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Everything posted by Knight26
I was about to ask the same, looks like the standard recasts. Did you recast them yourself?
It was discovered en-route to the attack on the Zentran Factory Satellite. It was believed to be a Supervision Army ship along the same lines as the original ship the Macross was built from.
I like Planetes, it is good, and I love the Manga too. Tanabe hasn't even shown up in the manga yet so far as I have read. Maybe she will show up later, it was a good idea in my opinion to add her character at the beginning of the anime. It allows them to explain things that are stated off character in the manga, plus it gives the anime a wider appeal, attracting female audiences. Plus I love the music, need to find the OST.
Me like hat YF-19, nice low poly model.
Sweet, it's always nice to see real world squadrons represented as VF's, go VF-31 Tomcatters. Are you going to do FAST Packs for it as well?
The forward ejection port is large enough to clear a jammed/misfired round, I think, great now I need to go back and check, lol. As for a misfire with the the PLASER rifle portion, basically you are dealling with gas, so there is an emergency relief for that just in case of an overpressure. The right side rear heat sink doubles as the overpressure relief vent.
Iparisek in regards to your comments: 1) The forward magazine is a double stack and is for the mass driver (rail gun), the ejection port is simply for the power cell that is attached to rear of each round, and is used up with each round. I made sure it was the right size, one of the nice things about designing in CAD. As for the rear mag, that is for the Plasma LASER barrel on top, it has no ejection port, it simply acts as a battery and holds the primary plasma charge. Therefore there is no need for an ejection port. That grill above it is the primary heat sink for the Plasma exciter. 2) Again the front handle should be long enough, checked my weapons design manuals and if it it too short, it is just barely. As for the rear charging handle there is a mechanism inside, but it does not need to travel the full length of the magazine. All the charging handle does is strip away the protective strip on top of the magazine exposing the electrical connections and plasma charge port, compressed hydrogen. THis is in contrast to the enemy weapon in which the strip was be removed before it is put into the weapon, possibley mitigating a loss of gas, accidentally electrical shock, and release of the weapon. 3) I debated putting heat sinks of the barrels and am still doing so. RIght now the primary heat sink is the grill between the forward grids and the one at the rear. I may add additional heat sinks to the barrel. I'm also working on a possible reconfigure of the upper barrel, but since the actually plasma round is a ballistic, mind you a high powered energy ballistic it will retain a somewhat ballistic appearance. I hope this clears up any confusion on those points, and thanks for the comments. BTW nice SMG you have going there.
I don't think it's suppossed to be any established valkyrie. It is obviously an F-14 based variable fighter with shirow influenced weapons. I think it is really cool, very nicely done and creative. The scene is rather impressive with the exploding wingman, and the whole composition makes me think high end movie pre or post production artwork. Hey XStoys, where did you find it, does the artist have any other artwork posted?
Nifty, definitely has a Shirow feel to it. Hmm, imagine a Kawamori/Shirow cooperative project, cool.
Is it just me or do the missile launchers on the legs of the 1:60 Millia Q-Rau look like they are swapable pieces, where the closed disk is one and the open exposing the missiles is another? It would make sense if they were, otherwise the knee joint would be way too big and spherical, looks good to me though. I also agree that the Max VF-1J looks better in the darker blue, man they need to make it even darker though, a midnight blue valk, that would be cool. Ok that's just wishful thinking on my part, but I want a midnight blue VF-1D in 1:48, that would the ultimate for me. As for the VF-0, hey's a prototype and subject to major changes, I'm sure the production version will be much better, and since they are making it smaller and of less expensive materials it should be easier on all our pocket books. I just hope they make the chest place a little bigger, seems small to me in battroid mode.
If I had an valk meshes I would love to lone them to you for cutting. I'm sure one of the others will be willing though, hey who wouldn't want to see their CG masterwork translated into reality? I know I would be thrilled to see my 3-D models as solid models. Good luck and keep us updated on what happens.
Due to my extreme bias towards the A-10 and against the F-35 (JSF in general really, as well as stealth aircraft), and my relative expertice on the A-10, will make only the following comment. The USAF higher ups are a bunch of stupid %#$#$@#@$@#%#%#@$@#%#%#%#%#%@$@#%_+_(_*(_()(_(_ Morons if they think that POS JSF can even come close to filling any nitch in the CAS role. I will stop myself now before I go into a rant, a rant that will surely include foul language my getting my posting privilages suspended. Sorry but I am passionate about discussions involving garbage airplanes trying and failing and the CAS role.
70,000 in a ship thats 1.2km x 300m x 600m?
Knight26 replied to dedalus001's topic in Movies and TV Series
The series was suppossed to take place over a 3 year period, SW1 only lasted about ten months of that. There is a two year gap and then the end of the series. -
70,000 in a ship thats 1.2km x 300m x 600m?
