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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. Looking great, but the cockpit armor seems to pop out of nowhere.
  2. While I cannot speak to HG's current "inclusion," giving them any credit for the inclusion in the original series is disingenuous. I am guessing that you are a Millenial or younger, this is not meant as an insult, but an observation, so you don't remember the 80s. The 80s believe or not were all about inclusion. Most pop-culture, especially that aimed at children included casts with diverse ethnic backgrounds and also gave us the badass females as well. The difference is, it wasn't called out or made a big deal out of. Men and women of different backgrounds were all a part of the crew/team/show and treated as equals. Honestly it was a great time. Now, we still had our "very special episodes" where race and gender relations would become a major topic, but it was never the thrust of the show. Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada all had diverse casts, though leaning towards Japanese due to their region of origin, and badass women characters, or women in positions of power, or both.
  3. Interesting, looks much bulkier then the other offerings, and smaller.
  4. Any new pictures from WF?
  5. Picked a VF-0D, one of my favorite designs, off a local MWer for $230 in box. Pics to come.
  6. I think's more that the faces look undersized.
  7. How good/bad is the quality on these Valk-Factory pieces compared to the originals?
  8. Fantastic, how did you do the panel lines? Oil wash, or gundam markers?
  9. I actually like the Disco-Ent, hate to say it, but it is probably my favorite rendition, other than some interior issues (giant interior spaces).
  10. My personal head canon is that Shin and Sara were folded to another Protoculture Colony world and found themselves on a similar city as Hikaru and Misa. The two of them survived for years on their own, Shin rebuilding his damaged VF-0 with Protoculture tech and became parents to Nekki Basara. Basara later escaped in the VF-0 using the Bird Human as a fold booster after which he met Ray. Shin and Sara then lived out the rest of their days cut off from the rest of the galaxy.
  11. I still take it as a compliment.
  12. I can't believe I forgot to announce the release of Spiral War Book 5: Hell's Razer. Now available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Hells-Razer-Spiral-War-Book-ebook/dp/B0829CGYB7 The Monstero Nach had earned a break, an easy assignment, but the war had other ideas. Following the horrors of the Gorvian Campaign, the Monstero Nach found themselves assigned to Cathedral Station 7. It promised to be a quiet assignment, one in which they could recover from the nightmare of that campaign. The quiet that followed was not to last. With their skills as Special Operations Squad firmly established, the Confederation will call upon them as their centuries-old enemy launches a new campaign of terror. This new assignment will tax the Monstero Nach in ways they'd never imagined as they fight to keep the Galactic Federation at bay. Hell's Razer is the fifth book in the Spiral War Military Sci-Fi series, and will take the Monstero Nach to the frontline of the war where everything they've come to know will be put to the test. Still recovering from the loss and betrayal while fighting the Gorvians, the squadron must pull together or risk leaving the door open to the Confederation Core Worlds.
  13. All looks good, I think Wanda-Vision will be played for laughs, but will also have some serious drama. I half predict we will get a reverse M-Day out of it, with her mental break resulting in the creation of mutants.
  14. Despite external appearances from a single angle render, there actually are quite a few changes to the aircraft, especially "under the hood." Also, when it comes to larger aircraft, like bombers, you generally don't see a ton of design innovation from one generation to the next. Look at the older bombers of the late 40s to mid-50s, they all followed roughly the same design layout. There was more innovation in there in the 60s as the desire for supersonic bombers came about, but most of the projects were short lived. Then again in the 70s with the B-1, which was really an outgrowth of the XB-70 in many ways. That the B-21 is largely of similar design, yet refined, from the B-2 is to be expected for the next heavy bomber, why change what works? Also, there are significant differences, the large intakes are gone from over the wing, and replaced with a far more flush design. The planform also has some changes as well as the bomb bay configuration. Though based on the RFP the biggest improvments will be for the crew and cockpit, making the fact that it flies 24+hr missions easier on the crew.
  15. I so wish I was better at model painting and finishing. I would get this in a heartbeat.
  16. Looks like I have a healthy tax return coming this year and I would like to start work on restoring my valkyrie collection. What pieces would people recommend? Right now all I have is my 1:55 VF-1S Strike, a very beat and damaged custom 1:48 VF-1D (my ex threw it at me). Two banged up 1:60 V1 Yammie VF-1, and the Arcadia YF-19.
  17. I love that set, wish the figures were bigger, but still awesome
  19. Don't even get me started on the issues with Wakanda, or how a squadron of A-10s would have turned the Battle of Wakanda, and even the Endgame battle.
  20. Based on that first cover I guess the next gen Valkyrie is going to be 5 in 1 combiner ala Voltron. Or would that require Dana to wear Black or Pink? Also, has the artist even heard of trigger discipline?
  21. I heard that but missed it when it was on air.
  22. Thundercats is a strange property when you look back at it. Like He-Man is features a technologically advanced society with FTL spacecraft, or at least ones with effective stasis booths, and yet the weapons of choice are largely medieval in nature. I mean Panthro drives a freaking tank, but uses nunchucks. I get that this is a world that also has magic, or sufficiently advanced tech, and I still think it is a cool property, but man, does that still leave me scratching my head.
  23. I've seen several people post videos of the crash. None of them are real, they're all of different crashes of completely different airframes. Don't click on any of those links, you will just be helping unscrupulous liars.
  24. Sounds like a case of get-home-it is. The pilot was being pressured (internally or externally) to get the aircraft home. This is the cause of a lot of crashes. Racing the weather, passengers being demanding, even just general pilot fatigue. I studied a number of crashes where that was basically the cited cause. Heck even with JFK-Jr, though in that case there were numerous factors (distraction from passengers, flying IFR when he was only VFR rated, limited time in the aircraft, flying into a notoriously hard to get into airport, and vestibular spoofing due to lack of Visual input). I will wait for the NTSB report.
  25. That is a cool image, wish it didn't have that RT and HG stuff in the lower right. Is it just me or do the VF-1s look funny to anyone else? For some reason the proportions, especially of the foreground one on the left look off to me.
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