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Everything posted by Jeid

  1. Don't think anyone's posted this yet, so I thought I'd bring up that Robotech's DVD rights are apparently in limbo. HG's legal department is still working out how the collapse/reorganization of ADV impacts the agreement, to the point that Tommy and Kev aren't allowed to talk about it. At least, that's what Kev said at the Zenkaikon panel. I'd imagine there's a good chance that whatever problems arose with the RT DVD license would impact the Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada releases as well.
  2. Thanks! And... I definitely didn't notice the links on the first page before. Oops.
  3. Sadly, unless I'm missing something, it's not that easy with megaupload. Wish it was.
  4. Speaking of issues, the links for parts 5 and 8 on the DHE site are duplicates of the previous ones, not the right files. I'm stuck missing two now so I can't merge the movie back together to watch.
  5. I like the NXE and Avatars, but the staggered rollout of clothing is... annoying, to say the least. I'm also dreading paid clothing coming out, since they'll probably switch all the good stuff to there. Packaging themed Avatar clothes with themes and content is a good idea, but personally I think themes and clothing should really be given free with games or other content instead of sold for money separately.
  6. Zoids Assault, Operation Darkness, and Spectral Force 3 are turn-based strategy RPGs. I haven't played them, though, and the reviews haven't been kind. Not that they generally are for niche titles, but still...
  7. I'd imagine the idea is that you'd play coop with people you already know, whether through real life or through online communities like this.
  8. It's probably a reference to his macronization in DYRL.
  9. I thought I'd point out that in addition to the new Macross thinpack coming out, RightStuf is also listing a two-pack of Mospeada and Southern Cross coming in late October. Both from ADV, naturally.
  10. Wow, if someone with photoshop skills cleaned up the fold line, that'd make an awesome wallpaper. Not that I'm not already using it even with the line...
  11. I only saw a couple eps in Japanese, but the dub seems fine to me. Sure, Kamina's not as awesome as in the Japanese, but overall I thought it was a decent effort. *shrug*
  12. What exactly happened with imagesharing, and where are "suspended rights"/break type rules posted so I know when such judgments are made and don't inadvertently break one? Hopefully this doesn't come off as sarcastic or anything, I'm just genuinely confused.
  13. Isn't Mikhail part Zentradi? It's been established through Emilia in the M7 movie that at least half Zentadi can be macronized.
  14. Actually, he DID notice it, then said (gg version) "I must be pretty stressed out." So he just didn't believe his finely-tuned sniper eyes.
  15. It seems to me that there's plenty of fine details, connections, and plot gaps explore given all the talk every week on the forums. Though, nearly all of it will eventually look silly.
  16. That could just as easily be attributed to a different purpose-- such as the VF-27 being a specops fighter instead of a main VF like the VF-25 is. Like the VF-22 vs the VF-19. There probably wouldn't be much of a point in giving internal fold drives to units that would almost always be operating alongside their carrier. They can always be fitted with fold boosters if/when they need them, so the extra expense isn't warranted. You've got a point on the movements, though. I'd also note that, at least to me, the VF-27 seems a bit bulkier than the VF-25. Maybe it's intended to be a self=sufficient, internalized design as opposed to the extremely expandable but pack-reliant -25. It reminds me of the intent of Project Supernova-- a fighter that could infiltrate enemy lines on its own and accomplish a variety of missions.
  17. My guess is that she used the implants to directly interface with Frontier's computers, searching the system for signs of Sheryl much faster than she could have otherwise. I'd guess Grace either found a security camera in Sheryl/Ranka/Alto's escape pod, or found footage from a camera showing them entering the pod. There's also the possibility they had to enter some personal info when they either got in the pod or tried to use it to send messages out, but since communication seemed ineffective, I'd count that as unlikely.
  18. You know, that's one of the few things I absolutely would not eat. Even for Macross.
  19. I'd sort of want to see MII remade, maybe as a longer properly-budgeted OVA. I actually don't think it'd be hard to adapt it for the official timeline if some of the details were abandoned (like the numbering schemes and depiction of Earth/Earth's defenses) and revised to match the timeline proper. Heck, they could even recycle the Mikimoto character designs. But that'll never happen. Unless Frontier explodes off the charts and they go clamoring for quick ways to make more, and even then I'm not sure it's likely.
