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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. You can poll here, and you can also look to pre-sell on Kickstarter. But be sure you know your cost basis and schedule before starting the campaign (under-promise, over-deliver). If you have questions or need help organizing a campaign just DM me. I've been there...
  2. Amen! Glad you could catch the Orguss Fever again!
  3. Sold out almost instantly. My proxy guy didn't get there in time. Says the Experten rep apologized and said they will consider a 2nd run for summer.
  4. Total left turn here, but Vertex Nebula at Patreon just announced his own Variable Glaug. Not sure whether that's 3 separate mode 3D prints or 1 unit truly variable?
  5. I see several proxies online. This sounds both complicated and low probability of success... I see now why few ever get hands on these regardless of how much money old guys like me throw at it.
  6. Does anyone know any trusted proxies going there we could prepay and tip?
  7. Wait...which event? Wonderfest?
  8. So...how DO you order one?
  9. Watch it and "Like" it... that should trigger some data collection point of Disney's. Plus get on the horn on FB, Instagram, Reddit, Ex-twitter, LinkedIn. I called Harmony Gold twice to advocate the overall release of everything with Disney, the schedule announcement on Hulu came out 3 days later (most likely coincidental) They at least listened, but did say they hadn't seen much consumer inquiry (which may be since most people gave up complaining to them years, if not decades, ago.... Their Cust svc number is public and I posted it here earlier. (323) 851-4900
  10. Well, still no go. EOY is here. i will be a squeaky wheel until a reasonable explanation is put outc there publicly. Anyone else who's interested in amping efforts, contacts below.. Harmony Gold USA, Inc. 7655 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90046. (323) 851-4900 Disney + +1-888-905-7888
  11. Thanks for the heads up on the VF27. This next TOM purchase below leveraged the points from the VF-OA last week. The "looping" of orders one at a time would put you at roughly $197 delivered each time. This is roughly the equivalent of buying at y32,000, free shipping, and exchange rate .064 y/usd
  12. Great illustration. What does the order, rendering and production plan look like?
  13. Yes, but, that's why I stated this is about how you compound the points and/or discounts from prior TOM purchases. In some cases, they'll mark down an item 50%, like recently with VF0S HiMetal, or in others like the DX SV262Hs offerred 66% cash points back, while in others they've offerred some combination of the two in varying degrees, immediate discount plus points. So, yes, a standalone, one time purchase on TOM may not wow anyone, even with free shipping, it's the cumulative effects over multiple purchases rolling consistent discounts and points, while monitoring their promotional windows opportunistically, that have made them unbeatable for me. Patience required because they don't throw it all on sale all at once. ....Kinda like momma did at the grocery on double coupon Wednesdays.
  14. https://otakumode.com/shop/676366df9524f200284bab7b/Macross-Zero-1-60-Scale-Perfect-Trance-VF-0A-Phoenix-Kudo-Shin-Model?utm_source=tom&utm_medium=ec&utm_campaign=EC_20241219_FigureNews_US_CA&utm_content=IMG_10 As it's been awhile since I've explained the value prop from premium membership at Tokyo Otaku Mode... Getting mine for $198, free surface delivery, plus puts another almost $50 onto my TOM points balance. So...effectively $149 total! From the perspective of a loyal "TOM-boy"....They do let you daisy-chain purchases, did that for multiples of the DX Chogokin VF25 armored, VF25 tornado, YF-21 etc. The SV262Hs at one point was a whopping 66% cash back, others were similar around 50% points back during pre-sale intro periods and Black Friday events. (This Arcadia VF1A is a more modest 25%, but I'm not holding out because of my own FOMO w. Arcadia) And while the final cashback % earned comes AFTER applying TOM points from your prior orders, you still get decent points earned depending on how well you time these promo periods. Annual TOM premium membership is like $50. I amortized that quickly with a few of those DX orders, plus the 75- 90% off members get on some of the TOM clearance events. Insane values there. Next best is Mandarake "lightly used" a year or two post-launch.
  15. Does anyone take an educated guess at Arcadia lot sizes? SV-51 Nora seems substantial, but I'm hearing for other types it mat be under a few 1000 globally? Not sure yield per mold based on tool quality. I mean, Yamato and Arcadia struck me as larger than a garage shop, studio or low tier licenser, but I'm starting to wonder if we'll get the chance at a VF5000G if a few K get snatched up quickly in the "primary market" of Japan?
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