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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Ha, that's too funny! I didn't realize that Derek Reese was being played by Brian Austin Green of Beverly Hills 90210 fame.
  2. Maybe this has to do with what happened to Reese and the others in that house...
  3. Got a question from last night's episode. Was it revealed what happened to Reese's brother and the other humans that were taken down into the basement where the music was playing? Yeah, I know, wait until next week!
  4. I like DLC from the perspective of rentals and demos (in the case of game consoles). But when it comes to something I want to have for the long run, I would rather have an individual disc which I can sell and trade off when or if if I no longer desire to keep it. Also you can own as many discs (for games and movies) as you want and you can play them in other players or consoles, but having to dump everything on a finite hard drive limits the number of purchases you can make and then there's the issue of trying to save or move that content elsewhere...
  5. That's great news! Glad to finally see one unifying format. Unless some other format looks to be coming down the pike real soon, I'll probably get a Blu Ray player in the next 12 months or so... next March is my 10 year anniversary of when I got my first DVD player so that might be the time to do it. Just to jog my memory, is the US and Japan the same Region when it comes to Blu Ray?
  6. So that explains the "Krusty Seal of Approval" that was on the back of my first 360...
  7. GBP-1 for Toynami's 1/100th VF-1's? Nice! Now if they would actually get the FAST Packs for Max and Milia and the FAST Pack equipped VF-1S's and VF-1A released!
  8. Is that info on the main site or on their message board? I'm really intrigued by the big hangar that's being built at Groom Lake... they've constructed a big mound of dirt in order to obscure its view from those who look down on the base from the east!
  9. Perhaps our resident "Southern Cross Army of One" can provide some answers. When I watched the DVD set over 4 years ago I had the impression that the long range result of what happened at the end was going to turn Jeanne and the rest of the humans of Gloria into Zor. Too bad the ending had to be rushed.
  10. Rock Band outsells GHIII on Xbox 360 during January. I beat the guitar part of Rock Band on hard a few nights ago. Started playing a little bit of expert and I'll see how well that goes. After that I'll be working on the drums.
  11. It looks like we won't see the return of Jack Bauer and all his glory until next January. Of course the question is will they reshoot the season from scratch since they already shot like 6 or 7 episodes?
  12. Since Season 7 of 24 won't be until next January now ( ) I wonder if they'll reshoot the season from scratch?
  13. I'm over halfway playing Rock Band guitar on hard. At this point I'm going to say that most of the songs are about as easy as the original Guitar Hero was on hard. In fact a fair number of the songs I should be able to get a perfect on with a little practice. The only song I am having troubles with is Suffragate City. The arrangement on it is pretty tough for me (I did complete it though).
  14. F-117's being stored at Tonopah. I can't remember if anyone had posted it here or not, but it's kind of ironic that the base that was custom built for the F-117 fleet will now serve as it's "retirement" home. If they decide to put any of the aircraft back into service I wonder if they would be operated from Tonopah? I wonder what else has been going on at Tonopah since the mid 1990's?
  15. Wrestlecrap's 2007 Gooker Award.
  16. When all was said and done I think I got it for about $9 (I got it and a few other 360 and PS2 games for less then $10 each at a Shopko last week). I don't know about a $10 ride, but it was okay for a $9 ride. I'll probably trade it in in the near future though.
  17. I saw it last night night and would have to say it was bloody good, emphasis on BLOODY. Regarding the Tall Boy that's laying in the jungle, to my knowledge the RAF mainly used those on German submarine pens and other hard targets in France and elsewhere in Europe and I don't think those made it down to Burma, but I could be wrong. Like Rocky Balboa, this movie sends the series out on a high note.
  18. Just made the quickest 1,000 achievement points over the weekend. Played through King Kong over Friday and Sunday night. But heh, I finally broke 10,000 points overall. As for Halo 3... still playing. I actually finally got up to a skill level of 41. Since I'm playing pretty consistantly now and for the most part I've been holding on to that 41, I think I'm going to continue building my skill level up even though I'll probably be playing less.
  19. When my guitar for the 360 edition of Rock Band pooped out, I filled out the stuff online for getting the shipping box. Get the box a few days later and I shopped the guitar off that evening. A week later I get another empty shipping box, but this time there's an empty PS3 Rock Band shipping box inside. I called EA to explain the situation and a few more days later I finally got my new guitar. After that got settled I called EA again regarding the free game offer, but no one I talked to seem to have any idea about what I was talking about. Guess I should have called Harmonix instead. BTW, maybe we should rename this the PS3 40GB thread since it looks like Sony is going to be giving the 80GB version the boot, too.
  20. Saw the pictures yesterday. I originally thought they were just doing a straight out upscale of the White Knight and Spaceshipone. The new Spaceshiptwo looks like a crossbreed between Spaceshipone and Boeing's X-20 Dyna Soar! Can't wait to see both aircraft up and flying.
  21. The B-58 Hustler used a similar enclosed capsule ejection seat as well.
  22. Got my Colonel promotion in Halo 3 last night. I must be getting better because for all the games I played last night I managed to maintain my 40 skill level all evening without ever dropping. But since it seems impossible for me to get past 40 (at least on Lone Wolves) and getting an Overkill on Lone Wolves will probably be nothing short of sheer luck, I think I'm going to take a break from Halo 3 for a while. But with that said, I've definitely enjoyed Halo 3 immensely and will be back to playing it soon. Still got to help a friend beat it on Legendary! If I got time tonight, I'll be doing some COD4 action. Maybe I can help COD4 be the most popular game again this week!
  23. Yeah that would have been the other thing about the movie that the deployment of ground and air forces on New York was that rapid.
  24. I saw it with a friend on Friday night. He actually threw up after the film. Though I can have motion sickness issues at times, I was perfectly fine during the movie. As for my opinion about it, doing the whole movie from solely the perspective of the camcorder was definitely unique and in a way was kind of like 24 in that your witnessing things in real time (sort of). But beyond that, I didn't feel much of a connection to the characters, the monster should have been given more screen time (obviously very hard to do since the whole movie was done from just that one perspective), and the ending was very unfulfilling, in fact I heard a number of people in the theater voiced their disatisifcation at the ending of the movie and numerous others waited around through out the credits hoping some Easter Egg was at the end to help justify them sitting through this whole film.
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