubt that a bigger company will be involved in mass producing the toys and distributing them even if Toynami is involved in the design work. A similar arrangement was in thw works between Toynami and Mattel back in 2001, but that fell through and Toynami ended with the responsibility for all aspects of their merchandice.
  17. I had the chance to talk to Kevin McKeever tonight and here are some answers to some of the speculations brought up (or that have yet to be brought up). 1) The serious planning and negotiations for a possible live action Robotech movie have been going on at least as far back as 2004 (this is when Kevin started working for Harmony Gold). Obviously this was long before Transformers was released and became a big success. 2) I asked if that story from a year or so ago where this one company's website revealed that they were involved with the preproduction of a live Robotech movie (the information was pretty quickly taken down) had anything to do with this deal with Warner Brothers and Tobey's company. They are not part of the equation. Kevin's going to be on Space Station Liberty this Sunday evening to discuss things in further detail. http://terrania.us/talkshoe/
  18. That's just Memo's style.
  19. I know these are usually worthless, but here's at least one online petition up and going. http://www.petitiononline.com/Joerules/petition.html If there is a more successful one going, let me know! I'm tempted to write Hasbro if I can find out who the best person to write to is. They need to pull the plug on this immediately. The thing is the Transformers movie (this being another Hasbro property) was pretty good about portraying the US military and it had no problems doing quite well in the US and internationally.
  20. List has been updated with Axelay's name. Anyone else want to be added?
  21. I missed the Britney Spears as Dolza/Bodolza pic. Awesome! All those other choices are very good, though Sabastian Back might be getting a little too old to play Lancer/Yellow?
  22. The next time we play this, we need to do a private match so that we can help each other get the 10 wins in a row achievement! As for Pacman CE, if I had a widescreen HD TV I probably would have bought the full version by now, but I have tried the demo and got to admitt that it is pretty slick!
  23. I had heard rumblings about this for months,but... GI Joe to become PC Global Task Force. Funny is that Paramount and those involved with the movie want to undermine and undercut the United States armed forces and GI Joe's American roots (the term "GI Joe" is a nickname for AMERICAN soldiers since World War II!), but they are already approaching the military, at least the Navy, for techinal assisstance and advisement?!?!?! What a bunch of hypocrites! This is one movie I will be staying away from.
  24. Well put. That's how I approached the Shadow Chronicles and was able to enjoy it because of that.
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