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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Got to watch the premiere episode over the weekend so all is right with the world (thanks, Mr. March). The episode has also been appearing on youtube. As for certain things about the Smallville TV series not exactly meching with the comic, just like any other live action interpratation of a comic book or cartoon (ie. Spider-man, X-Men, Batman) this is it's own unique story and creation. Enjoy it for what it is. The comics for these characters who have been around for many decades constantly change regarding the characters' origin stories or what is currently happening with them, their environments, etc.
  2. Good news. Turned out the scratch was the problem. The store I bought it from ran it through their buffer machine and it completely removed and repaired the scratches. Loran's levels were playable on their 360 so I got it home last night and I was able to continue playing from my last game save. I think that's the first time a scratch on a game CD or DVD of mine made part of game unplayable. Finally one of my own friends in town got a 360 and Halo 3 so we and a few others did our first 360 party last night with Halo3. That lasted from about 9:00 in the evening to 2:00 in the morning. Lots of fun.
  3. The Season 7 premiere of Smallville was last night and I didn't find out until today! Aaarrrggghhh! Does anybody know where to download episodes? I was hoping they would make it viewable on the CW site, but so far I can't find it.
  4. Yeah, I saw that too. Yesterday evening I successfully played through Loran's (Turn A Gundam) Original third mission on DW Gundam. After beating it and saving, when I started his fourth mission and I was going through the opening narrative and then setting up my mobile suit and piolt options I got a dirty disc error message. After I took the disc out, I quickly discovered a nice circular scratch on the outer part of the disc and going about an 1/8th of the disc around. Tried my own CD/DVD disc cleaner to see if that would work, but to no avail. Got hold of the store I got it from and they'll try to run it through their buffer machine and hopefully that will make it playable again. But when I saw the story on Kotaku last night that some people's 360 were running into problems with Halo 3, I about panicked thinking maybe my Gundam game save got corrupted by Halo 3. I hadn't played Halo 3 since Tuesday night; I played nothing but Gundam on Wednesday evening and of course it was Thursday evening when I started having problems with Gundam. Tried my Gears of War to see how it was running and it seemed to be okay, though the online lobbies seemed to have gone bonkers. Then I stuck in Halo 3 and played it for a few hours and everything seems to be fine. Hopefully it's just my DW Gundam being scratched that's the problem and hopefully it can be fixed (don't want to have to rebuy or replay through the whole game again!!!).
  5. Regarding my trip on the Ford Trimotor on Saturday, I got an e-mail from the president of the Lincoln area EAA chapter last night. He's requested a CD of the pictures I took on Saturday and it's very likely those pictures will appear in an upcoming newsletter of their's and the pictures may be used in some of their other flyers and literature. For all the stuff I've done with this camera in the last year-and-a-half, this camera's turned out to be a pretty good investment.
  6. The same could be said when I first started playing Call of Duty 2 online back in November 2005. Mostly adult, mostly mature, and heck you could have a decent conversation with the people you were playing with or against. But eventually enough in the way of punk kids and the stupid in general will start getting Halo 3 once Christmas has come and gone... But at the same time, too, the sillyness that some people have spouted out on XBL has had me nearly laughing my head off.
  7. For those skull hunting on Halo 3: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/09/26/where-to...-halo-3-skulls/
  8. Biggest US entertainment release in history! Halo 3 Racks Up $170M on Day One. Also busiest day in Xbox Live's history with over a million people online during the first 20 hours of the 25th.
  9. Did you play straight through on Normal or did you ever change the difficulty at some point or do anything else out of the norm? That stinks.
  10. Realized this evening that the mobile suit achievement pertains to the gallery, not the playable selection of suits. After I beat Char's Originals missions, I started to play as Loran (who's clearly voiced by a woman in the English dub... I hardly know a thing about Turn A other then it have a mix of suits from the various Gundam universes and the Turn A's design was created by an American). After I beat and saved HIS second mission, that's when the Mobile Suit Gallery Achievement appeared. Four more to go!
  11. Regarding the character achievement, it happened after beating one of the missions while playing as Amuro in Original mode... I had fully beaten Official mode with all the characters already. After beating Char's Original mode story, I'm thinking of playing the Heero, Domon, and Turn A girl's stories and see if that helps.
  12. After reading some of the details further, the RC controls and related mechanisms are apparently for controlling the wings in their locked/unlocked poistions during flight.
  13. BTW, Mike, how did you get the achievement for opening all mobile suits? I managed to get the all characters achievement before beating the end of Amuro's stage in Original mode.
  14. Looks good so far. Doesn't the Federation tank that one guy is driving gets stepped on buy that Zaku II? Hopefully they'll reinstate the Japanese title for this game for the US.
  15. You better take a few laps around the block with that kind of pop intake. Hopefully Mountain Dew continues to make that stuff even if they have to drop Halo 3 from the packaging.
  16. I finally popped it in last night and got to the 3rd campaign before switching over to some online play. So far so good. I'm hoping to start working on Halo 1 and 2's campain modes again since I never had the chance to get them beat.
  17. All of those pictures I took were with my Canon Digital Rebel. Before Facebook downscaled them, those pictures were 3456 x 2304 pixels in dimension. As for the flight, I would say it was pretty smooth for the most part. There was a few spots I could feel the plane take a little dip and my stomach wasn't liking that. But again, I thought it went quite well for my first time. Since that was my first time up in an airplane period, it would be hard for me to compare it to anything else.
  18. Andy Woener and his buddies have done some pretty big and complicated projects through out the years so I think they should be able to pull it off. The Y-Wing is pretty big, too!
  19. I didn't arrive to the store until a quarter till midnight. Not sure of the exact number of people, but there was quite a few even though it was raining pretty good (I had an umbrella ). Got my receipt and went back outside. They made us get into two separate lines: one for regular and one for those getting the Legendary and Collector's Editions. At midnight, they started to let a small group from each line go in. Things went pretty quick. I was home by a quarter till 1:00. Will open either when I get home from work or I'm going to take it to work and open it so all my coworkers can stare at its awesomeness. Can't wait to play it Tuesday evening.
  20. There have been a number of large scale replicas of the X-Wing fighter from Star Wars through out the years. But how about one that can fly?!?! http://www.polecataerospace.com/X-Wing.htm This is being built by one of the rocketry groups in southern California and will be flown in a few weeks. There is also a 1/4th scale Y-Wing fighter being built by another California group that will also be flown at the same event (Plaster Blaster): http://rocketryforum.com/showthread.php?t=35511
  21. Okay, in another 8 hours I'll be out at Gamestop getting things squared away for my Legendary purchase of Halo 3. Then I got to wait outside the store for another 2 hours... and it's forecasted an 80% chance of rain or thunderstorms tonight and this is a Gamestop that's at an outdoor strip mall. So who else will be getting it tonight or sometime tomorrow or this week?
  22. This is what drew me in in the first place. It was the spring of 1994 when I started catching episodes of the TV series late on Saturday night. I just thought it was so cool having this guy Duncan McCleod living through all these time periods and having all these different adventures and interacting with all these different peoples and events. But when I started watching the sequels to the first movie and stuff it just became a trainwreck from there.
  23. As the saying goes be careful what you wish for.
  24. Very nice. Just hoping my refurb unit doesn't go wacko on me in the next 24 hours!
  25. I just posted 60 pictures of my little journey yesterday on my facebook account. Here's the public link to the photo gallery: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=8215...mp;id=582816193
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