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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. ok, i have no sound at work, but will someone tell me why they are reusing effects and shots from armmagedon?
  2. is that Starsceam just a reissue or is it an all new sculpt?
  3. Well said Skull Leader and JB0, though we might need to put this in language he can understands so here, one of Penny Arcades many helpful tips for ppor internet grammar users:
  4. Well at least it won't be raping my childhood I always hated that fragging movie
  5. Trainee you seriously need to learn proper grammar and how type real words if you ever want to be taken seriously in the real world.
  6. Holy Shnikies you have talent.
  7. Minmay Rejected By Hikaru turns to street walking, yes kids its Hooker Minmay. Seriosuly though great job sculpting and painting there, I can already hear many members of these boards foaming at the mouth to get one of these.
  8. I think I just wet myself, jk. Very nice though.
  9. Because of the comments about the resemblence to the PYRO I found the following images online: Looking at these I see almost no resemblence beyond those that I mentioned earlier, and even those resemblences seem trivial. I think people are seeing the resemblence because they want to, not because they really stand out.
  10. You know other then the FSW it really does not look anything like a PYRO GX or your design. Really saying it looks like the PYRO is like saying the Su-47 looks like the X-29. Yes there are some similarities in layout in that both are FSWs, both mount multiple cannons, both are twin engine with a forward cockpit, but other then that they are two completely different looking entities. Your design there looks like a short stubby Su-47 much moreso then mine looks like a Pyro GX.
  11. And from above, the cockpit interior is already done, this is just a stand in for now.
  12. The texturing is coming along well, I;m having to modify a few parts to get the textures to work but that is no big deal. Anyway here are the latest progress shots.
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/11/05/school.st...d.ap/index.html
  14. Maybe its just me but I think all the fighters in this one are fugly, maybe they will grow on me but who knows. What I really would want to see is a Y-Wing with all of its armor still attached, now that would be a great bridging craft between the two trilogies.
  15. Yeah old news, it was the cover story that Boeing planeted around the bird of prey to get people looking the wrong way. It also inspired *shudder* that "Talon" fighter in the upcoming Jessica Biel POS.
  16. Rather then start a whole new thread I thought I would show a quick shot of the start of my texturing on this unit. Any thoughts?
  17. one more question, one on everyones mind, who gets to kill jar-jar?
  18. ANyone get any pics of that funky 6 winged x-wing yet?
  19. Actually it sounds like it is out of Rebel Assault 2, or something like that, one of those FMV games, very arcadelike, kind of fun. I think I still have it.
  20. Did it ever occur to you, brainiac, that Harmony Gold is planning on selling this in Japan as a sequel to Mospeada? No need to get pissy dude, like I said it was just a thought, and yeah maybe they will do that, ought to be interesting to see how they pull it off though. Me personnally if, big if, I watch it I will treat as a mospeada sequel and not as anything having to do with Roboschlock.
  21. I have a reallt twisted and possibly evil thought. What if the Otaku community, after this travesty comes out, resubs/dubs it as a Mospeada sequel, do a sort of reverse robtechism?
  22. Splicer 3000 during exo-atmospheric trials over CATR station.
  23. The X45 and the AC5 stick have a little attachment that goes on the pinky trigger of the flight stick that makes it easier to use for those with small hands, like kids. It comes off really easily and does not damage the stick in the process, uses only two little holes IIRC. I do not have a n X45, I still have my old school X36, love it. As for that seat, reminds me of those panels that Thrustmaster offered back in the day that would bolt onto your armed office chair, those were very nice.
  24. Man there are going to be some people pissed off about this one, interesting to see that the USAF found a loophole that allows for anti-sattellite weapons. There are treaties that prevent the deployment of anti-sattellite weapons that destroy the sattellite, but jamming that was never covered in any of the accords. I for one as an american am not big on the deployment of anti-sat weapons, or any space based weapon system for that matter because it sets a dangerous precedent, especially when the US is the only one doing it. Space should be used for peace not war, and the US deploying this kind of system will just provoke other nations.
  25. mildly amussing, and an interesting robot design.
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