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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Mike, you are my kind of man. If they did do that, there would have to be an extra achievement tacked on for if you successfully play the drums with one arm and two foot pedals.
  2. I've been following the F-15 situation for the last few days. Is there any more word on what they think is the issue with some of these F-15's? I know part of the reason why the F-16 Fighting Falcon's are manufactured with a mix of either GE or P&W engines is so that if the GE engined F-16's are grounded it doesn't neccessarily mean the P&W F-16's have to be grounded or vice versa.
  3. Go-Go-Godzilla! Godzilla/Tsoumeister is now on the list.
  4. Thanks for mentioning that. At least I hadn't racked up too many kills at this point.
  5. Got to admitt that this has been a great time to own an Xbox 360. Lots of very awesome games out this fall.
  6. Just note that this footage was from Robocon 10 which was like 12 years ago. Though I'm a Mari Iijima Minmay fan myself, I got to give Reba West credit for her singing voice being virtually identical to what it was over 10 years earlier. Besides this video, this guy has a bunch of other videos from Robocon 10, Robocon 20 (2005), and other anime conventions posted on his Youtube page.
  7. Anybody else picking up Call of Duty 4? It is looking pretty sweet and getting rave reviews. Will be getting mine later this afternoon.
  8. I would say my biggest gripes with GHIII right now are 1)The change in artwork and character design 2) The look of the star power and rock meters (though I do love that you now get a note meter showing your total of notes you have going) 3) Some of the achievements are ridiculous and 4) Some songs are just ridiculously difficult. Other then that, I am loving this game so far. Last night I opened Through the Fire and Flames when I beat Easy. When I played it on Medium, I only got like 76% of the notes. This song is tough! As for Rock Band, it looks like its going to be great and with it providing competition to Guitar Hero, both series will continue to flourish as they try to top each other. The main things for me right now is I have plenty of video games right now I'm trying to work on, heck I took The Orange Box and Bioshock back this weekend because I have no idea when I'll try those out, and secondly my space is kind of limited and with all the other guitars, Hori flight stick, and other game stuff laying around, I'm running out of room!
  9. I wonder if the purple areas are suppose to be the hit detection zones? It's funny that 16 years after the original Street Fighter II we are getting another incarnation of one of the greatest video games ever made.
  10. yellowlightman is now on the list!
  11. Sorry I couldn't make it on tonight. It's well past 1:00 now as it is and I'm bushed. Here's an idea... how about 11:00 PM Central Sunday - Saturday should be a time for us Macross World guys to meet up on XBL? Through this upcoming Friday night we'll do Halo 3. Tomorrow night and Wednesday night will work best for me to be on. This Saturday and Sunday night at 11:00 we'll do Ace Combat 6. Next week we'll do Halo 3 again. What does everyone think? I think just designating an approximate time for each night is going to be the best solution with our varied lives. Of course when the opportunities come up to play at other times, I'm game too.
  12. I probably played way too much in the way of Call of Duty 2 and Gears of War, so these days I'm trying to alternate between games so I stay fresh.Been mixing it up with Halo 3, Ace Combat 6, and GHIII and a few others.
  13. I just realized but Tsoumeister is not on the master list. Tsoumeister, if you read this, what is your Macross World name? Anyway, I've played Ace Combat 6 with David two Saturdays in a row now. David's usually on like around 11:00-Midnight. This time I got to use my Hori flight stick and throttle. Also got to play with Tsoumeister some Halo 3; tried to get Oihan to join though that didn't work out. (Sorry for my gravelly voice everyone, I could hardly speak on Saturday). I've played with MilkManX numerous times over the last year on a variety of games. Got to play Halo 3 with Bo-Be-Patt, too. The thing is trying to get everyone's lives and schedules to line up to do this. How about some of us do some Halo 3 at 11:00 PM Central tonight? I'll host and we we can do like team slayer, Big Team Battle, or just regular slayer?
