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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. I think it looks great, yeah the Bassinger comparisson is uncanny, kind of cool actually. BTW if you decide to do all the bridge bunnys like this do not use Hally Berry for Claudia, maybe Vivica A Fox, she might be a good Claudia. lol
  2. Interesting pics, but I am not wild about that fighter design. Typical bridging design, trying to put elements of too many craft into one, just doesn't really work for me. For one thing it is way too small, all other fighters in star wars are much large with some actual bulk to them, this thing has none.
  3. Quite funky indeed, where do you find this stuff?
  4. Knight26

    VF Girls

    Very nice, but your VF-1S has many VF-19 elements to it, helmet, shoulders, gunpod, like them all though.
  5. I agree Radd, if my books ever get made into movies I will insist that a couple full scale mock ups off all the fighters be built, hmm maybe even take one or two home and turn them into simulators. *drools*
  6. I have the toy, which I believe is based on the modle, it looks really nice, wonder how they look side by side though.
  7. As much as I hate the carpy design I have to applaud the filmmakers for 1) making an actual mockup. 2) paying decent attention to details like, access hatches, and actualy mil-spec connector hardware. BUt still why not use a more realistic or plausible design, ye gods that thing looks like crap.
  8. For those interested, just take a look at the size of this thing: http://store4.yimg.com/I/badcattoys_1803_8475651
  9. No that's too quikc and too clean. We need to find whoever gave him a contract tie them down to a fire ant hill under a killer bee hive, cut him open and spread honey all over his internal organs.
  10. That is great news, too bad I won't get to go down and see the YF-23 as often now, but at the same time if they are getting her flying again for possible production I am all for it. Hmm, makes me wonder how my A-10 NA/AW is doing out at Edwards, they were suppossed to be bringing it back to airworthy shape in order to use it as a test bed for furthe A-10 upgrades. Man if only the NA/AW and the YF-23 had gone into production, now there's an air force I would be proud off.
  11. Ok I normally don't start threads like this but today my ears were assualted with one of the worst musical perversions I have ever heard. Here is the situation, I am doing some editting on my most recent book rewrite listening to my yahoo launchcast station when it happens. Anyway this cover of one of my favorite songs come on, Hotel California, in the first few bars I can tell it is a cover, then vocals start. My ears immediatetly start to scream at me for the horror I am subjecting them too. So I check the player and see it is that American Idol loser Will Hung (great porno name btw) and that he was given a record contract. What fool thought that was a good idea, the guy is tone deaf can't sing worth garbage and now is raping songs worse then modern directors are of classic sci-fi literature. Man, it was so terrible, and Hotel California is one of my favorite songs, out of morbid curiousity I wonder what other songs he has destroyed.
  12. Now that face on the first body would be golden.
  13. They're both super cool planes, and while the F-4 Vandy-1 looks great I have to say that the Vandy-1 is just one of the dead sexyist planes in the sky.
  14. yeah but what I am saying is that the whole picture looks almost exactly like an Adam Hughes picture I have seen before, except for the outfit.
  15. I've worked under the assumption for quite a while the Macross cannon was actually a sort of high powered particle cannon utilizing gravitational forces, or a gravity cannon. WHat I mean is this, and please pardon any miss-spellings or wierd logic right now as I have been painting all day. Anyway, the Macross cannon as I see it is mostly a gravity based weapon, that is why the impact effects are the way they are, causing the targeted ship to collapse in on itself momentarily before it explodes. This would also explain why near misses also result in catastrophic damage to the targetted ship, the gravitational force of the beam tears the ship apart. The core of the beam however would be a massive particle beam, that is one of the reasons why the cannon has to take time to charge up, it is drawing in particles from surrounding space, remember space is only a near vacuum so there is plenty of floating particles, just in very low quantities. When used closer to a planet the charge time would not be as much and if we assume that it can use shipboard air supplies to charge itself as well then charge time can be further reduced, but at the cost of ship's life supporting ability. This massive compressed particle charge would also give the blast a strong impact force and concentrate the gravitational effect making it stronger, almost like firing a miniature black hole. Well I need to rest and get cleaned up now, paint fumes are still wafting off my clothes making me dizzy.
  16. Now that looks much more like Misa's face. The whole composition looks very familiar I assume that you were looking at an Adam Hughes or Varga girl painting/sketch when you did this. I just hope that you actually did draw this and didn't trace it and add the Macross details like certain people have done on the boards before.
  17. No Schwarzenegger = not good movie Well, in a way every superhero movie is about Arnold. I mean Arnold is the closes thing we have to God, Jesus, or Superman, so the movie doesn't really need to have Arnold in it to have the Schwarzenegger influence. You have Arnold Schwarzenegger bed sheets and pillows don't you? I wonder how often he watches "Pumping Iron" especially this week since Jim GOld died, the founder of Gold's Gym, where Pumping Iron was filmed.
  18. No Schwarzenegger = not good movie Well, in a way every superhero movie is about Arnold. I mean Arnold is the closes thing we have to God, Jesus, or Superman, so the movie doesn't really need to have Arnold in it to have the Schwarzenegger influence. AGent one you are a sick sick man.
  19. This movie will likely suck, Jack Black is only good in supporting roles IMHO, he really can't carry a movie, he's just not funny.
  20. I'll have a pciture for you all later that will make all true blooded Tomcat lovers sad, the last flight of the Vandy-1 Tomcat out of Point Mugu with its probable successor, an F/A-18F Super Hornet. What makes the picture especially sad is not so much that Vandy-1 will become a hornet, and not that Vandy-1 may be phased out entirely, but that they got the freaking paint scheme wrong on the hornet. THe hornet is the standard haze gray with a Black Bunny. Vandy-1 has always, except when the bunny was removed, had a black tail with a white bunny, if not an entirely black body, this is a crime and a travesty I say. ANyway check the skies over the next couple weeks as Vandy-1 heads to NAS Oceana where it will be put on permanent display never to fly again.
  21. I agree that 28 Days Later is the only good zombie movie in recent memory, its seems obvious that the creator studied the early Romero zombie movies for inspiration. Though technically in 28 Days Later they weren't really zombies, but it was cool none the less.
  22. nice, very Varga girl, my buddy Kevin would love you for this, I agree about the lips though, too big for Misa
  23. Well, the Cinescape article mentions a budget of 20 million, so it aint gonna be that big Anybody know what the budget for the Dawn remake was? Graham Yeah but remember Graham Romero made "Night of the Living Dead" with a super small budget and it is a classic, even with a small budget a great director can do fantastic things. Hmm, I wonder if I can audition to be a Tom Savini Zombie, now that would awesome.
  24. So super sweet, John Romero is the king of zombie movies, all else are merely pretenders.
  25. I also don't get fan fiction, but then again I don't get cosplay either, although I don't mind looking at pics of cute female Asian cosplayers Graham I agree Graham, I've read some fanfictions, the ones that are funny and don't take themselves seriously just for the laughs. I've never been one to follow fan fiction or write it myself, would much rather write something new, rather then to used characters, events, and universes of other writers.
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