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Everything posted by Knight26
Next up the five view registry shot:
Next up the Tenrack bomber. THis one was not a full up redesign but instead was more of a tweaking of the old design to make it look far better IMHO. I haven't textured it yet but really I don;t think it needs it really at this point. I still need to add more details to the landing gears and the landing gear wells, as well as the bombbay, buy the landing gear and the doors are all there. I am also going to redo the cockpit interior. Right now my biggest concern with the bomber is not its design but its name, Tenrack has never been a good name and now no longer even fits as the redesign added two more torpedo mounts. So any suggestions right now I am leaning towards Valkyrie or Vampire.
Next up the five view registry shot, as always any comments/critiques are welcome, oh and after I made these renders I changed to a different texture, no pics of that yet, oops:
SOme of you may remember this thread from a few months back before I went underway on the USS Reagan for a couple weeks. Well I finally got around to doing some of those redesigns. I will post more pics of the changes and new designs later but my home internet connection is down right now until I get my new DSL hookup. I have pictures of two of the redesigns that I feel came out really well. First off the new Mitchell Class Light/Escort carrier. Its now about twice the size and mass off the original design and IMHO looks a hundred times better. I may do some more work on this one to add details and such, which all of my designs need really. ANyway a few hardcore BSG fans may recognize the overall configuration. I drew insipration for this design from Ralph McQuarries original BSG design concept. I thought it was such a cool design and perfect for a small carrier design. First shot is my customary four view: Edit: Added a link to the original concept I drew inspiration from.
I liked that 90's batman series, very gritty, very dark knight, and approaching the frank miller sytle, a little bit. As it progressed it got darker and darker, which was good, but I think that turned some people off. I like that dark dreary look, really shows what Batman was suppossed to be like, no all bright and colorful like super man. Give me the bat any day over the flying alien, at least he uses his brain to solve mysteriesm not just his super powers.
COngrats man, she's a doll.
pix of Halle Berry as Catwoman
Knight26 replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
MMM Linda Carter as wonder woman, no current actress could play that part as well as her. Come to me my 70's super hero amazon. -
Happy Birthday Neil, will need to tip one later in his honor.
Give me a 2 seater any day. I think the main problem with making a 2 seat 1:48 is making it perfect transformable. THe heat shied and swing bar design currently in use will have to be revamped in order to allow for the transformation because of the added length.
There's your problem then, heightwise, the average zentraedi is only about 40 ft tall. Lengthen the thighs a little and you might get a 1:48 zentradei
Interesting but the legs look way too short, especially the thighs, make it look more apelike in proportion.
THis post needs pictures, you have to be a member fo the other site to view whatever pics you have up there.
Nice job, but its takes more then navy blue with yellow markings to make a plane a blue angel. Most if not all Angels arifract have had a yellow arrow on their underside. IMHO the angels color scheme would be a pain to reproduce on the valk simply because of the variable bits.
Very Nice Man, what altitude did it reach?
21st century toys latest 1:18 releases
Knight26 replied to buddhafabio's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
How much did that set you back? -
I think its Minmei from the last episode, illuminated in some weapons flash, at least from her hair it looks like something late in the series.
Thanks DH, sorry I did not clarify that before. RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) is based off of the Sidewinder and stinger missiles and fires out of a launcher that borrows elements from Phalanx, Trident, and a few other systems. THe biggest failing of Phalanx is its high fire rate, becuase it makes it have only enough ammo for 5-6 shots. Were it more accurate that would not be a problem, but Phalanx works by putting out a hail of ammo such that one of the rounds will hit the incoming missile. NATO Launcher, like DH said is the NATO Sea Sparrow Launcher, a development off the of the old BPDMS and AIM-7 Sparrow missile for use in ship defense, it is a long to mid range ship defender. It carries eight rounds per launcher and typically fires one or two rounds per target. RAM has 21 rounds per launcher and typically fires two rounds at each target, just in case. AN interesting little side note, a while back Nanashi posted an info sheet on something labelled the missile phalanx on the Prometheous. When you really get down to it RAM is a missile based Phalanx weapons system instead of a gun based, kind of funny, especially since the picture he showed also looked a little like a RAM Launcher. What makes this doubly interesting is that RAM had only started development and the launcher design was no where near set at that point.
Most of them are too stupid to know about it, plus many are not going to tungston rounds.
