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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. I see the YF-19 now, where were these pics taken, it's possible that is might just be the hasagawa booth and they are next to the Yamato booth, though doubtful. If it is the new Yamato YF-19 and this was a public forum then, hey Graham the monkeys out of the box spill, spill, spill.
  2. It does look better with the torso piece, but still not work $1300.00. However, a full uniform, and I do mean full, custom fitted might be worth $1300.00, though I would still be hard pressed to put out that kind of money. I mean when would you ever wear it, unless you were making a movie.
  3. Great work man, any plans to do similer with an N-Ger?
  4. Actually it really doesn't look that much more advanced then the old destroid when you think about it. Look at the weapons and sensor systems for proof of that. THe sensors on the old destroids were relatively small yet still powerful, this thing has a CIWS radar on it. The guns are just simple chain guns, not the rapid fire heavy cannons of later destroids. The wheels on the legs are strictly for speed, meaning that it can't run very fast, and while it may be able to hop, how much of a tech improvement is that?
  5. I'd call it the Phalanx, except there already is one, but looking at it I can't help but think that from looking at its configuration, so instead I will call it the CIWS destroid. I say that because well, look at it, it's got a CIWS search/track radar on its right shoulder and what appears to be a vulcan on each arm, ok a much larger caliber, so maybe more like a GAU-8A on each arm or even bigger, that would be insane though. That beast is a rolling air defense destroid, I like it, now it just needs an ESSM or RAM launcher on its back as well and it would be perfect, hehe.
  6. If anybody has a minmei (fig and/or doll) and/or a hikaru they wouldn't mind parting with give me a PM.
  7. 1:72 = 3 1:60 = 8 (Maybe 10 soon, have to wait for our guys to get back from Japan) 1:48 = 3 (Maybe 4 soon, have to wait for our guys to get back from Japan)
  8. Obviously Max realized there was a high chance of engaging in hand to hand combat and had his gunpod mounted backwars before launch. I'm sure someone probably pointed this out to him to which he likely replied, "hey, we have the RoV-20 laser in the head for a reason, it can be used in fighter mode." It's likely that when Max returned to fighter mode that automatic protcols forced him to remount the gun as normal, but it gave him a good first hand to hand surprise, lets face it who would expect that attack he pulled off?
  9. I am the once, future and forever Knight 26, none shall ever change that.
  10. Sweet, be sure and show us the completed model, and when the yammie Q-Rau comes out we'll have to compare them.
  11. I would so buy a 1:48 VF-1D, I am a major proponent of two seat fighters. My Grandpa used to have a rule concerning the size of the flight crew on planes: the number of flight crew should be greater than or equal to the number of engines. This is due to the complexity of systems of aboard multi-engined birds, plus imagine how it would be to ahve a two seat valk with a pilot in the front and a Marine WSO in the back. The Marine WSO would be hooked up to a VR system and would control the battroid mode, making it much easier to cross train crews and possibly increasing the survival rate.
  12. Nice pic DH, good to be back, would have been her sooner but was finishing up a major rewrite.
  13. I am only getting the release that is coming out now because it is coming out on my b-day, yep Knight 26 is turning 26 on the 26th, interesting huh? Anyway I've had good luck getting good movies on my b-day, last time I did so I met a really great woman who was my GF for a while.
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