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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. I started texturing this bad boy and except for some clean up, especially on the sides of the torpedo packs, I have finished the aft fuselage. I will start on the forward fuselage later and then move onto the anti-matter cannon and stub wings before tackling what should be the very hard to do, engines and missile pod. Let me know what you think.
  2. What do you mean you were doubtful?
  3. I really want it to be good, FotP is one of my all time favorite movies, a total aero engr's wet dream. I want this to be good so bad, it comes out around thanksgiving I think, so when I go home my Dad and I will go see it. If my nephew is there I will make him watch the original first, maybe. The thing I know I will be disapointed by in this one, is that I am sure they did not resurrect the original phoenix, and I'll bet they did not even build their own, just a static prop and a CG bird. The Phoenix in the original movie actually flew, they built two of them, one crashed, killing the pilot, but the other flew just fine.
  4. last one, now to start on the 3000.
  5. flight test crew
  6. Ok, the texturing is finished, hope you all like it.
  7. Heidi Klum is like a fine wine, she is getting so much better with age.
  8. Looking nice Gammera but can you crank up the anti-aliasing on your renderer?
  9. Do door knobs qualify? I can't wait for people to crack Verizon DSL jokes once Ep 3 plays in theaters... huh?
  10. Congrats man, hopefully his older sibling Optimus and the Valk's don;t get jealous of all the attention he gets.
  11. Yeah but Agent One would hit anything with an open orifice, lol.
  12. Not sure if there is still interest but here is the latest update. I couldn't do a rotational texture on the engines like I did the guns last time, just too much going on on them and too much of a pain figuring out all the angles. So I went to the old method, there were some breakdowns but for the most part I think they came out well. One thing, the textures look a little blurred in some areas so I may fix that later. Man I looked at the file size since I made the modifications, dang, 195MB for the fully paneled/textured version, I need to figure out where that is coming from and try to decrease that. Anyway here are the pictures.
  13. Ok, I have started the texturing on this beast. Hoepfully tomorrow I will get the engines done, but that will be a pain to do no matter how I approach it. Let me know what you think?
  14. Very nice but you need some VF-1s and a 19 in there.
  15. Portman is an anorexis little skank.
  16. Vader mus tbe thinking, "Thank God I ditched that little skank on Naboo, now to use the dark side to get me this hotty."
  17. Holy shreg I had a sex change: <a href="http://www.liquidgeneration.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images/ellen_ripley.jpg" border="0"></a> Couldn't they at least have made me hicks?
  18. I think we have all toyed around with the concept, but I doubt it would happen. If it did happen though I think people would want to see the missing two years between the final battle with Boldolza and the rebuilding effort on Earth. Unfortunately that can definitely never happen. If, big if, we could find enough dedicated and talented fans to do it I'm sure it could be done, but would be very hard and expensive.
  19. Knight26

    VF Girls

    Very Nice, I like it alot, the next one looks hilarous. One thing, since they are VF-1D girls, shouldn't it be two girls per costume, lol, jk.
  20. I know ywhere you are coming from Lynx, but it only has to be mentioned once or twice, but people are all but harping on it. I will admit that even I was guilty at first of calling some B5 fighters star wars rips, but as I watched it i quickly dropped that thought. Back then I was still hardcore in SW, I have since learned better, lol.
  21. Airshow view:
  22. Not a good place to be standing, these textures hold up really well, even up close.
  23. From Beneath:
  24. The Results are in: Well other then some little house keeping work, intake wall ribbing, gear wells, gear parts, etc... and adding warning labels you can call this one done. I even figured out a good way to do the rotational texture, not the easist method but it works, basically I figured out the circumfance of the object, then knowign the height and placement of all objects on it drew an rectangle that equaled the cylinder's area. After that it was just a matter of putting it all together and coloring it, then fidning the proper way to map it to the gun barrel. I will start on texturing the Splicer 2000 this weekend, after I do the cleanup on this one and maybe make a couple more color schemes as well. Well onto the pictures. And V7 I wasn't upset by your comments, but the commetn about hte resemblence is getting really old.
  25. I actually think that only person not miscast is the guy playing DR Doom, he seems to fit, oh and Miek CHickless as the thing isn't bad either. And, is it just me or does it look like Sue and Johnny are making out in the one scene with him on the bike macking some chick in the car next to him? THey're brother and sister not married, *Shivers.*
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