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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Okay that makes sense. Speaking of GHIII, I haven't opened Through the Fire and Flames yet for either Career or Quick Play, but I played it online in Face Off mode last night on hard... ouch! I managed to get 55% of the notes, but granted you are only playing half to begin with! Right now I'm going through Easy perfecting every song. Think I got 16 songs left before going to medium. Online Face Off is fun.
  2. I pointed this out months ago, but it's got to be remembered that Starscream (in this incarnation anyway) is an alien robot from another world and not truly an F-15 so I think it's safe to suspend reality regarding some of the details about this toy. Of course if they were trying to truly represent a real world F-15, then I think we could be a little more picky.
  3. As someone who's read up a lot about the B-1 and B-2 programs for two decades now, though both aircraft's primary mission upon entering the Air Force was nuclear strike, both aircraft were designed from the get go to have considerably greater capabilities for carrying conventional munitions then the B-52; the B-1 program started during the smack middle of the Vietnam war and of course the Advanced Technology Bomber program started just a few years after the war ended. Besides that, you also have whatever political motivations that are moving some of these guys. For some of them, the defense budget is always the first thing for them to be put on the chopping block (got to have trillions of $ to pay people to sit home and do nothing!). IMHO, a lot of these guys in Congress, I'll even say both sides of the aisle, need to go out and get real jobs with these manufacturers and see how things really work in the manufacturing and engineering world.
  4. Other then the one episode from season one that identitfied David Palmer as a candidate for the Democrats (probably one of the shows more left of center writers decided to throw that in), the show has been very ambiguous on the political parties of the political characters in the show. In fact, Logan's running mate (the guy who was president until Air Force One was shot down) had a campaign sign that looked suspiciously like John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign signs.
  5. You got a 360 so why did you buy the gimped version? As for using the whammy bar, the wavy effect is there it's just not as pronounced. Also I liked the old Star Power meter better (I do like that it shows you note total though). My main gripes are that I liked the artwork of the characters better on the first two games and that quite a few of the achievements I think are ridiculous (some of GHII's were hard, but they were in the realm of doable and made more sense), But I like a lot of the songs so far and it was awesome being able to get online and play against some other people (shouldn have bought the 360 version, Mike! ).
  6. Season 7 trailer! Tony lives! If this is Tony, I wonder what the explination for his return from the land of the dead will be? Now if only they would bring back Michelle...
  7. DOA4 is fun and of course Soul Calibur IV will be out in the future.
  8. I say go back to the original planned 750 Raptors.
  9. Probably the closest thing to a sim on consoles would probably be Sega's Aero Dancing/ Aerowings / Aero Elite series. Over G Fighters (Energy Air Force) I would say is in the same boat. Ace Combat is more about arcade action and it does it well.
  10. I don't see hardly any resemblance to the Flanker family in the Su-47 (it's bigger, has forward swept wings, different type of air intakes, internal weapons bay, etc.). I got to play with David a few rounds last night. I saw that he was on so I quickly got the game out of its package and fired it up. Didn't even have time to hook up the flight stick and throttle so I played with just the controller. I hadn't played any version of Ace Combat in awhile, but at least it's similar to Over G and some of the other console "flight sims" out there. I was doing poor to begin with, but by the last round we played, I finally got like two kills in the match. Great to finally play with/against others at this game online. After we were done, I hooked up the flight stick and played through the tutorial and through the first mission. Definitely a different experince from using the regular controller! Funny I just now played it last night... today Guitar Hero III came out! Still wanting to play Halo 3 and wanting ti fire up the Orange Box and Bioshock. And in another week COD4 and a month from now Rock Band! Definitely a good time for gaming.
  11. Well at least I got the one! It was a great show and i really got to put my Digital Rebel to good use that day. As for the Grumman Iranian Tomcats video, the guy who I worked for during most of the 1995-2002 period lived in Iran for a year or two around 1976 or so when he was a teenager and his dad was a helicopter instructor for Bell Helicoipter. He showed me a number of times his school yearbook from when he was there. His father was responsible for training some of the Bell instructors who in turn would be eventually instructing some of the Iranian pilots.
  12. Better late then never! A year ago September I attended the Guardians of Freedom air show which was hosted by the Nebraska Air National Guard. I posted a few pictures here on Macross World from that show and I intended to post a lot more, but since I had like 1,100+ pictures to go through I simply never had time to do it. Since Facebook automatically scales down these pictures to a much smaller and usable size, this has now made it possible for me to now present over a quarter of the pictures I took that late September. Let me know what you guys think! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 David should be happy to know I shot a few pictures of a pessenger jet or two landing at an adjacent runway.
  13. I don't think anyone has mentioned the one thing (besides the current gen graphics, etc.) that makes this version of AC stand out from all the other... online play! Has anyone here play it matches online yet? I admit as usual I'm behind on playing new games I've bought like days, weeks, months, even years ago! I did have the chance to open the box and take a look inside last night. Plan on firing it up tonight or sometime this weekend. So who here wants a little AC6 online action?
  14. You've been added to the master list in the 360 thread.
  15. In my own case, even on the weekends, I typically play in the evening until late at night. What is the time difference there in the Netherlands compared to the US Midwest? About 8 or 10 hours?
  16. If I know I'm going to be playing something like SF II Turbo or Fatal Fury Special, I'll hook up my Hori DOA4 stick. Kind of odd that not to many others have taken the initiative to make a good analog arcade stick for the 360.
  17. The list has been updated.
  18. Finally beat Dynasty Warriors: Gundam last night and got all 1,000 points. Took it back to the local store I bought it from almost two months ago and got almost $35 in store credit. Not too shabby. BTW, who would be interested in a bunch of us playing Halo 3 online sometime soon? I've played with MilkManX and some of his relatives once and also Bobepatt. It would be interesting to see how a bunch of us would act as a team.
  19. Lucky me was able to score BOTH the Eagle and Flanker faceplates last night. Anyway did get the full blown package so it should also have that extra Eagle faceplate inside too. Didn't have the time to play it last night. Anyone here on Macross World want to play online either against each other as a team?
  20. I downloaded about 2/5 of the pictures I plan on posting of the Guardians of Freedom airshow I was at last year. I will post the links when I get the remainder on there. Even in low rez, a lot of these are some pretty good shots.
  21. Regarding DLC and moving your hard drive to another 360, everything will work as long as you have an online connection. If your system becomes disconnected from XBL, any maps, themes, gamer pics, etc. that you bought with under your Gamertag will become unplayable. When I got my refurbished 360, MS had me delete the maps and stuff I had downloaded as Apollo Leader, had me creat a second XBL account (a Silver membership), and they gave me plenty of points to redownload all the stuff I needed to reload using my second account. Back on subject, what's the story with the faceplates? Is there one that's packed with the system? Is it the same as one of the ones you get to pick from? I should be picking mine up this evening.
  22. Sometime in the upcoming days I'm planning on posting on to Facebook about 300 of the 1,100 pictures I took at the Guardians of Freedom airshow down at the Lincoln, NE Municipal Airport a year ago September. First time I got to see the single seat F/A-18E up close and on the ground.
  23. Is there any pictures of what the faceplates look like? How about the one that comes with the complete package? I decided to take the plunge last week and preordered the boxset. The guy at Gamestop confirmed that they were getting the extra faceplates as part of the preorder.
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