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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. How about more of the chick from the top of this page, she is fine as all get out.
  2. Hot damn I want that german mama.
  3. My problem with the current line of transformers, other then the Binaltechs is that they look like garbage in any mode you have them in. At least the older, G1 line would at least look pretty good in vehicle mode, same with the old Go-Bots. Heck I would take the old Gobots over these current T-formers, limited articulation aside.
  4. Hmm, really haven't worked on that, naming them that is. I still need to give them designations and name them, any suggestions?
  5. Why would I make a topic about you Agent One?
  6. aahhh!!! memories of man faye filling my head, must burn out my eyes.
  7. Now the two of them side by side. Oh bugger I just realized I put the charging lever and power cell ejection port on the Gauss rifle in the wrong positions, I inverted them, oops. That shouldn't be too much of a pain in the butt to fix. Oh and yes there is an addtional power cell in the guass rifle since the standard disposable power cell that comes with each mass driver round isn't powerful enough to run the full gauss accelerators.
  8. This the light Plaser rifle on which the basic design is based. The outer casing are made from the same basic molds with some changes, with most of the changes being internal.
  9. Got bored last night, and left the current ship redesigns on my work computer, so I couldn't work on them. ANyway I went back to the rifles. This one is the Light Gauss rilfe varient of an earlier light Plaser rifle I showed before. It's got a three inch longer barrel then the mass driver on the main assault rifle with double the accelerator denisty as well as four high powered Gauss accelerators. This makes the rifle much harder hitting then the MDC on the assault rifle. Similarly designed Gauss Accelerators are on the sniper PLASER basically to do the same job, to accelerate the projectile to much higher speeds. I still need to add some details to it and change the ammo readout, but for the most part it is finished. Well here she is, appreciate any comments:
  10. neat, I take that is mostly from one of those old Komillia based Macross Power PC games?
  11. Dumb TV execs, take a good concept and mess it up. Oh and the Kennedy is not a CVN, it's just CV-67, or CVA-67 as originally commissioned, she's conventioanlly powered not nuke.
  12. http://www.tfclub.com/tffiles/toy/toynews/...60001_16615.jpg Oh god my eyes my eyes, what have they done to my baby? You bastards you ruined my poor hog, get some frigging designers with a clue TFers. It is possible to design transformable versions of modern aircraft and vehicles and make them look good. Just look at the MPC Prime and Binaltechs. Man those things make we want to vomit.
  13. AH no, not more MiG-28s, I mean come on how easy would it be for them to get some actual foreign airframes now. You know as bad as it is at least Iron Eagle used an actual foreign plane as its MiG, the Isreali Kfir. I will give them props for that. Of course the fact that they used F-4s with painted over rear canopies for MiGs in the second movie in execusable.
  14. I know all about the ABL, I have a friend who works on the program. I just don't see why you would put one on the VF-0, or any VF for that matter. The VF-0 especially would be a poor candidate since it does not have the endurance of the other VFs in atmosphere or of a larger craft. It would make a lot more sense to show it on the back of a larger craft, maybe even B-2 *shudders* or an all new craft that is in the macross universe.
  15. now if onyl other worthy shows would get DVD releases like, SPace Above and Beyond, The Pretender, etc...
  16. that pic is funny as all get out
  17. My biggest issue with the design is that the VF already has a fairly powerful laser, strong enough to take out a REgult in a couple hits. SO then what is the purpose of this design, longer range, more power, what? The placement of the laser emitter is such that it can only attack higher up targets, so its no good against ground targets, maybe its for taking out ballistic missiles or long range interceptors I don't know. I like designs to have a purpose beyond hey that looks cool or interesting.
  18. WTF! I'm assuming this is some sort of strictly beam cannon equipped VF-0. Since the valkyrie is intended as a test bed I can see this happening, but man is it ever fugly. Kawamori can sure come up with some wierd varients of his craft sometimes.
