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Everything posted by commodore256
They don't make new Sci-Fi or Anime for me anymore
commodore256 replied to commodore256's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
They had 25 years to make a better Outlaw Star, (I liked that 1998 space western more than I liked Cowboy Bebop) they had 15 years to make a successor to Gundam that didn't suck like Code Geass. Also, I don't understand how this is political, if anything I'm anti-political. I don't watch new Star Trek (Well, at least Discovery) because I don't like partisan propaganda and I don't like watching the pundits like Critical Drinker and the Channel formally known as "Computing Forever" because they too are partisan propaganda. I kinda want to escape from the dreads of the world and escape into a better future. Can the future have war and still be better than it is now? Sure, we have war. Older anime had less of an emphasis on mind frakkery. -
They don't make new Sci-Fi or Anime for me anymore
commodore256 replied to commodore256's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I meant in the 80's, they made TV for people who were old in the 80's. They don't make TV for people like me now even though I'm younger than the old people of the 80's. -
They don't make new Sci-Fi or Anime for me anymore
commodore256 replied to commodore256's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
What did that statement say? -
They don't make new Sci-Fi or Anime for me anymore
commodore256 replied to commodore256's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
To me, the Enterprise is the star of Star Trek, there's no new anime where hardware feels like the star of the show. -
They don't make new Sci-Fi or Anime for me anymore
commodore256 replied to commodore256's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Yeah, but all I love and all I know has been ruined for me. How do you relax like that? Music is a whole other story, Music can be made with half a dozen people or even one person, there is no such thing as super expensive music, there is for audio visual mediums such as television and cinema. It's a lot easier to get niche music than it is to get a niche movie of acceptable production values. It feels like I'm being lied to when I'm told Moe and Iyashikei is "Anime". My brain believes you, but my heart thinks that's a lie. I just want to go where my heart wants to take me.I self identified at a very young age as being that guy that will develop the revolutionary technology of the future and the anime I liked really appealed to that sense of identity. But now, the technological paradigms while having way higher specs than the late 20th century and I love really high specs, I hate the paradigm, I like PC gaming, but I hate how since 2008, PC games sold on removable media are worthless without telemetry. Technology was better when it didn't assume the user had internet. I want our specs, but I wanted to be a part of the consumer respecting paradigm, in the late 20th century, it was possible to get a tech job that doesn't involve using telemetry to abuse the general populous like data mining that google and facebook does, or working for a car company that locks away heated seats behind a monthly fee or Video games that nickel and dime you with DLC and micro transactions it. Now all the tech jobs involve doing things I find to be morally objectionable. This is antithetical to the world I wanted to be a part of. I like anime when it was technologically themed before telemetry abuse bullshit ruined everything I loved about technology. There's no new anime of my perspective that takes for granted that technology doesn't abuse people and if it does, the resistance movement feels like someone you can cheer for, someone that's strong, that you can believe in, someone that you can trust. -
They don't make new Sci-Fi or Anime for me anymore
commodore256 replied to commodore256's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
kufhdt It doesn't look like anime. to me, I never got used to CGI in anime, the only time it was acceptable was in Cowboy Bebop when while it stood out, I felt they knew their limits and they didn't heavily rely on it. I can tell when CGI is trying to fake the hand drawn look and I can spot it like Kyle Reese can spot the T-600 Terminators with rubber skin. Everything I loved about anime, the whole package doesn't exist anymore. There's a difference between what Amuro went through and the stupid cringe antics in code geass. Here's FMP for reference Did Gundam have handlebars on Sela's hips like in Darling in the Franxx? This is the kind of cringe I can't stand. It's so idiotic and it kills the atmosphere I'm looking for. Those cringe clips are an embodiment of what I hate about teenage cringe in 21st century anime. Yeah, I know Eva had stuff like that too, why do you think I hated Eva? (That and I hate a strong emphasis on dread, I hate having our so-called "heroes" feel hopeless) What do you do when your greatest pleasure in life is ruined for you? What do you do? I look at other things and I think "It's not as good as finding a new classic anime", so what's the point? Yeah, but those were made when media was less engineered to emphasize feelings of dread. We've got emotional and psychological engineering down to a science in cinematography and music