  14. Cruisin on the Wii. I'm curious what some of you guys think. Is the problem here that Midway isn't getting any decent resolution shots or movies out of this game or is this game indeed just barely above N64 quality? The Rush games on the N64 looked almost as good as this and those were from 10 years ago! My brother is talking about getting a Wii for Christmas, in part because of his kids, but I've been trying to persuade him otherwise and going with a 360.
  15. Of course what this thread needs is more Southern Cross.
  16. I got Guitar Hero III last Sunday and I love it so far. Still debating on if I'll just get Rock Band the game so I can just play the guitar parts or if I'll go full bore. BTW, on South Park on Wednesday, they're going to be tackling the Guitar Hero phenomenom with an episode titled "Guitar Queer-o".
  17. An office Wii? Where in the heck do you work for? That's sounds like a pretty sweet gig to have game consoles in your office!
  18. Yeah, that was done with Die Hard 4 (Live Free or Die Hard) already, though I think 24 could probably do it better. But when it comes to Tony's return from the dead or Jack faking his death, didn't anybody wonder where their bodies were when they held the funerals?
  19. Actually I had a dedicated post about these a few months back! http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...=rude+awakening Funny stuff.
  20. Paul Tibbets, pilot of the Enola Gay and commander of the 509th Composite Wing, dead at 92. I got to meet him and one of the other surviving Enola Gay crew members, I believe the bombadier, 6 years ago this past May at the Strategic Air and Space Museum here in Nebraska. I'll post the picture of me with them if I have a chance tonight. Both Enola Gay and Bock's Car were manufactured by Martin down in Bellevue just about 15 miles from where I live. The site of the Martin bomber plant is now the main building for the 55th Reconnaissance Wing here at Offutt.
  21. The B-1 and B-2's primary roles were to be the primary strike weapon of the Strategic Air Command which still existed until June 1992. Even without actively promoting their conventional capabilities, just looking at the numbers from the Air Force and the manufacturers back then clearly showed that the B-1 and B-2 were clearly designed for greater conventional capabilities then the B-52. Internally, the B-1 can carry 84 500lbs MK82's and the B-2, which is smaller then both the B-1 and B-52, and it can hold 80 of those. I've seen conflicting numbers, but I don't think the B-52G or H's combined internal and external capability equals those numbers. Soon after Desert Storm, the Air Force held an event called "Stealth Week" I think in June 1991 in which one F-117, a B-2, and one of the YF-22's were put on display as part of an effort to rally political support for both the F-22 and B-2 programs in light of the F-117's success during Desert Storm. The Air Force also started showing the numbers on how one or two B-2's could do the job of what would take a 100+ fighters and support aircraft (tankers, ECM aircaft, etc.). Even after all of what was done to give the B-2 ever increasing conventional capabilities and the massive success they have had with the aircraft in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq there is has nothing but continued resistance to reopening the production line. What is infuriating is that a program like the B-2 or F-22 takes 10-15 years to develop and then they are suppose to provide a deterance for current or perceived threats for several decades to come. But yet, something happens over a period a few months (ie. the fall of the Soviet Union), and quick, rash, and irreversable decisions are made to these programs. The events of the last 10 years have shown that it would have been a good idea to have fielded a full fleet of B-2's. Russia isn't our buddies, China is a threat, there's North Korea, and of course there's a little thing call radical Islam which of course covers much of the whole Middle East and other parts of the world (we will probably be at war with Iran soon).
  22. For some odd reason, the US version of Ace Combat 3 axed and butchered most of the original story from the Japanese game. Don't know why.
  23. Hasbro turns on the spin machine. Of course there is no answer regarding GI Joe now being GIJOE and that it's part of some PC international task force and not an extension of the US military. Transcript from today's Glenn Beck program. Glenn and Stu create the new GI Joe theme song! And here's the final product! And of course GI Joe in its better days... YO JOE!!!
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