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About Jeid

  • Birthday May 26

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Don't think anyone's posted this yet, so I thought I'd bring up that Robotech's DVD rights are apparently in limbo. HG's legal department is still working out how the collapse/reorganization of ADV impacts the agreement, to the point that Tommy and Kev aren't allowed to talk about it. At least, that's what Kev said at the Zenkaikon panel. I'd imagine there's a good chance that whatever problems arose with the RT DVD license would impact the Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada releases as well.
  2. Thanks! And... I definitely didn't notice the links on the first page before. Oops.
  3. Sadly, unless I'm missing something, it's not that easy with megaupload. Wish it was.
  4. Speaking of issues, the links for parts 5 and 8 on the DHE site are duplicates of the previous ones, not the right files. I'm stuck missing two now so I can't merge the movie back together to watch.
  5. I like the NXE and Avatars, but the staggered rollout of clothing is... annoying, to say the least. I'm also dreading paid clothing coming out, since they'll probably switch all the good stuff to there. Packaging themed Avatar clothes with themes and content is a good idea, but personally I think themes and clothing should really be given free with games or other content instead of sold for money separately.
  6. Zoids Assault, Operation Darkness, and Spectral Force 3 are turn-based strategy RPGs. I haven't played them, though, and the reviews haven't been kind. Not that they generally are for niche titles, but still...
  7. I'd imagine the idea is that you'd play coop with people you already know, whether through real life or through online communities like this.
  8. It's probably a reference to his macronization in DYRL.
  9. I thought I'd point out that in addition to the new Macross thinpack coming out, RightStuf is also listing a two-pack of Mospeada and Southern Cross coming in late October. Both from ADV, naturally.
  10. Wow, if someone with photoshop skills cleaned up the fold line, that'd make an awesome wallpaper. Not that I'm not already using it even with the line...
  11. I only saw a couple eps in Japanese, but the dub seems fine to me. Sure, Kamina's not as awesome as in the Japanese, but overall I thought it was a decent effort. *shrug*
  12. What exactly happened with imagesharing, and where are "suspended rights"/break type rules posted so I know when such judgments are made and don't inadvertently break one? Hopefully this doesn't come off as sarcastic or anything, I'm just genuinely confused.
  13. Isn't Mikhail part Zentradi? It's been established through Emilia in the M7 movie that at least half Zentadi can be macronized.
  14. Actually, he DID notice it, then said (gg version) "I must be pretty stressed out." So he just didn't believe his finely-tuned sniper eyes.
  15. It seems to me that there's plenty of fine details, connections, and plot gaps explore given all the talk every week on the forums. Though, nearly all of it will eventually look silly.
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