  19. One quick comment concerning the Iranian Air Force, those MiG-29s that "defected" during the first gulf war were not integrated into their forces. Most of them are still sitting out in the desert rotting. I have a couple pictures of them somewhere, planes that were once perfectly flyable destroyed by being left in the desert 10+ years unattended. The Iranians wouldn't take the planes. Also the few F-14s they have in service and very few, maybe a half dozen are flyable while all the rest are being scrapped for parts since there is no way they can replacement spares except those they bought in the initial purchase. For years they even refused to fly them, letting most of them rot. The re-engining probably will not happen, its really not that simple to re-engine an aircraft, especially from NATO to Warsaw Pact engines or back again. The moutning designs differ too much. Now adapting NATO to Warsaw Pact weapons to airframes of the other side is actually fairly easy, as eveyrone uses the same missile lug spacings. If we were to go to war with Iran and they used the F-14s against us they would most likely just be used in the long range interception role and would probably use the AA-9 Amos instead, more akin to the Phoenix. The AA-12 is more like a more manueverable AMRAAM, its a midrange missile.
  20. The Batman TAS rocks, it is the dark knight with very few kiddy concessions, no blood for the most part. It iwas intelligently written, well animated and in general much better then the movies IMHO. The antimated movies were great too, probably the best Batman movies ever made, I remember Siskel and Ebert reviewing Mask of the Phantasm and saying it was far superior to the live action movies, and I agree. I hope that the new batman movie takes cues from the Batman TAS and that the new Batman series I've seen commercials for stays true to the older TAS.
  21. Argh Top Gun, that movie was complete and utter crap, I mean my god the F-5F as the Mig-28, the birdie scene. I'm sorry I hate that movie, I liked it as a kid, thought it was so cool, but once I came of age, sorry I can't watch it anymore. Of course I will admit that part of my hatred of that movie comes from where I worked in college, the trainees always wanted to watch that and live it. When we flew aggressor there was one comment that would garuntee us shooting down a trainee, "I'll hit the breaks and he'll fly right by." If the grader heard that over the radio that was it, that trainee was dead, no ifs ands or butts. As for the YF-23, Northrup owns one, the Air Force the other, it was sold to the, as is common with most multiple prototypes, the company will retain a few for development testing and the military the other for their own. Heck the Navy has one of the old YA-9s and its out at China Lake for munitons testing, in other words they shoot if full of holes all day long when they get a new gun. They never would have hooked that POS model up to the catapult if the cat was charged. Even if then if they hook it up with the catapult not being charged I garuntee it wouldn't be for long. Man final countdown was an awesome movie, one of the few time travel storylines I actually liked. Yes the movie is cheesy as all get out but you have to love it, the Nimitz goes back in time and when it realizes where and when it is has to decide whether or not to avert Pearl Harbor. Firefox was another great movie, and the design was actually believable as well as cool looking. Very nice lines on a clean airframe. "Remember to think in Russian" Hmm, the Firefox against the YF-21, two mind controlled planes, hmmm. That's it the Firefox needs to show up in this stealth movie, then it and this "Switchblade concept" rip off can fight the evil AI fighters. The Switchblade then go to save an old friend held hostage at the AI's seperate core leaving the Firefox to fight the AI fighter and only beat it by running into it. Oh wait, sorry that was Macross Plus wasn't it?
  22. Besides wasn't the VF-14 (blackbird type) the later production version? I thought that hte VF-14 seen in M3 was a pre-production prototype. That might explain the differences in the design, the VF-14 seen in Macross 7 is a later model with more passive stealth features. I personnaly prefer the head of the Macross-7 version, but the overall fighter design for the M3 version is better IMHO with the head the biggest detractor. My biggest problem with the design though is that the cockpit is exposed in battroid mode, no armor covering it like in almost all other valkyries.
  23. man its times like this that I wish I was good at building and painting (mostly Painting) models. *wonders how much someone would charge to build up one of these kits for him*
  24. I have that same edition of PM, talked to a friend of mine who works at a local anime shop about it, not where I bought it. He said that it is legit, just a later printing. They were sold in the US, somehow got in under the HG radar, just like Clash of Bionoids did. The postcard was in relation to an attempted translation of the book, but due to the cost of doing so and HG finding out about it, the project was nipped in the bud. It's too bad too it would have been nice to ahve seen a translation. A friend of mine was going to translate it for me, but I moved out of town for my job before he could, that project was going to insanely huge though, including scanning in all the artwork pages to put the translations in over the original text. And yes I was going to pay him for it.
  25. where are those screen caps from, DYRL?
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