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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. Man the Last Starfighter is great how could they do this to it, what's next Buckaro Banzai the muscial?
  2. Hey Doc Gonzo, if you want them I have some videos I shot recently on the Nimitz showing hornets landing and taxiing.
  3. One more before bed, I altered the original just slightly, added a ripple and motion blur coming off the tail pipes to simulate moving, heated air, i.e. exhaust off the gravity engine. It is the only visible exhaust the engine produces, and outside of atmosphere that is gone.
  4. Very Nice, can't wait to see more.
  5. Third scene, not as good as the first, its a pain making the lights match up.
  6. This one took a few tries before I got the lighting to look right to me, I think this will be my new desktop.
  7. I made a couple scene renders. The first one came out iffy, see what you all think.
  8. Well FSWs aren't for everyone, too unconventional, but I love FSWs. Any more comments?
  9. From below and behind.
  10. Man this thing hardly even needs texturing now but I applied a basic dirt map, any comments?
  11. Another one, from beneath:
  12. Ok some renders with it anti-aliased, it is so much better its not even funny.
  13. People who have legos are some of the happyist people in the world I must say. Haterist are you still interested in building that custom you mentioned in the my redesign thread?
  14. Oh duh, my bad, yeah I just checked I will make a render when I get home with the anti-aliasing on high, right now it is on miminal, oops. Hmm with how many lines are on there, should be interesting to see how long it makes the render take.
  15. I would have to ask Kin, excuse a little ignorance, but what would that do for the render?
  16. As if being riddled with a few dozen rounds of cannon fire isn't bad enough now they say the red baron died because of brain damage. http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/09/22...n.ap/index.html
  17. woah, somebody needs a life.
  18. Congrats Kev now prepare for years of chasing off would be suitors, lol.
  19. One more and I am off to bed.
  20. Couldn't sleep, here are a couple comparison shots, had a little bit of texture trouble when inserted but oh well. You can really see the difference between the two designs, almost like the difference between the breast fighter and the valk.
  21. Opposite side, similar but different, notice no boarding hardware, and that little box, emergency canopy release. I also plan to possbily add a couple of pop out atmospheric data probes, though I am not sure if I will do that. Anything you all see that needs to be added? I will try to start on textures this weekend. Also anyone like to see a before and after shot before I start texturing?
  22. Cockpit is all but done: I just need to make a couple minor modifications around the canopy as well as add the canopy openning hardware. The dark area on the "canard" is a walk path, and the two ports above the ladder door are climbing handles for boarding. As always C&C are welcome.
  23. Ok my bad, *smacks forehead*
  24. Ok I am feeling ignorant what are LVs?
  25. Very interesting, I agree that bot mode looks good, except for the spaced out shoulders, but boombox mode just looks odd. Man i hope they do some more MP editions, like megs, starscream, soundwave. I'd mention some of the autobots, but they already have the binaltechs.
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