  20. Except, that's not the ADV version. It's the Animeigo and wouldn't have the dub and extras.
  21. But there's nothing worse than knowing exactly what happens in the end and how it is going to happen. It's the danger of a sequel when they don't add twists to keep an audience guessing. Take the movie aliens for example: they gave us a queen alien, they made the android trustworthy,(not expected an android would save ripley due to what happened in the first movie) and you constantly had to guess who was going to die and who was going to live. So when you see it you can't say the sequel is doing the same thing as the original. You genuinely want to keep watching to see how it all turns out and who survives because it is not certain how things will turn out till you are sitting there and the credits roll. A sequel should take what worked well and expand on it rather than redo the whole thing again to reinvent the wheel. Anyway I enjoyed it but the ending especially reminded me of DYRL. Substitute ishtar on the sdf1 for minmay. (both standing on the exact spot) And have the aliens turn against thier leader again. A mainstream audience would roll thier eyes while the fan would be excited. What would have been interesting to me was if earth actually got destroyed or captured and survivors contacted for outside help and there was some kind of resistance or something. Then have ishstar live on earth as a human and have her create music herself or something. Maybe the aliens hear it, sympathise with her and start creating thier own songs and the mind control slowly wears off. Resistance grows and outside help comes to take out the leader while rogues loyal to the leader escape. Of course these rogues have been contaminated but don't care about the music or the mind control. (there will always be people who music won't work on) The ending won't be so happy this time. It will be a slight victory and the lesson of the show would be: humans can't be so complacent. And we would see casualties of the war. (zentradi would go back to thier warlike ways and slowly realise that maybe humans really are weak for being so careless, so they join up and train thier asses off to become soldiers, but without the mind control or blind loyalty to stupid warrior codes, just as protectors) And the military would also be forced to tell the damn truth and people would allow more funding for creation of new weapons which keeps the ending open-ended rather than enjoying peace and being relaxed. Maybe the sequel could have been the counter point to the first movie. (where minmay sings and all is well with the world - remember people in the movie had a cynical attitude that such a simple thing could work) 390448[/snapback] The thing is, it WAS a slight victory, just like in DYRL. The Earth DID take a blow, and the Earth's most symbolic weapon- the Macross- WAS destroyed. In fact, what you're saying should have happened is almost a longer version of what did. The UN Spacy was getting royally owned, and HQ got trashed. Even the Macross was destroyed, and overall the UN Spacy looked like it just wasn't cutting it. Then the contaminated Marduk helped and they won. The same thing could be said for DYRL, though in DYRL the Earth was just pummeled from space and we didn't actually see it happen. It seems to me that the big difference between your idea and how things went is a resistance movement arc, which I'm not sure is really even prudent in a short OVA format. Besides, what outside help would there be in the Macross universe? A few colonization fleets? I don't think we're even sure how many fleets there were in MII. As for Ishtar singing in the same place on the Macross that Minmay did... that was part of one of the themes of MII... the legacy of the Macross and its love song. I personally think it was an effective notion or homage or whatever you want to call it, and had a good nostalgia factor to it in retrospect (I can't spoeak for someone seeing MII after DYRL since I saw MII after having only read the Robotech novels). It may not be a masterpiece, but I felt that MII was an effective sequel and overall a fairly good series in its own right. I see a lot of similiarities to DYRL now, but I think those are intentional and part of the atmosphere the creators wanted... and the shared elements I see are hardly enough to call it a 'clone' or 'predictable' outside of that the good guys win in the end.
  22. They claim they couldn't get the vocal-less songs to dub over.
  23. ADV has dubbed songs in some shows before, like Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 and Sister Princess. As for the reasons, I'm just going by what Janice Williams posted at AoD, though I do think your ideas are plausible too. Edit: Oops, forgot to quote.
  24. *twitch* *twitch* *twitch* Dubbed songs are the single worst localization move in the history of anime. 351200[/snapback] I figure if they're going to dub the show and even got Mari back, they ought to give dubbing the songs a try too. I feel that in-show songs sung by characters should always be dubbed to maintain full continuity... especially when they play a major role in the series like Macross. Unfortunately, ADV says Macross is too old so they couldn't get off-vocal versions of the songs... which is odd, since weren't they on the OSTs?
  25. I only got the last animeigo set, so I'll definitely be picking up this release (I would have anyway; I like dubs and this cast looks awesome). It's a shame ADV won't be dubbing the songs though.
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