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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. I think its been established that by making removable landing gear and some small swap parts, like the groin piece and front landing gear bay then making a good YF-19 is possible. So I would go for that, that or a much large scale needed to have the oragami mechanism in the legs and crotch needed.
  2. picture? of me? that can't be done. i don't have any pictures of me. the last one i took was on 11/26/99 which was the exact date my state ID was issued. i don't take pictures because it only turns into evidence. but thanks for the offer. LOL, ok how about a ship then, I'll name one after you in the books, what class of ship do you prefer and on which side, Good guys, bad guys, worse guys, or neutral?
  3. ACtually I like the cube or sphere design as well for ships, very efficient and practical. The reason this is designed the way it is is mostly due to the traditions of the races involved in buidlign them. I try to give every race its own ship style. This one is built by a company named ASF, which has a good grounding in nautical and aviation designs and so by tradition those aspects carry over. THe Lodrans tend to have ships that look a bit more like sea life in overall outline, just far blockier. Their ships also all started out as submersibles, but aafter they went into sspace they ditched most if not all the aerodynamic features keeping only the basic outlines. The Drashig ships all look like backwards beatles, and many other races go with the morre blocky designs. The only ships I actually put aerodynamic considerations into are the actual trans or endo atmospheric craft, fighters, bomber, dropships, light corvettes and such. Also you can call them wings as that is what I typically call them, though like I said before they are that way only by name, not by function. Also, this is for my books, I design the ships so that I stay consistant in their descriptions and because I just like to, so a little for $h!ts and giggles yeah. Oh and haterist since you got the earlier question right, if you send me your picture I can render you in scene with any of the craft you like.
  4. Linx just about hit it on the head for why this ship has "wings" and while they are referred to as wings, it is also explicitly stated that they are not lift producing devices and that the ship is not intended for atmospheric operations. Except maybe in extreme emergency like crash landings into the ocean.
  5. Made a little progress last night, plan to do more this afternoon and evening. I am considering maybe chopping out the foward most portion of the launch deck to give it a more open look. Once I get the major surface islands down I will start on the turrtes, sensors, observation domes, etc... Also to add a sense of scale I threw in an old Saratoga model I pulled off the net some time ago. I'm thinking of adding a corvette docking pad somewhere, just need to find an area large enough. As for bulking up the central rear vertically I am a little reluctant to do that at this time, but we will see what happens.
  6. Interesting, though you do have to admire that fact that after that face plant he still manages to get back up and keep trying. FUnny nonetheless but I like that kind of determination.
  7. Thanks for the comments guys. Like I said earlier the design was rushed that is why it has the fly through hanger bays. As for engine nacelles, I prefer them to centerline engine, easier to arrange exhausts and such as well. Yes, if you lost an engine you would have severe controlability issues, but then the navigation thrusters, to be added, could be used in emergencies. Anyway I've done some work tonight, still have more to go, but I figured I would post the progress thus far. As for ending the hulls all along the same plain, hmm, let me see what I can do about that. I also redid the engines, those spiky things in front are a type of energy generation system and the bridge dealies over the hangers are the flight control bays. There are still a lot of details to be added though. As for aerodynamics, I know that isn't required in space, I'm an aerospace engineer afterall. If you look you can tell that the strictly exo-atmospheric craft really are not aerodynamic, but even in a race that has been in space for a long time, some old habits die hard. Let me know what you think so far. OH yeah, and Haterist you were right, SR-71, was watching a movie with the Blackbird when I first drew it.
  8. Yeah she is a capital ship, right now I am still getting down the general shape, once that is done, I will start adding sensors, added armor, weapons, hanger details, etc... I'm just surprised that no one has tried to guess what the original layout was inspired by, I could post a top view but that would be way too obvious. ANd Haterist, thanks for lifting the mood.
  9. I don't mind constructice criticism, or even something that is actually funny, but that is none of the above. anytime. If you don't have some constructive to add then bug off Agent One. Whether I agree with them or not everyone else who has posted here has at least given some constructive criticsm, not dropped to the level of 12 yr old just to increase their post count and make themselves seem like a big man. I don't know why you are bend out of shape. The comments I make on this board I make for my own entertainment exclusively, and I must say, I rule. If you don't like em... well I won't lose any sleep over it. Tell you what if you would feel better I'll email you some pictures of my biceps. I don't know what your issue is man, but I am not going to even respond to your childish comments anymore, good luck growing up. If anyone has any constructive comments regarding the design I look forward to hearing them.
  10. That Garland looks cool, and though I haven't seen Megazone-23 I might be interested in that particular mecha. I think I missed the post with the scale, what was it again?
  11. I don't mind constructice criticism, or even something that is actually funny, but that is none of the above. anytime. If you don't have some constructive to add then bug off Agent One. Whether I agree with them or not everyone else who has posted here has at least given some constructive criticsm, not dropped to the level of 12 yr old just to increase their post count and make themselves seem like a big man.
