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Everything posted by Knight26
Those are some well done customs. I like that strike VF-22 with all the external ordrnance, the x-from tail, and the YS-19 cockpit, I just don;t care for the removal of the vector plates.
Hey Graham, you said you got it on DVD, I did not know it was released yet, where did you get it?
I agree with most of Graham's points, and I can't wait to see the series when it starts in january. As for why the galactic was ribbed I think it was suppossed to be that way, that the ribs acted as outspaced armor, to keep the main hull from taking fire as easily. As a plot device and an effect it is great, as the show progresses they can blast out major portions of those ribs and not loose the associated spaces beneath the skin there. It should be interesting to see what direction they take the series on, I hope it has more of the desperate, we're on the edge of survival feal of the original books, and not be as campy as the original series.
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
And the registry picture, onto her sister ships now: -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Just about done: I slammed a gig of ram into my machine today and all but finished the design. I fixed a couple small things on the flight decks, but some detail work may still go there. I also added the manuevering thrusters, the observation windows to the flight control decks and the registry to the sides of the engine nacelles. I also added the old battle damage textures from the old design, they don't fit the same way, but they are close enough for now. There is very little left to do, just add some observation decks, maybe a couple more thruster packs, refit the damage texture and maybe recolor it. Right now the damage is too red, I need to gray and brown it out some more to make it look more like battle damage, and may remake it a bit more as well. Let me know what you think. -
Man, those designs are whacked out and wrong on so many levels.
They used F-4s in the second one. TopGun has it's great points...Like the flying, real pilots in real jets, the photography of those scenes is incredible. Final Countdown is still a far superior movie.
Top Gun was a POS, the MiG-28 as stated were just F-5E/Fs repainted black with red stars on the tail. That movie is garbage, heck so is Iron Eagle, but at least they used a foreign aircraft as their MiGs, Israeli Kfirs, and even then they just called them Migs, no number. If you want a good 80's navy movie, that is accurate and cool as all get out, rent or buy Final Countdown, that movie is so accurate it is scary, much better then at POS Top Gun.
that's not a bad photochop you did there, the lighting almost makes that painted Macross look like it should be there.
Very nice, I can't wait for the finished product.
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ok, this one is of the hangers. Top row is the launch end, bottom the recovery end. From left to right they are the upper port fighter bay (there are four), the bomber deck, and the dropship deck. It might be hard to see in the pictures but the blue bars on the deck of launch tube are the catapult emitters, floor and ceiling. More powerful ones are along the walls. The fighter bays can launch up to three fighters at once on the catapults, more under own power. The bomber deck only one at a time but it can have two bombers staged together at once, launch one after the other. The drop ship bay can launch two at once, out of two seperate launchers, but has little call to do so. Anyway on the recovery end, the yellow disks are inertial dampner field generators, they slow incoming craft considerably, not quite stopping them, keeps an out of control fighter from crashing badly, and enemy missiles from penetrating at high speed. The blue areas around the entrances and exits are the atmosphere shield generators, each portal except the one the quick reaction squadrons launch out of have two sets of field generators, just in case one fails. All portals then have closing doors just in case of total shield failure. The shields are quite efficient too, each field can stop up to 99.9% of any gasses that attempt to pass through. Field density is 8 per foot, and a typical emitter is five feet in depth, so that is 40 fields per generator. So each shield unit only allows one in 1x10^80 gas molecules through, so the ship does outgas, but not to any noticable degree. One last thing, on the large decks, like the bomber and dropship, the structure up in the ceiling is a storage area, that is where they keep some consumables and a lot of spares. The fighter decks do as well, but not nearly as much so. Oh one last things, where is a good place to buy memory, at a low price? -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Update Time: I spent most of the day on this, the hangers are finished, except for a few details that may be changed, including the ceiling structure, catapult textures, and add some support equipment, trucks, weapons trailers, etc... I deleted about ten turrets from the exterior, cleaned up the hull a lot in the process. Now the hull just needs to be "personnalized" for the Wolfsbane, with battle damage, registry tatoos, etc... Thing is I really can't do that right now because, I need to slam another 512MB->1GB of RAM into my system first. The design is starting to make the system seriously lag, too many bits and pieces. Anyway onto the pics, the first is of the exterior of the ship. -
Nice, I was wondering if you would ever finish that.
