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Everything posted by Knight26
Its funny you say that Graham. Ok confession time. The original Splicer 5000 design was a toy I built up out of old ROBOTIX parts. For years the design evolved over and over using just those old toys, then I started putting into CAD. The design therefore has been comprimised from the start, therefore so have all subsequent Splicer models, so they will have to be redone as well, as they all use a common cockpit module as well as other parts. In fact here is a picture of the original model, feel free to make fun of it, lol. I will post a quick pic of the progress I made tonight, mostly some more engine area work, added the wing and the remodelled weapons, plus some other parts of the old design.
And the first progress shot on the new design: (editted the picture to fit the window better)
Yes, another redesign. This one was as a result of how well the Wolfsbane Redesign turned out, and then the Splicer 5000, the goog guys primary fighter ended up looking really bad by comparison IMHO. I agonized over this one for a while, I wanted to keep the overall configuration, but couldn't figure out where to start. I sketched out several possibilities, but nothing translated from the top view well. Then it hit me, the cockpit was the biggest failing of the old design, start there and let the rest flow from it. I then remembered the first redesigned cockpit from the Mosquito Redesign. It wasn't suitable for that craft but with some work it looks good on the new Splicer 5000. Right now I am working on the main fuselage and engine section, the cockpit interior will come later for now. I am also having issue with the wing design, getting it to mesh with the new rear end it proving to be more then a hassle then i thought. Any suggestions are welcome, especially when it comes to where to mount it. Ok onto the pictures, again any CONSTRUCTIVE C&C is appreciated. First, the original design.
One thing that confuses me about that video, it keeps switching back and forth between versions of the macross, one shot its in the DYRL config, the other the TV config (with the carriers but the movie hull). Maybe it will show the transition, hmm? Start out in the TV config, run through the TV story line in that config, get trashed, rebuilt then sent back out temporarily in the new config. So then you get to fight the "battles" of the movie, maybe as a stunt pilot, or maybe they will say that the movie was just a cover up for an actual battle that took place, using footage from the battle in the movie. Ah macross conspriacy theories, gotta love 'em.
Those have to be the nastyist ice cream flavors I have ever heard of, what's next human secretion ice cream?
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what crack are you smoking, those look nothing like Su-27 tail fins, I would say either they are F-22, or YF-23 tails.
Typically no, because the missile is gone before it has a chance to do any noticable scortching. Plus it manuevers away rather quickly, pointing the missile exhaust away from the plane. Now, on a ship based launcher, the missle takes off slightly slower and tends to go straight for a second before manuevering. Those do get some scortching on the launcher, but mostly on the bulkhead behind it because the missile exhaust is focused there longer.
That price does seem a bit steep. Ok, I'm not real fluent on VOtoms, but is that character a guy or a girl becuase it looks to have boobs?
Bascially in this war there are two side, the COnfederation (UCSB) and the Federation (GF). The COnfed Space Forces by their mandate are a defensive military, organized primarily around defending their own territory from outside aggressors and internal malcontents (pirates, raiders, terrorists, etc...) The GF on the other hand is an expansionist imperial military stretching out to take as many holdings as they can. Now, the Feral and Untamed are Confed Space Forces craft. The Feral works in the Space Forces Mandate because it is primarily designed to attack enemy capital ships and small bases. THe Untamed walks a fine tight rope though, as it is designed for destroying larger facilities and for planetary attack. I probably went a little overboard in the design and it may or may not be kept. Like I said though use of it in an offensive role to destroy a large installation or planetary base, especially that of a homeworld, is unlikely for the most part. Confed Space Forces would much rather capture a large space based facility, using special ops forces to disable before a larger force comes in to take it. It comes down to resource allocation, which is better run it with a large force, destroy the facility then have to deploy additional resources to hold the system while another base is built or deploy a smaller force to try and take the facility intact? Like I said before as well the Untamed is rarely used, something more for show then anything else, it's a lumbering hulk and most commanders would rather deploy corvettes to do its job instead because they are more survivable designs. I hope that clears some things up, we can discuss it more later if you like, but I am at work and need to get back to it.
