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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Typhoon fighter pilot forgets to lower landing gear upon landing.
  2. Must be for his Air Force piloted by the likes of Matt...Damon and Arec Baldwin.
  3. That's pretty cool. Will have to look for that.
  4. I saw it last night with some friends. Definitely a solid comic-to-live-action film. Unfortunately I left during the credits and missed the complete ending. Might see it again tonight.
  5. I've sqeezed almost 2 years of heavy use of my refurbished 360 and my 20GB hard drive is nearly packed to capacity so depending on what size of drive comes with a Blu-Ray 360 I might make that jump. Of course the Blu-Ray 360 better be darn reliable if I'm going to use that for movie, too.
  6. You beat me to the punch. I was just glancing through my e-mail from BBTS and saw the paragraph about this thinking it just had to deal with Bandai's VF-1S and VF-1J. Then I noticed "Toynami" referenced in the article and did a double take. I clicked on the link.... Did Hell just freeze over?!? I wonder if Big West changed their minds on allowing companies like Bandai from working with Harmony Gold or any of their licensees? Either way that's some pretty great news... though I wish this could have happened 7 years sooner. I wonder if Yamato will follow suit?
  7. Let me know when you want to play or when you might be on. You're always more then welcome to send an invite. This weekend will be bad since I'll be out of town... I hope I have enough time to download the Def Leppard pack for GHIII.
  8. I think you guys are thinking of Tom Bateman. He was let go right before the Anime Expo last summer.
  9. Now I remember that was my original plan to call the next 360 thread the Halo 3 Edition. I'm in the same boat with both COD4 and Halo 3. COD 4 I want to finish up the single player stuff and FINALLY delve into the Live play which I have missed out for months. I purposely took a break from Halo 3 for the last two months because I had just got way overly obsessed with it. I still need to finish the Overkill achievement and I wouldn't mind getting my ranking up to Brigadier or General.
  10. When is the last flight of F-117's suppose to leave Holloman for Tonopah? Some sources indicate it was suppose to be yesterday while others have today as being the Nighthawk's ride off into the sunset. Speaking of Tonopah, I've been reading up the Constant Peg program and listened through the seminar that was given at the Air Force Museum last year. I had assumed they had operated that fleet of MiG-17's, 21's, and 23's from Groom Lake. Turns out they were actually using the set of hangars on the south end of Tonopah's base; the MiG's would fly during the daytime while the F-117's flew at night. Basing of the Constant Peg (US MiG's) and Senior Trend (F-117) was a joint package. http://www.fjphotography.com/constantpeg/index.htm http://www.flickr.com/photos/53995653@N00/...57601630296104/ As for the Iranian F-14's still flying, I would definitely go through the Constant Peg story of what it took to operate and maintian the US MiG fleet. It's probably a similar story for what has to be done to keep those aircraft flying after almost 30 years of no support from Grumman or any of the other contractors involved, but granted things are a little different since the Iranians did have US support for running and maintaining up to 1979. http://www.afa.org/magazine/april2007/0407peg.asp http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/av/lectures.asp
  11. Time to breath some new life into this thread. Based off of the trailer shown at the end of the last episode and some clips that the CW have posted on Youtube...
  12. Time for a new aircraft thread. Since thread 4 was just abruptly shut down, I will repost the additional B-2 crash pictures I found.
  13. Before I forget, here's the current list (as of about 4 months ago anyway) of Macross World members on XBL. As before, the name on the left is Macross World ID's while names on the right are their Live alias: Apollo Leader - Apollo Leader Chowser - Chowser051 Mechafan - TechValkyrie BoBe-Patt - bobe patt Sephiroth - Sephiroth017 MilkManX - MilkManX Dante74 - Lorenzo74 David Hingtgen - Xenogears Id Valkyrie - Valkyrie2036 Axelay - Silent Scope EX JsARCLIGHT - JsARCLIGHT Oihan (Oyan) - Ashmedai Alpha OTS - Qaztab Fort Max - Angst O Tron mikeszekely - Pharaohman eugimon - eugimon Mechafan - TechGhostR6 VT 1010 - ROU21 Beltane70 - Beltane0070 Ishimaru - Ryvann danth - Coocoocola yellowlightman - Crocodilopolis Godzilla - Tsoumiester Spatula - Delicious Bunny Ginrai - sayjeremy shogun029 - shogun029 Southpaw Samurai - SouthpawSamurai
  14. I see the Elite Edition thread was closed so it's time for a new 360 thread. Unfortunately another SKU, not including the Arcade model, hasn't been introduced yet so I'll name this thread after the good old Pro system. Back to 360 news, it was posted on a whole number of sites yesterday that the original Dreamcast Soul Calibur will be hitting XBLA latter this year. As for MSG: Operation Troy/Mobile Ops: The One Year War, I wonder if a US release is still planned. Furthermore, I hope they drop the Mobile Ops name and restore Gundam to the title. So far all Gundam games for the PS3 and 360 have held onto their Gundam names.
  15. More pictures from the B-2 crash back in February (yikes, that was two months ago already). I assume David got his picture via the same site (www.abovetopsecret.com). As for any part of this going to a museum, obviously it's now just a burn-out hulk for one thing, but also since so much of the aircraft is heavily classified it will probably be destroyed out right. When both Lockheed XST prototypes crashed, their remains were buried somewhere in the vicinity of Groom Lake.
  16. Surprised it was that much intact so it must have not been too much off of the ground and was belly up when it hit. I wonder if there's any more word on what may or may not happen.
  17. Ikaruga came out last week and of course I got it. Finally got around to playing the Orange Box finally, in particular I went through Portal. So what's everyone else doing on the 360 these days?
  18. Yeah I wish it were all on Rock Band instead. As for Rocket, Def Leppard plays an even LONGER version of the song in concert. They performed that version when I saw them live in 2006 and my brother can attest to that for the other times he's seen theme in concert.
  19. Geesh! Finally! I think I recall as far back as 2005 where I first heard about Go Lion getting a proper release.
  20. Def Leppard DLC heading to GH III. Though it's possible that Def Leppard may be heading to GH IV, too, but as it goes right now a three-song pack comprised of Photograph, Rock of Ages, and the song Nine Lives from their next album will be up for downloading in a little over a week. Nine Lives makes this a Guitar Hero first in that a Guitar Hero release of a song will be out before its album release.
  21. I went ahead and signed it, too, but something tells me that all this petition is going to do is stroke Boll's ego.
  22. Too bad it wasn't you that died instead ya freak.
  23. I know I've been chomping at the bit for this one... Def Leppard songs in Guitar Hero IV. Looks like a mix of songs from Pyromania and Hysteria. Hopefully either Guitar Hero or Rock Band will pick up some tracks from High 'n' Dry.
  24. It's Northrop, with an "o" not a "u".
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