Knight26 replied to dedalus001's topic in Movies and TV Series
Figuring that the Daedalaus and Prometheous are about 1.5X the size of a Nimitz class carrier I would put their combined crew space at around 10,000 strong. Figure most of those likely died in the inital space fold, for the sake of argument let's say half died. The other half remaining safe in airtight sections of the ships. Unless significant automation was employed the Macross probably was launched with a crew approaching 25,000 in number. Figure 5000 would immediately leave to make up for the losses on the D+P. It's been a while but if I remember correctly South Ataria had a population of around 50,000 civlians when they were brought aboard. Provided people do not mind living in small homes or military quarters it is no unreasonable to assume you could cram them all inside the Macross. However, with the city they show that would likely be impossible, hey artistic liscence. From a quick look at the macross it looks to have a volume about 15+ times that of a Nimitz, easily enough room for 70,000 then, but not in a city type environment, too much wasted space. As for spares, munitions and food. The D+P and the Macross itself were likely fully stocked at the time of the space fold, enough food, drink, and munitions for a standard deployment, 6 months. Figure that the Macross would probably have twice that amount on board in order to sustain itself without having to land planetside or rely on constant unrep. Watching the show it is evident that the crew of the Macross are scavengers, pickign through the debris of battle to bring aboard anything of use. Hydroponic gardens likely provided a great deal of the ships food and fresh air, scrubers can only do so much, and water would be no problem, recycling of onboard water would be a requirement and ice asteroids would reply the rest. Ice asteroids would also provide hydrogen for fueling the valkyries and the Macross itself. Also, South Ataria island was likely self suficient by the time of the Macross' launch so food on the surface and in storage would be pretty plentiful. Most of that would have been flash frozen during the initial space fold limiting cellular damage and keeping it edible, though probably with a loss in taste, just like any frozen food. The farmers of South Ataria were probably immediately employed aboard the Macross in the hydroponic gardens and possibly in farms using soil from south ataria. Of course with so many civilians on board the food water and air would run out much faster then normal, so would the filters. The Captain comments in Bye Bye Mars that they are running very short of food and other supplies, the perishable and non replenishables. This explains the touch down on Mars, they resupplied with whatever was left there, which probably only gave them just enough to reach earth. The major resupply, rearm and refit was then done earthside, and probably every space cubic centimeter was filled with supplies. Then again remember this is an anime so expect a bit of artisitic liscence on these points, it's not hard sci-fi after all. -
If it was a perfect transformation I would think about it, depending ont he price. The amount of engineering going into it would be truly impressive and a marvel to examine. It would be the ultimate prize of a collection, that being said it would aslo likely be insanely expensive. However if one were made it would be cool to stand it next to that POS matchboc veritech and create pictures of it beating up on that piece of garbage.
Guess what another rifle, this is the one I am thinking of for the enemy forces, the GF, it is main line assault rifle of the same type as the one up above. It is also a dual nature weapon, still have to make a scope for it. I may redo the handle, as well before I start to detail it. What do you all think. BTW, that disk in front of the grip is where the Mass Driver (Rail Gun/Gauss Rifle) Magazine plugs in. It rotates forward to admit and remove the mag, then rotates back to lock it into position and cock it. It is a little shorter then the confed weapon, just by like 2 inches, but that is all barrel length. ANy suggestions are appreciated.
Good god that cockpit is beauty, maybe you could let one or two of the other modelers use it as well so they can concetrate on other parts. That might not be a bad idea really, have multiple modelers working on specific parts, of course that would require everyone using the same package. But that would be a super detailed model when you think about it.
I am now considering calling in all my old squadmates, including the tank commanders, helo pilots, special forces operatives, black ops boys, CIA agents, NSA agents and a few others who are even more badass. Mind you they are all macross fans, some hardcore, trust me the pranks I pulled in high school and college would be nothing. Sheol given the time, money and patietence some of them could make HG never exist. Now I'm really tempted to call them. BTW, I am not kidding or exagerating this at all.
Thanks for the encouragement guys. Actually the short stories I have written rough outlines for all occur in the same fictional universe, but star characters that appear onyl briefly in the books. They are all really fun characters that I liked and it lets me experiment with them more, so that is the plan. Of course I am waiting to hear from the last couple publishers before I impliment the plan. As I said a year+ of short story writing before I resubmit should hopefully be enough to get my name out there and better my chances of publication. I will update you all as events warrant.
Huh? I can try and make a wallpaper, but most of mine are of my designs.
Well the publisher who requested the additional pages wrote me back, a little bummed right now, so will let their words talk for me: Oh well, the beginning of the book is not the best written and I have been toying around with rewriting it. However, I have still not heard back from a couple publishers including my first choice, who all recieved the whole book, so I am not totally bummed yet. But if they reject me I will just go to plan B, rewrite the beginning and start submitting short stories for a year before resubmitting with the new beginning. Well appreciate all your support, always knew it would be a painful process, but as the song goes "I will survive!"
Wow, Chris, I thought you dropped off the face of the earth, and thanks for the compliment. Yes before anyone asks I am still using AUTOCAD, even I'm surprised how nice they came out in it.
I know a few air musuems that would love to get their hands on that Hornet and Fulcrum, if they did I would have to go back there all the time, especially the Fulcrum.
This was a semi-request by EXO, the standard sidearm, I actually did this one before the rifle, still needs to be detailed, but liked the render. The reason for the large unit under the barrel is that it is the Plasma tank, holds enough Plasma for ten energy magazines. Well let me know what you think.