YF-19FP SACRIFICE. What could you do without?
Knight26 replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Toys
Except for how far the nose sticks out in battroid I like that Perfect Trans one, but I prefer the other one with the swapping groin/nose gear and landing gear wells. It looks more accurate in all modes to me. If that is what Yamato turns out I will be thrilled to no end. -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Final approach, the four wing hangers are color coded to help make sure pilots land in the right place, plus the ventral hangers are upside down relative to the rest of the ship to maximize deck space. -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Here's a close up of where the quick reaction squadrons launch out off, I may later add doors, but making a door for this openning will be a pain in the you know what. -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ok, another update. I added wing hangers, but upon doing so I realized that I forgot a few details, plus I am having problems getting the atmosphere shield generators textures to cooperate. I will fix that later. I also forgot to add the grappler catapults and the repulsor field generators that serve to slow incoming fighters when they land. Those should be easy to add though. Easier then adding all the doors were. Anyway onto the pictures. -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Yeah I am probably going to drop about 6-8 turrets, as for being retractable, no they are not, this is a warship and force projection is a big deal. Imagine being in something like a small cruiser and seeing that big beast baring down on you, all its turrets pointed your way, me, I think I'd surrender. If I saw that same ship with no visible turrets I may try and take my chances. The only ships I have with retracting turrets are smuggler craft and the point defense weapons on large warships. -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Actually there are smaller point defense turrets by the hanger entrances and exits to all the hanger bays. The main turrets also do have cut out/no fire zones that keep them from shooting the ship. Pretty much ever turrets since WW2 has had some kind of cut out zone, heck on LHA where they have their mairnes stand with Stinger missiles they have a ring that they stand in with two broomsticks that keep them from moving too far. -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ok the exterior is all but finished. I just need to add the external observation bubbles and windows to the flight control spoilers, and the control thrusters all over the place. I can't do much more right now becuase adding all the escape pod hatches put on so many faces that it is lagging the machine. I guess I need to break down and get some more ram. Ok, what was added, those white pads are the sensor clusters, there are about 25 of them. I added the escape pod hatches, there are a lot of those, I lost count and will inventory them later. I also added all the point defense turrets. I also added textures to the whole ship, those may be editted or replaced, but I like it so far. I will start on the hangers tomorrow, model them seperately then insert them, make it easier. As for the number of turrets I have about 6 or 8 I may remove. The old design had 58, if I counted right and this new one has 69. Of course it is late and I am getting crossed eyed so I may have miscounted. -
Those are sweet, I love well done glass sculptures like that, have any more in the pipe?
