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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. Uh Dat, is it just me or are the head lasers just a tad bit too long?
  2. Some interesting pictures for sure, would like to see some vehicle shots. And is it just me or does Padme not look anywhere near full term in the picture, SHeol she barely looks pregnant, sorry but wearing a baggy outfit around Darth Heffner does not make one pregnant, lol.
  3. Looks like a stylized F-104 Starfighter
  4. Maxpower i think yours is absolutley awesome, I really like that design. *hopes yamato likes and copies it for theirs, lol*
  5. Yes it did, but it didn't have the telescoping head with which to look over the trees to see like DD did.
  6. That's what I'm trying to get at. Some modern infantry troops still carry around some kind of knife, so why not equip a VF with a knife if they're supposed to mirror modern infantry troops when in battroid mode? I'm saying a forearm switchblade so the pilot wouldn't have to draw it, it's already at hand. Yes I know the knife is also a tool, though I'm sure a resourcful VF pilot could find some other uses for a forearm knife. Like I said before, fast moving metal fist against soft fleshy face, or soft fleshy face behind glass visor, hmmm I think the fast moving metal fist wins. The Early valks were given humanoid form in order to more effectively fight on the ground, but even then if inc lose quarters they towered over a standard zentraedi!!! Later the VF-11 cannon was fitted with a bayonet to fight an enemy that was on par in size and strength, the new battlesuits. Those bayonets though seem to be an afterthought to me, in design terms, added because these new battlesuits were able to get in close and overpower the VF-11s. The VF-19 and VF-22 compensated for this further adding the pinpoint barrier punch giving the valks an installed never lost melee weapon, unless their arms get blown off. Garunteed that pinpoint barrier punch would inflict much more damage then the Mecha K-Bar you are thinking of.
  7. Upon thinking about it, and checking a few sources I believe that most belly mounted machine guns eject their brass. This is because the brass is almost always thrown clear of the aircraft so there is little to no chance of damage due to the brass hitting it back. Most of those guns are also mounted below and behind the intakes so those are the places where the plane would be most vulnerable to the ejected brass. That being said, with only a few exceptions all fighter and attack aircraft in production or widespeard use, with the exception of Vietnam era aircraft or those derived directly from them, collect their brass.
  8. No, no, no, as DH said no fixed wing jet aircraft currently flying in the american arsenal ejects their shell casings. THere are many reasons for this, but the biggest is the risk of accidental ingestion into the engines, and damage to the aircraft from the hot shell slamming back into the aircraft. In general most modern aircraft do not eject their shells, the british harriers do, and so far as I know they are the only close air support aircraft that does. Helicopter door gunner eject their casings, kind of a bad idea in my opinion as they are usually flying right over our guys when they are firing so hot brass does fall on the troops. I do not believe that any current russian aircraft eject their casings but I will have to check that, any that do are likely older models with belly mounted guns. It always surprised me that in Macross the Valkyries eject their brass, especially considering Kawamoris engineering background. You would be amazed how mch damage one of those spent shells would make in the side of a valkyrie or the SDF-1 if they hit it as the relative velocities might be quite high under certain circumstances. The ejecting brass we see is likely done for a coolness and visual factor, it is a direct indicator of a weapon firing, even when the flash in suppressed or away from the camera. OH DH I believe that the Mirages and Eurocanards collect them but I will have to check.
  9. YOu also have to consider the size difference between a standard Zentraedi soldier and a VF-1. The VF-1 is much taller, Breetai was one of the larger breed that is one of the reasons why he was able to take Hiakru and the gang so easily. Somebody dig out the size chart, a valkyrie in hand to hand combat would easily have the advantage if they were in standard combat armor. Most military planners would see that as enough of an advantage and in order to cut costs would eliminate any type of hand weapons. In the Macross plus era the Zentran we see are in power armored suits making them on par with the size of the VF-11, in those cases melee combat would be far riskier as the power armor would likely be superior in melee engagements. The bayonet fitted to the VF-11 gunpod was likely a late addition to the design in response to newer, faster better power armored rogue zentrans. For the most part the pilots would still engage with the weapon at range and not risk a hand to hand engagement with a superior foe. The pinpoint barrier punch added the VF-19 and VF-22 was another answer to the problem of unexpected close quarter combat, it is a far better solution though as it makes the weapon built in with no drag causing externals like a a knife would cause, and the VF-11 bayonet. Simply put VF-1s did not have melee weapons because it was likely considered overkill due to the size difference and lets face it flesh vs. metal, flesh looses. The later melee weapons were added upon learning of the enemies superior fighting suits and were improved upon with time.
