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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. Loving the new Type-01 as well. Would like quite nice alongside the VF-25 and its successors. They physical Type-02 is coming along amazingly as well. Can't wait to see the whole thing put together.
  2. That is coming along amazingly well
  3. He's going for 1:48 scale. About the size of 1:48 VF-1, IIRC.
  4. Great job on the print and that foot thruster detail is off the hook good.
  5. Amazing work.
  6. Bad Ass, Absolutely Bad Ass!!!!
  7. Looks like fun.
  8. Quite the handy update. Love it.
  9. Wish I could have made it, next year for sure.
  10. That ride armor looks seriously bad ass, but I agree, the "backpack" looks beyond heavy.
  11. I am still using ACAD-2016, the last perpetual license you could get.
  12. Love your sim setup. I upgraded out of my X-36/52 years ago, scored some X65s (not X56) a couple years ago, new old-stock, and I love them, even have a spare set for parts should I need them.
  13. I am seriously debating getting out of ACAD, but all my models are in DWG and a pain to convert, and I am such a solid modeller that it will be hard to switch over. Everyone tells me to go to Blender, but I am hesitant.
  14. Very good start, will be watching with great interest.
  15. That knee joint is amazing, are you planning any kind of retractable covering for it to simulate the intake duct? This whole design is amazing.
  16. Looks more VF-1 inspired then anything else.
  17. Glad to provide the motivation, looking awesome.
  18. I am really liking it, and am curious to see how your fold those wings in battroid mode.
  19. I am curious to see it in other modes. Though, that RT-II badging still confuses me. Are they planning to relaunch that concept?
  20. That is looking sick so far, love it.
  21. The little I have heard about Switch 2 is that backwards compatibility will be baked in and that it will feature DLSS upscaling for older titles. So maybe getting MSI is still valid given that it will get an automatic 4k upscale on Switch 2. That being said I will get it on steam after the mod community to circumvent HG having its head up its ass and push SDF and DYRL characters and valks into the english release.
  22. I'm guessing 1:48 based on the ejection seat and cockpit.
  23. While I appreciate all the random cartoon characters that Super7 is making figures of, I don't care for the figures in general. The cartoonish proportions, features, and limited articulation are kind of a turn-off to me—especially the limited articulation.
  24. This is looking awesome
  25. What's interesting about that is the measures they went to to not use an implanted Brain Direct Interface. It points to the UNS prohibition, or just inhibition towards, cybernetics coming sooner than has been previously mentioned. A direct implanted interface might have solved many of those issues. Heck, I always assumed that Guld's earrings were somehow a part of the BDI interface. Otherwise, he did not seem like the type to get piercings. But the prohibition against moving also explains his posture when flying. He basically would get into a meditation pose/state and fought to keep in it at all times, especially under high-G load. That could also explain why he couldn't regain control of the YF-21 after his emotional outburst towards Isamu, his calm was disturbed and he'd shifted around too much, reaching for the manual controls just exacerbated the problem. Once Isamu had the YF-21 stabilized he was able to regain control, though his random impulsive thoughts did nearly kill Isamu just the same.
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