Graham- Most Carriers, have 4 Phalanx guns and 2 or 4 Nato Launchers. RAM typically replaces one Phalanx and one NATO launcher. The Reagan is solely a NATO/RAM ship, plus the fifty cals. All weapons have interlocking fields of fire, and the missile systems have shoot around the corner capability. Goalkeeper is not going onto any US ship, Goalkeeper right now is strictly a european weapon system, americans have too much invested in th 20mm Vulcan to go away from it at this time. Phalanx typically fires a Deplete Uraniam Sabot round, shreds missiles nicely. When dealing with ASMs (Anti Ship Missiles) which are usually seaskimmers it does not take much to knock them out of the sky. SOmething people need to realize is that missiles only rarely strike its target they just get within kill range, explode and pepper the target with shrapnel, tearing it apart, even aircraft. When dealing with Seaskimming missiles that are inbound at Mach 2 plus typically it does not take much force to knock them into the water. Even diving targets just need to get a glancing blow that damages their control surfaces to send them tumbling out of control. I've grown up around missiles so I know alot things that most people don't realize. Also, of all the test firings I have been witnessed or seen the results of for RAM have only had about a dozen rounds that did not make a skin to skin hit of the target.
Sorry DH, I must have missed that post, read the thread right after I woke up from partying last night with old friends. They will never find the crew members of that Dhow, they're chum. They would have been pulled under the carrier and then caught up in the screws. I'm surprised anyone even noticed they hit somehting, though the sound of hitting the boat was probably pretty noticable when it happened. Also like I said before, if it was a dark moonless night, and the dhow had no lights on I doubt anyone would have seen it. There are watchstanders who stand at the bow of the ship to look for small boat threats, but if the Dhow had its sails pulled and and there were no lights then they probably did not see it until it was too late. So in typical naby fashion the two poor shmucks taking watch at the time will likely be the one who get in trouble and get court martialed. Its sad but true but the little guy will get screwed long before anyone officer, except maybe the OOD, who will get a slap on the wrist.
Ok, I've been gone three or four days and people start talking about ships defensive weapons and not ask me, hello people that is my job. In reference to Graham's question, yes Phalanx can engage slow moving and surface targets using the block 1B upgrade. This upgrade is only now entering the fleet though. RAM Mod-3 can do the same thing too now, and the Ike is the first ship to get the new install of it, while the LHD class ships are getting the upgrades over the next two or three years followed by the Mod-1 carriers. FFGs will recieve SeaRAM which is RAM with the Phalanx 1B radar and IR suite but with an 11 cell missile guide instead of the 21 cell guide on all other models. The Nimitz is in home port right now for normal refit and repair, I'll be down there next month for some DTE exercises. SOmething else to consider, if I read the article correctly the dhow is a small wooden boat, similar to a chinese junk. And, the incident occured at night. Guess what folks, wood does not appear on radar and does not appear well on sonar either. So, if the boat was running with its lights out and there was little to no moon there is no way that anyone from the JFKs pilot house could have seen it unless they had on NVGs or IR gear. That is one of the reasons why passive IR detection is becoming such a big thing on all the ship self defense systems now, even NATO-Rearc. Well I am on vacation and my nephew just got up so I have to go. I've sure I'll read the naval message regarding this incident when I go home and exchange a few e-mails with the ram-techs onboard, though I doubt the launchers could have been damaged by any flying debris from the Dhow but you never know.
Congrats Vinnie, so what whirly bird are you in line to pilot?
Those flight suits aren't half bad, a little more work and they would be fantastic, the beef up the forearms and lower leg units and widen the shoulders. The helmets look nice too, almost as good as those Yammie Helmets.