Hmm maybe because 1/48: 1 inch = 4 feet, 1/72: 1 inch = ft, etc... This probably comes from most early models being made of the US and English market. Later on when model kite became more popular in the east you started getting the smaller scales, the 1:100 and 1:200, etc... Prior to that only model ships would have metric scales in the US. After that it has just become tradition, besides they are great scales, and there is no reason to change until everyone goes metric.
Damn, those are some well done models.
ANd, the landed configuration. As an SWACS it tends not to carry torpedoes but instead probes and sensor pods. Any thoughts on what it might need?
Somthing I thought you all might find interesting, the SWACS variant of the Feral-F. Like the regular model Feral the wings fold in for landing, and now so do the large sensor arrays. I am debating whether or not to put the turrets back on for defense and possibly more sensor pods, maybe something like the underside sensors of the VE-1 maybe. Anyway let me know what you think.
That "Heinkel" was a Burt Rutan design, the Ares. It was for an army project in the mid to late 80s and then the early 90s for the Air Force. Scaled Composites currently uses it as a testbed, it's suppossed to be a pretty nice plane to fly. Check www.scaled.com for more info, look under projects.
I don't feel like going back to the Martian Buddy locker right now, what is in it?
Common misconception you have there. The odd numbered designations are strictly NATO codes, they are not the identifiers used by the russians, same with the names. Somewhere along the lines NATO decided that all aircraft produced Mikoyan Gurevich would have odd numbered designations in their reports and documents. The 1.42/1.44 is an internal MiG-Mapo designation, and since the fall of the Warsaw pact, NATO has been more willing to adopt the actual russian designations. This however caused a problem with the S-37 from Sukhoi, and because they had already given the Sukhoi T10M-11 the code designation Su-37, so they had to call the S-37 the Su-47 to keep it from getting confused. The same goes for the code names for aircraft, as now NATO is more willing to adopt the russian names of their aircraft, or at least their translations. The name designation is pretty easy to figure out and depends on the first letter of the name: F = Fighter (Flanker, Fulcrum, Frogfoot, happy person, Fargo, Fishbed, etc...) C = Cargo (Condor, Colt, etc...) B = Bomber (Bear, Bison, Blackjack, etc...) H = Helicopter (Hind, Hokum, Hip, etc...)
I thought that Republic Droid Fighter on brickshelf looked familiar.
I just noticed something, the feat on that VF-19E are upside down, oops.
Need help settling an internal debate
Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The last of the original five, the UCSBS - Ib'Schag At the time of the first production run there was only enough the Tacit metal that made up the hulls of the ships to build five ships, with enough left over for spares and experimentation to artifically produce more. No more was ever produced by artificial methods and the Wolfsbane and Trib'Kibal used too much of the material, actually incorporateing into the superstructure and interior bulkheads, unlike the rest which only use it in their hulls. As a result there was not enough to buidl the starboard wing of the Ib'Schag and it was built without it. The Ib'Schag is considered a plush assignment as its duties usually are not on the frontline, instead it is used as a pirate hunter and sticks close to the homeworlds. Most civilians believe all Tacit class to look like the Ib'Schag, despite plenty of photo and holographic evidence to the contrary. For obvious reasons the Ib'Schag is often refered to as the "white knight." -
Need help settling an internal debate
Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The Robial gave up the aft quartet of beam cannons, keeping the six forward mounted weapons, but retains the asteroid cannon. It also recieved significantly upgraded and more advanced engines. The new engines are half the size and thrust of the originals so two more were added. -
Need help settling an internal debate
Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Next up the UCSBS - Quiness. After the Trib'Kibal went online it was decided that the Tacit's needed more beam cannons so four additional beam cannons, those originally slated for the Wolfsbane, were added onto the Quiness. The Quiness is also the first to mount the three barrelled rapid fire asteroid cannon. However becasue of its additonal armament the captain's of the Quiness have tended to use it more aggressively and therefore it has taken more damage over the years, which prompted space force leaders to decrease the beam cannon load out on all additional ships. -
Need help settling an internal debate
Knight26 replied to Knight26's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Time for the siblings. The first is the UCSBS - Trib'Kibal the second in the series, the only notable design differences is that it carries what was originally intended to be the standard beam cannon load out, of six beam cannons. The Wolfsbane was pressed into service early and therefore never received the additional four beam cannons. The Trib'Kibal was also pressed into service easly and never recieved its asteroid cannon, mostly because of delays in the weapons production.