scoring, but back then it was more of an art coupled with now everything is competing for eyeballs, so it has to be as sensationalist as possible. We're living inside of a stimulation. That stuff happened in America 100 years ago. Imaging walking to work and hearing "Extree, Extree, read all about it, Early Edition News bad thing happened, only 5 cents, read all about it" and you walk home and you hear the same Newsboy and he's selling the evening edition of the news paper. How do you think Alcohol was made illegal? Media propaganda. And looked at what happened from that hasty emotionally frantic solution? The Mafia got involved and we still haven't recovered from that hasty solution, before prohibition, it was socially acceptable for a 10-year-old to have a beer or a glass of wine with dinner. In America, you start drinking at age 21, in Europe, you stop drinking at age 19. America is a culture of people in their 20's that don't know how to drink responsibly and it's all thanks to media propaganda. Maybe what I like about anime was STEM propaganda, it looked like it inspired people to study robotics. I want to find like minded people from the bases of my frustrations and alienation. I don't hate new anime because I hate new anime, I hate it because it's antithetical to everything I liked about anime and I figure it would be easier to find people that share the same love for what anime used to be in a forum and forums have way more people of my generation and older, I'm sick of always being the oldest guy in the anime discord group and nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about. I also figure since the forum started in 1999 and the base franchise started 40 years ago, I figure a good number of people remembers the anime club days of sharing VHS tapes and most anime was themed around my interests and sensibilities In 1984, there was a new TV show staring a main actress that was 55 years old at the time and it's about a widowed retired school starting a new life and becoming a best selling author. A show like that sends a positive message of "It's never too late to start something new". I'm not even 40 years old and I feel more alienated by modern culture more so than somebody that was 55 in the year 1984 felt in the culture of 1984. I have the same taste in media I had in 2000, the only difference is I don't like shounen and I don't like strongly emphasized feelings of dread or cringe. I was bullied a lot in high school, it was hell for me and I don't like things that bring back unpleasant feeling of a time when I started feeling helpless. I also don't see things as they were as "nostalgia", I see it as the natural order of things, I feel a sense of normalcy for that time, not a sense of happiness because I wasn't happy even back then, but anime was the highlight of a horrible day at school, not I have a horrible life and I just want to relax. -
They don't make new Sci-Fi or Anime for me anymore
commodore256 replied to commodore256's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
It's dead in a sense of the people that liked the nerdy stuff of the 70's and 80's aren't really welcome anymore outside the context of old legacy franchises. Nobody trusts the spirit of gundam or the late 90's space westerns won't sell unless they're in a pre-established brand. and I got sick of this with Super Hero Films, I got sick of super hero films in 2008, when the MCU started. That reminded me of when I got sick of Isekai, I got sick of that before SAO came out, I saw MAR, Monster Rancher, Digimon, Kyou Kara Maou and Zero no Tsukaima and I got sick of it just before they became the new normal. Japan could have only made anime I liked when Akihabara was a consumer electronics district and anime was a consumer electronics accessory for people that bought a cool lazerdisc player, they felt like they brought the future home when they bought the lazerdisc player and they brought it back everytime they watched an OVA. Marty knows what I'm talking about. Marty wasn't talking about Cartoons with a girl late for school and got toast with jam in her month and hoping her senpai will notice her. Now, Japan doesn't sell consumer electronics outside of consoles, hell they don't even manufacture them anymore, hell, they don't even design them in Japan anymore. In fact, I know of a guy that worked on the PS5's GPU and he ain't Japanese, he doesn't even speak Japanese. Non-anime and non-Video Game exports of Japan have seen better days. -
They don't make new Sci-Fi or Anime for me anymore
commodore256 replied to commodore256's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Yeah, but ultraman has been around since the 60's. I just hate feeling like there's nothing new-new in the spirit I'd like. I saw the first episode of Strange New Worlds, they showed a clip of what happened to the events leading up to WWIII and it was the Capitol Riot. I want to escape from being reminded about real world dreads. I think I might watch more of it, but I have Discovery homework to do and I'd suffer through Picard for the climax, but my problem is I hear it doesn't feel heroic or triumphant before the series climax. I hate seeing the person I look up to as a hero being as cynical, biter, disillusioned and as misanthropic as I am. He is acting realistically in character if the world changed in that way, but I don't want to see the world