The thing people really need to realize is the problem with the new trilogy is that Lucas is actually writing them, at least he did for Phantom Menace. For the original trilogy Lucas was really more of a creative consultant, he was the creator to be true and it was all his vision and had to be okayed by him but he did not write it, or direct any but the original. Star Wars (ANH) was ghost written by Alan Dean Foster after Lucas wrote something like 17 versions of it. When the NT came about no one wanted to touch writing it for Lucas even though at first he asked a few writers to help him. Everyone wanted it to be purely Lucas' vision, and we all saw the result, so now he has taken a bit of a step back and while still having great creative control he is not the one at the typewriter anymore, he's just standing over the writers shoulder. Now, TPM could have been easily fixed and made a far superior movie IMHO by making the following writing changes: 1) Make Anakin at least 14, make him more believable and easily too old for training as a jedi, at 9 you are still very open and your personnality is not so set 2) Make Amidala at least 16-18, 14 was too young for a queen by any standards 3) Make Jar Jar less of an idiot and maybe more of a rogue then a bumbling clutz, maybe just a little slow, in this way he can also prove himself in the final battle 4) Eliminate the Midichlorian thing entirely or in place of all but saying that Midi-Chlorians cause the force, say that they are attracted to force sensitive individuals, like how you test for HIV, you don't look for the virus directly but the anti-bodies your body produces to try and fight it. 5) Eliminate the whole virgin birth discussion, just have ANakins mom not know who the father was, she was a slave after all and could have been "party favored" 6) Make ANakin's leaving his mother more emotional, lets face it this is the only family this kid knows and even if he is a teenager it would be an emotional response. 7) I'm not a fan of the pod races but ok, keep them, just not so much emphasis on them. Keep the senate scenes, they just should have been fleshed out better. 9) Make the pilots pilots for God's sake, they did not seem like combat pilots at all, more like amateurs 10) Make Anaking a dark to begin with, as 14 yr old slave he would likely have a quite a bit of anger, making the arguement for not training him even better. Even as a 9 yr old slave he would likely not be the happy go lucky kid you see. 11) Y-wings, armored sheathed Y-wings, come on people 12) Not Tatoonie, though considering what comes later it is necessary to keep it, but that could still be easily remedied by having Shmi be sent there between movies, just don't have it be his home, less reason then for him to want to ever return. Or have him say a line like Luke's that he would never return, but more extreme, saying how he hates that world. As much as I would like to see some EU vehicles/ships/characters/locations I can understand the reasons why not to show them unless Lucas wants to. AOTC was in my opinion a far superior movie, but I think also could ahve been better with just a few changes, sorry for the rants but as SW fan and a writer these things just blare at me. 1) Make Anakin and Obi-Wan have periodic visits to Amidala over the years, to just check up on behalf of the chancelor. THis allows for a relationship to develop over time and not suddenly develop in a few weeks out of an obsession of ANakin's. 2) Make Anakin less Stalkerish, easily done if number one is used. 4) More focus on Obi-Wans hunt for Jango Fett, that was one of the best parts of the movie IMHO, but a little more detective work and tracking would have been great to see. 5) Have Obi-Wan argue against ANakin acting as Amidala's bodyguard, works even better if the secret relationship has been years in the making. 6) Have Anakin and AMidala have a couple heated arguments and passionate moments, this is the first time they've really been able to be by themselves and the secret relationship could easily be strained. Even have Anakin get angry about it, and Amidala try to calm him. 7) Anakin should have lied about the slaughter, shown no remorse about it. When Amidala asked he should have just replied simply that he destroyed the animals, no crying no mention of women or children, just refer to them all as animals. And if he cries just have it be over his mother, personnaly I've never met a woman who would fall in love with you after admitting that you slaughtered an entire encampment of people, oh its ok he's sorry about it. More Dooku, underused character that could be very charismatic show more of that, especially his playing both sides against the middle, that was great. 9) No R2, 3P0 comedy, was very out of place in the battle, broke the mood of jedi getting slaughtered in a bad way, that should have been a much harder more desperate scene. 10) Live actors for clone troops, at least those in the foreground and close up (ok not a writing thing, but come on people) 11) Y-Wings sheathed in armor and prototype X-Wings or Tie Fighters. 12) Have Yoda perfrom a much more "magical" force fight, less of the Krispy Kreme hopped up YOda, though that was cool to watch. 13) I have a hard time believing that the REpublic has no army to speak of, at least make mention of a peace keeping force, say that it is dedicated strictly to defense though, not an offensive military. True it makes the needs for clones less, but gives them an available space navy and mandates the production of larger more advanced ships instead of the smaller ships more likely for a defense based military. Well those are my two cents, I think with those changes the movies would be much better and there would be far fewer complaints about them.
[Cylon] By your command [/Cylon] Now there's a team I would hate to have to referee a soccer game for. Seriously it looks like a sports team posing for a team picture, I half expect someone to photoshop in a soccer or football in there, maybe even uniforms, pads and helmets, lol.