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Everything posted by djivaldi7

  1. I wouldn't hold out for 1/60... awesome as it would be. If this was a company? Maybe. But a hobbyist who is already making this a complex, multi-option project will get tired and want the intrigue of his next passion project. Consider ourselves lucky if we at least get in the queue for the 1/100.
  2. It's confusing. Highly suggest keeping it simple. Offer just the HMR "regular" armor on one channel/thread, and the full valk+armor & customizable varieties on another. Put me on the queue for one regular armor set.
  3. First two options sound infinitely better, because if you only offer it at Wonder Festival Japan, then the rest of us who aren't attending miss out?
  4. Have you concluded how you'll work with other hobbyists and collectors? Pre-sale deposits? Patreon? PayPal? Files vs. physical production? The VF1 armored Gerwalk is in a similar phase right now.
  5. here's the ask... to get you encouraged to try again !
  6. Since this has been going on awhile and memory fades, and fishing through old posts is exhausting... asking if you would please post a re-summarized statement for pre-order: 1. Presuming $100 ea, where/how will you take orders and payment? Deposits first? Or 100% paid in advance? 2. Which brand and scale will we need to base it on? Or, what exactly do we need to have before we get this? 3. First come, first served? Order limit 1 for the first few weeks so nobody gets left out and then open it up for infinite qty after a few weeks go by? Thx
  7. Hmm...anybody else been made unable to bid on Wiseguys' auctions? EBay told me I was put on their exclusions list but no reason why. I'd bought quite a bit. No returns or negative feedback. Not sure what it means...
  8. As I'm looking to spend some $$$$
  9. any update on this project as we try to contain our excitement>?
  10. So it was meant to be. They're going to eventually put even more on sale from the simple consequences of supply and demand vs. cashflow.
  11. Tokyo Otaku Mode... Highly reputable, I've used them for years. Once you become a premium member the discounts + cash back put you at a huge advantage. Use the new DX Chogokin VF-25 Armored Revival as an example. Check it out at $313 with 25% cash back, then daisy chained across a 2nd order, then a third order, each using the cash back from the previous order, The 25% oscillates a bit with each order since the 25% for forward orders is calculated after the discount is applied to current order. Comes out well-under $300 each, and USA shipping is free for any order over $150. During clearance events sometimes they double or triple the cash back ON TOP OF the clearance price. The math is self-evident.
  12. 3D printers are really great, but here's one counterpoint "if" this gets to where demand at a certain scale (1/60, 1/72 or 1/100) goes really high... about 20 years ago I contracted a China-based factory through an agent in Japan to recast two primary mechs from the Sega game Quovadis... the GX and the Felon. Amortized the tooling cost into an MOQ (minimum order quantity) of 50 each. Sold all but 3 of each on Ebay for my personal use. It more than paid for the risk I took on a very niche series. I took the huge risk because I totally missed out on the originals and was willing to do nearly anything to get my hands on them. At some point, getting with E2046.com or one of the resin clearinghouses for soft or hard tooling becomes faster and cheaper than 3D printing. I had one advantage in that the agent had access to the original tooling, it helped keep the setup costs down. Not sure what the 3D files provided would offset in comparison beyond engineering/CAD cost offset. Also, there was no such thing as crowdfunding like Kickstarter back then, so today a preorder cycle would be much better advertised and paid up-front, so with this certainty you could evaluate more easily whether the campaign crossed the 3D print vs. resin mould economic threshold. Granted, the marketing advantages of a Kickstarter campaign may or may not get offset by the fees when compared to the accessibilty and popularity of Ebay, but then again pre-selling via Ebay is frowned upon by some, and Ebay fees may be up there with Kickstarter...idk. I only bring this up so that any younger versions of me out there don't miss out like I did on earlier niche Macross projects, simply because the net wasn't cast out wide enough beyond MWForums.
  13. Interestingly enough, ghosts and squires have become a reality: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ngad-america-s-new-6th-generation-fighter-is-not-what-you-think/ar-BB1mvbz4?ocid=socialshare&pc=DCTS&cvid=b9332dd6741c4656bb124479dd76882e&ei=18 Thank you Macross for showing us the future!