  10. Nobody bend over in front of these troops, especially in the shower.
  11. Is there that much of a difference between the two, I thought it was mostly just the eye, antenna, and markings.
  12. Considering how many people want the missing two years and/or a reanimation of the original series, how about a side story? Follow another group of valkyrie pilots outside of skull squadron, maybe Shin's Squadron? Follow them through the whole war and fill in the missing two years. That way you could have plenty of cameos with the original characters and voice actors and settle the story/visuals debates once and for all. Either that or like Graham says a VFX storyline.
  13. The simplest reason why no beam sabers in macross, they are stupid.
  14. I know I may be in the minority on this one, but before yamato closes down the 1:48 molds and shoves them in the back room I think i would be a great service to the fans if they made a VF-1D. They don't have to make all the two seaters, but the VF-1D is just my favorite valk design, love two seaters in general and makes sense for variable mecha in my opinion. Also, the VF-1D would be the easist to make in 1:48 without making to many design concessions, the biggest problem will be the chest shield. What do the rest of you think?
  15. I wonder if Yamato is looking at this to get ideas for their Koenig Monster's box.
  16. Eh, not big on hentaiesque statues, it really doesn't even look like Millia, at all that I can see.
  17. Did he redo the pilot as well?
  18. That Blockade Runner is cool, but for something so large, the details stink. now that AT-At is cool.
  19. I'm still on the fence about the MP Prime, but if they make an MP Starscream that's as good as the Prime I will grab one.
  20. Love that model, now need a side by side comparison shot with the actual toy.
  21. There was 1:18 scale blockade runner built, now that I want to see pics of.
  22. I say leave the crack in the nose, makes it look more realistic, seen very many F-14s with similar cracks in the radome paint. Heck on the German MiG-29s the paint all over the nose cone flaked away because of friction and the radar pulses.
  23. *rubs eyes, looks again, rubs eyes again* Dang Datterboy that thing is sweet looks like someone painted a model or a 1:48 flat gray, very well done.
  24. Though not the most accurate art they are really cool shots, not ones you see often, and Culverin, what's your issue with the thread?
  25. Let's see from the realm of TV and movies only, therefore I can exclude my own designs, what can I say I am partial to them. Starfury's (B5) one of the most realistic designs I have seen on TV Viper MK2 (New BSG) A major improvement over the original, better visibility and the way they animated it, well it looked like actual physics were in place. B-wing + A-Wing (SW) To be honest these are best designed star wars craft, from a practical standpoint, while not as iconic or flashy as the X-wing or tie fighter they are clearly better designs. Gunstar (LS) Not a really a fighter but more of a light gunboat, it's design was fairly realistic and well thought out with a seperate pilot and gunner. Hammerhead (SAAB) Great transatomspheric fighter, looked real and for the most part acted real, at least it had thrusters for manuevering, though I was never wild about the control layout in the cockpit. Bad Designs (I know I will get flamed for some of these, but sorry the designs really are piss poor, even though I hate to admit it) X-wing, Ties (SW) Hate to say it but these designs are not that great, poor visibily being the primary concern, lets face it in an X-wing you have virtually no forward visibilty and in the TIEs you have only forward visibilty. Any trek "fighter" things are more akin to the scale of gunboats, bomber or corvettes, but what am I saying I think almost all trek designs stink. I agree with some of the others listed here, though you only asked for fighters and I will not mention them then. Design is a lot more then just visual appeal to me, realism and usibility count a great deal in my thoughts and a fighter with little to know visibility is junk in my opinion. Realism also counts a great deal in my opinion and most sci-fi movie and TV designs are not realistic in my opinion. A little fudging is ok for storytelling considerations but not too much.
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