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
They are Plasma-LASER, PLASER, turrets, later models have a beam capability added, so not too much space is needed below decks. It also has a pair of heavy Plasma Beam cannons, and 20 point defense turrets, minimum of two per hanger bay and engine. I think I may have gone a little overboard on the number of turrets though, need to cut a few, just have to figure out where. -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Let's go blow something to hell, yes the Wolfsbane is now armed, not fully but armed. I just have to add the point defense turrets around the hangers and a couple on the engines. After that the other salient features like the sensor arrays, escape pods hatches, and docking points. I will also start on texturing the ship. Haterist: I'm keeping the launch tube on this one, the later replacement will have the side launch tubes instead of the single foward launcher, remember this is to be a rushed design. Also, those big blue pads are the docking areas for larger craft like transports, corvettes, etc... -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Actually the flight bays are arranged with the runway down the middle of each bay and the fighters parked on either side. There is plenty of room in front of and behind the parking areas to store the spares and the deck immediately beneath, or above depending on the where it is, is also used for ammo and spares storage. As for other space problems, figure that each deck of the centraul hull has a little over 800,000 square feet of deck space. That and the central hull has over twenty decks if you include the dropship hanger and the raised area at the aft end, twelve of which not quite run the full length of the ship. I will have to do a cross section later. At the end of the first page is a picture of a bomber launching out of the bomber flight deck. All the rest of the craft are probably about a quarter that size, and the interceptor is probably on the order of super hornet scale. The number of fighters and attack craft is feasible, I have fit checked it several times. The reason for such a small craft is easy, these people have been in space for over 1000 yrs, so the development of such small craft is feasible. I will post a picture of the hanger/flight bays with the craft in them later, or near them to give a sense of scale. Something to consider as well, the Saratoga there is the same size as most carriers and they carry a crew of around 5000. So, you're talking a very advanced craft that is probably 20 times its size and only requires another 1000 people to run it. It typically operates with a full battlegroup, with about a dozen ships cruiser sized and up, plus another dozen corvettes. These ships would rarely if ever travel alone, but has enough armament and supplies to care for itself for quite some time. The ship also has plenty of replenishable supplies, including a full farm deck with hydroponically grown foods, and more in the space between the inner and outer hulls. Of course if the hull is breached these areas are immediate exposed to space, but the food is flash frozen. Meat onboard is taken care of by way of rapidly cloned and grown genetically engineered animals that are kept in suspended animation, or not quite absolute 0 storage until needed. TP, what's TP, don't you know how to use the sea-shells, lol. Despite the farm resources the ship does have to resupply regularly to get other consumable items. The ship also has facilities to produce its own fuel, bussard ram scoops, bring in stellar hydrogen to be processed for fueling the ship and fighters. Hope that answers some questions, I'm off to bed, tomorrow we will have weapons. -
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Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ok, more progress tonight, I should have all the armor "islands" now, but may add more to the viper area up front, the wide blue area. Tomorrow I will start on adding the weapons and other salient features like additional sensors, docking points etc... Also those blue areas on the fighter hangers are tentitively being used as corvette and transport docks. They also have cargo lifts. The cargo bays are accessed directly from the flight bays so I may add cargo bay doors later anyway, but we will see, since there really is no need. I appreciate all the suggestions and look forward to your future comments. I'm also going to add a couple observation bubbles and start texturing it tomorrow, also I decided not to cut the roof out of the front of the bomber launch area. Lynx, in regards to the number of strike craft it carries. A Tacit Class carrier carries a compliment of: 20 bombers (1 squadron/wing [bSC, Bomber, Space Carrier]) 26 attack craft (2 squadrons [ASC, Attack, Space Carrier]) 65 interceptor/heavy fighters (5 squadrons [iSC, Intercept, Space Carrier]) 312 medium/superiority fighters (24 squadrons [FSC, Fighter, Space Carrier]) 39 light/recon fighters (3 squadrons [FSC and RSC, Recon, Space Carrier]) 13 dropships (varying type) (1 Squadron [DSC, Dropship, Space Carrier]) 30 shuttles (even mix exo and trans-atm) (1 squadron [sSC, Shuttle, Space Carrier]) So that is a grand total of 505 craft, plus smaller auxillaries, work pods, escape ships, etc... Depending on where they launch from, launch is either, under own power, or using grappler beams to throw them out of the ship. And, becuase I know it will come up it has a crew compliment of just under 6000 including marines and civilian staff. Officers can even have family members onboard as long as both parents serve aboard ship in either a military or civlian function. And, the Tacit Class is not even the largest carrier in space, the GF Barker class are larger and carry more craft, and confed has one or two classes larger then the Tacits. However, after even 100 yrs in service the Tacits are still one of the most advanced class of ship in space, and are coveted not only because of their capability but the material they are made of. Ok, I've written enough for now, on to the pictures.