  14. They're doling it out slowly on Ebay. Save your pennies and you'll be able to get some.
  15. The abundance of 1/100 legacy kits by ARII etc and 1/72 Hasegawa really makes sense if the posing stability is good after adding the weight
  16. Regarding the questions. 1. I'd but multiple qty, and that would likely increase depending on your final decisions wrt. #3....scales and brand diversity. 2. Similar to #1, if price is under 2x mass produced basis, my volume will be higher since I could afford more than if it's 3x or >. 3. Again similarly, I'd buy more if it matched brand/scale in my pile of shame. Gut says follow the mass market volume to avoid diminishing returns. 1/100 HMR. 1/60 Yamato top the chart. 1/60 dx chogokin is predictable. If it could somehow match ARII 1/100 or Hasegawa 1/48 that would expand interest base... if strong enough to support the weight. To that end, for lighter captive mechanisms, did you consider magnets? Box Art and swag is a solid idea as I hear Yogurt the Wise say "Merchandizing!" ...(Spaceballs). And price point probably appeals to most of us. 4. Deposit expected. Your investment is obvious. But bear in mind those of us who discern a 6 year development ramp so far may be a bit squeamish on how assured a final delivery will be... and also how soon delivery will be upon your posting the order/deposit window. Aa a tagalong to #3, this design is close to SK's better-illustrated VF25 armored valk alternative concepts. Whether elements of that help the more sparsely illustrated vf1 render, or it becomes a future project, it's cool for similar bulky reasons. Really happy to see this project pop from the shadows!
  17. Finally found this VF1AG thread. So, as it was 6 years ago, did an order cycle actually happen? Or did it get shelved? I'd certainly invest in the resurrection.
  18. @ChristopherBIt's hard for meto see from the resolution, but it's this one of the Kawamori vf1 concept drawings from VFDN? A Gerwalk with a turret looking contraption? What did it look like in real life, and has it ever been recast or 3d scanned?
  19. New series, new opportunities to woo outside Japan, i.e. North America using Disney+ Hoping the action sequences don't flash by so quickly like in Delta. There's no opportunity to enjoy the panorama and mechanicals. After the Oscar's "crush Miyazaki" statement... well, look at the artistry as much as his productions' depth of storytelling. Sunrise could do anything Ghibli does, leverage some Gundam talent, but they'd have to value that perspective. For Marketing, kids have so much ultra-fantasy out there now, sticking to neo-reality tech like Macross still has its appeal, plus grandpa is more likely to introduce the series and buy "Junior" a Macross toy since he can relate to it too...bridging fan generations can have huge market penetration impact because you start with a large base. Neo-reality, Newtonian Physics friendly shows like The Expanse can still attract younger viewers. The "magic" should be applied sparingly like fold crystals and protoculture. Zettai Live-like elements should be used. It was the best fix to major characters and plot progress on several fronts. It brought back Max and Megaroad 1. It revealed AI and future tech possibilities...AI singers, and the clone/daughter baby set a new stage. How about time travel or inter-dimensional travel to encounter the Ancients? In Zettai-Live!!! the Fighter vs. Battleship victory took us back climactically to M7 Lt. Kinryu's suicidal run in his armored VF11. Make sure "against the odds" sub-victories happen. Embrace some space physics...sure, let us still hear the explosions, but in dogfights how about exploring some true-physics spin-around and shoot the guy who's chasing you (remember Atari's Asteroids?) while you're still going in the same direction? Maybe that evens out some of the freakish high-G advantage ghost, squire(m2) and SV303 Vivasvats have? If this new series can continue that, letting us have time to admire the scenery, action and mechanicals, and getting more Gundam/Ghibli-esque in the narrative, my grandkids will surely get to visit Disney's "Macross-World" in Orlando someday.
  20. WHAAAAT ?!?! Watched both vids. Looked at my supposed gerwalk-only version. From what I see, it has the same slide-in grooves for the thighs allowing the legs to extend past the wing for fighter mode. And the top tip of the thigh does have a grated texture that appears purposeful when the tip slides visibly forward in front of the wing. So, were the videos basically saying the two models are physically the same, and it was simply a packaging/box art differentiation?
  21. That is an EXCELLENT response @no3Ljm and is VERY helpful. You nailed it spot-on. Thank you!
  22. Okay, so I found a <$200 1/48 gerwalk-only Bronco-II. Took the wallet hit. Did ANYBODY ever post the differences/mods that would allow a Gerwalk-only 1/48 to become a Gerwalk+fighter? (That kit was $1000 to wit I said "Good day sir!" Or can anyone point me to online scans of the kit instructions?
  23. Well, the situation is just like Minnie's affair with Mickey's best friend. ...****ing Goofy.
  24. Certainly worth the wait...hope you get your MOJO back! A lot of us are obviously rooting for you! Settling into a new job takes awhile for sure. Quick question et al...what's the fundamental difference between the ARII 1/48 Gerwalk and the 1/48 Gerwalk + Flyer in terms of the kit's mechanics allowing transformation? Secondary market (Ebay) is brutal for those kits $160 vs. $1000+ respectively...
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