change in that way. I want to finish an episode and not feel like my curiosity is being exploited just to binge. I hate binge watching culture, I hate our culture of being up to date just so you can be a part of the conversation, I hate how our culture encourages FOMO, I hate. My culture also isn't nerdy anymore, it's normie and the soul of it that made me enjoy it isn't there anymore. I used to have misguided optimism about the future of anime, in 2007, I thought people saying anime was dying were being hyperbolic and I thought with anime becoming cheaper, more and more anime was being made and even if the percentage of my corner of the greater anime community shrank, the raw number of anime I can enjoy would still increase, but the reality is if your interest is expensive to make and what you like about the interest becomes more niche, it dies. All I get is "Ok, boomer, here's another F***ing gundam", but I want something new of that heroic space lazer vibe that isn't cringe or a farce like Space Dandy, doesn't look Juvenile like Eden's Zero and has a mature, yet not Mind F***y atmosphere (I hate psychological as a genre) with heroic adventurous vibes and makes me feel technology is good for our heroes. -
They don't make new Sci-Fi or Anime for me anymore
commodore256 replied to commodore256's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
When I watch old anime I like, I think "I'll never see anything new like this ever again" and that's so depressing, I can't finish it. I never actually seen Macross or Robotech or LOTGH, I hate feeling like the last time they made an original anime I like was 1998 and if I modified that to be 2006, that's not much different. I never thought when I first got really got into anime and self identified as an anime 23 years ago and saw a copyright date if 1998, I never thought that was the last hurrah, I never thought 20 years later, I would be watching an anime made in 1978 (Harlock) and loving it and felt disappointed that I could find anime like what I enjoined that came out in 1998, 20 years before 1998 and nothing 20 years after 1998. I thought 1998 was just the beginning, not the end. I'm also not a printed medium guy, I want to feel an atmosphere I can only get from an audiovisual medium. To me that is the only way I can experience the wonders of futuristic hardware. -
I found this forum by searching for people that hate new anime and found a post from 2005 that says "What you like about anime is still here, Cowboy Bebop was made just 7 years ago" and I figure since this forum has been around since the late 20th century and forums in general attract an older crowd, I figure the community here knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, I've come to terms that what I like about anime and sci-fi and especially sci-fi anime doesn't exist anymore. I like heroic adventurous vibes, but I hate the overly glossy looking colors of modern anime and I hate how the characters look cute and not cool or hot, they don't look mature to me and the few with mature designs don't emphasize heroic adventurous vibes of a savory pacing involving mature looking characters like how Late 20th century anime looked, but I don't want an old 20th century legacy and don't even like the ones in the early 00's like Planetes, I don't see an emphasis on heroic vibes. I thought Code Geass was going to be a spirited successor to gundam, but I hated the teenage cringe, that brings back bad memories of me making an idiot of myself. I don't want just be recommended a 20th century anime or any anime made before 2010 because that's when I stopped watching anime and I don't even want to watch an anime of a franchise that started before 2010, I hate feeling like I'm locked into older legacies even when an anime delivers on their legacy and more often than not, it's just a cheap cash grab that disrespects the legacy. There's no new anime themed around the wonders of a futuristic world, it's usually themed around it being dreadful and modern narratives are way better at emphasizing strong feelings of dread. Anime just isn't for Sci-Fi nerds anymore unless you count "I want toys with better graphics" like SAO, new anime doesn't give me a feeling that futuristic hardware can be spectacular. Even Star Trek, the franchise I moved to in the mid 00's when I couldn't find good anime, since 2009, it became about fast paced spectacles and since Discovery, it's been about mean spirited partisan propaganda. Not to say politics is bad, it's about how you say it, it's not about what you say it and there's a big difference between having politics in it and making it about politics. I also feel alienated that when I search for like minded people, it's just culture war tribal sensationalist BS, I kinda want to escape from what I don't like about the world and I want to be around others that just want to escape. When older star trek talked about political topics, it wasn't always partisan and yeah, there's a copypasta meme that "debunks" the statement that star trek was less political, but the music and the cinematography don't emphasize the visuals of the screenshots, like I think of more of the dilemma than the agenda, I also hate our narrative culture of way too much irony, self-awareness, metaness and bathos. If what I liked about the world doesn't even have a recent past, what hope is there for a future?