  12. I don't mind constructice criticism, or even something that is actually funny, but that is none of the above.
  13. I made some changes to the new version. I think it turned from bulky, super battle carrier into the sleak thing you saw because its original inspiration started to harken back. A special surprise to whomever can first guess what the original layout was inspired by. ANyhow, I went back and made some mods, making it more blocky, I added the mandibles for some strange reason, they may or may not stay but I think I may proceed with the design and turn the old Tacit's into something else, spent too much time on them simply to throw them out. ANyway I think the changes I made make it look much larger. Also to give a sense of scale and because DH made reference to a high speed bomber I stuck the recently redone Feral-F bomber in the launch tube to give a sense of scale. The bomber is a little over 100' long so you can see the ship is right about 3400' long. COmments are appreciated and will be taken into consideration. I have some ideas of what to add to the hull including something like the "handle" from the back end of the Daedeleus, it came to me in a dream, what can I say.
  14. IT could still be a cover name though, just a name to through people off from what he is really doing. Blue Harvest anyone?
  15. Ok, decision time. I cranked this out real quick this morning at work, it still needs a lot of work, details added, weapons, new engines, etc... but is along the lines of what I am currently thinking. Those holes on the underside are the launch tubes for the dropship hanger, and on later ship models a large cannon will be slung under the forward hull in front of that hanger. I have the old engines on it for now and they will be replaced if this goes further. The mass has increased about 10% so far and I anticipate it going up more if I go along with this redesign. Now the question is, should I? And if I do what suggestions do you have? Let me know what you think, appreciate any and all comments.
  16. LOL, I get that one a lot Graham, those are actually supposed to be old hits, those will be redone on the new model once completed. This is an idea that came to me last night, right now I just have a vague descriptive idea. I'm thinking something Daedeleus looking, in the bows, with a low slung hump below for the dropship hanger bay. The central hull would be widened and flattened overall with a sloping front in the same general shape of the daedaleus. The "wing" hangers on the side would be of a similar shape, but possibly with two hulsl of same basic shape stacked and inverted atop each other. The engine nacelles would then extend out from there. If I have time today at work I will slam something out really quick and post an image. Sorry for hte vague description but it did come to me in a dream.
  17. Interesting ideas, but an island structure/tower/bridge, not going to happen, maybe some additional hardware up there, but no bridge. The reason being is that Confed ships bury their command facilities deep into the ship to protect them and nto give the enemy an obvious point of attack. I'm going to work on a complete ground up rebuild tomorrow, try out working on a concept at work, see what it looks like, after that I will make the final call as to how to proceed.
  18. Ok I did a little work on a more detailed version. I still need to add things like airlocks, escape ship hatches, docking points, etc... The question now is, should I proceed further with this model, or go for the full tear down?
  19. Actually the Aquarian Age may also refer to the Age of Aquarius, which is the age we are suppossedly entering. The different "ages" of the zodiac, IIRC, last about 2000 years, we are just coming out of the age of Pisces. The Age of Aquarius is the age where man is suppossed to start leading himself into the future instead of relying on outside forces to guide us. It kind of makes sense and may still lead towards a Macross series because all macross series so far have occured in the Aquarian Age. From the title I would say it might be a show that deals with man/mankind coming to age and leading themselves and may have some spiritual overtones, should be interesting no matter what though.
  20. I'm debating getting these figures, but I already have the old Banpresto Millia PVC figure and it is pretty close to in scale I believe, so are they really worth the money? Also is there any word if the Max Q-Rau will come with a Max Pilot figure?
  21. Ok this one is a hard one for me to decide since well, this is the first ship I ever really designed, starting out with four sheets of 8.5x11 graph paper taped to gether to make it. Several offshoot designs have since evolved from it and after uncounted redesigns I am considering a complete tear down and rebuild of the Wolfsbane, probably the single most important ship in my books. The original design is this: Very angular, very block, and this is after years of work on the same basic frame, adding details, replacing parts, retexturing, etc... I originally started out thinking I would just go in, add a bunch of details, rebuild parts of the hull, give more detail to the whole design and then reskin it. But now I have a little nagging voice that keeps telling me to rebuild the whole thing, since all the other redesigns have come out so well. (check older threads of mine to see what I mean) This is really the only design of mine, except for a small handful, that has not seen a major redesign. SO what I am asking is, should I go for it, should I do a full tear down and rebuild? Some things to consider, this ship is one of the few confed large carrier designs with pass through decks, other use either launch/recovery bays, or individual fighter docks. The reason that the Tacit class has the fly through bays is that they were a rushed design, hurried through the design process and pressed into service as quickly as possible. As a result each one is quite different and some of them suffer from material deficiencies, they are all made from a very rare metal. I also want to keep the T-shaped configuration with engine nacelles and multiple hanger bays. So what do you all think, should I go for it, and if so do you have any suggestions as to what the redesign should look like? (pictures and sketches will help greatly here.) One more pic until later, this is all five of the class together, showing the modifications made to the designs as they progressed. One last thing, the hanger bays in the Wolfsbane-A, constructed 100yr later, will be the better defensible seperate launch/recovery bay type, but will retain the same basic hull with some modification.
  22. IRC it started right around the time of the Animeigo release of the original SDF Macross and then snowballed.
  23. kick'n I can't wait for this to come out.
  24. the 51?
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