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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. Definitely not bad, though Shin, or any of the area-88 characters are pretty easy to do.
  2. I like it, go D.
  3. Knight26

    VF Girls

    I like it, but I would go with a more blue color for the suit.
  4. Knight26

    VF Girls

    Man you are a great artist, veyr good eye for both characters and mecha, do you have any examples of your other work, outside of macross?
  5. now that is one sexy beast
  6. Update, texturing is completed, I was going to do a family portrait but AUTOCAD can't handle all three fulyl detailed models in scene togehter, oh well, guess this is another escuse for SuperO to tell me to change packages already. Enjoy the pics.
  7. Knight26

    Zero VF-0S

    very nice, need to throw a VF-1 and a hornet in there as well, lol.
  8. I love that shot, have a larger render of it?
  9. I've got a better pciture then that somewhere, including modified lerx and shows the fuselage plug as well.
  10. Oh right DH, I was looking at the wrong pciture in my MiG-29 book.
  11. I found it interesting, though the inconcistencies in the character design bugged me to no end, and I thought the whole subplot with the captain's little brat and wife could have been dropped. Plus I found those mega-carriers to just be too rediculously huge especially since they were suppossed to be submersible. I love a good sub movie and for the most part this one was, filled with interesting sub designs, I just wish we got to see more of those designs.
  12. Update, will start on the missile pod and engines tomorrow, like the markings?
  13. Ok, looking at the pictures more I would say it is a Fulcrum-C, it has the small dorsal hump without the extra fule tank and ECM gear.
  14. Hard call from these pictures, but I would say either a Fulcrum-C or a Fulcrum-S. As for the canarded version, that is completely made up, as the canards are the same as on the SV-51. Some time ago there was a proposed Mig-29 variant with a fuselage plug to add about a meter or two in length , Thrust Vectoring Engines, and canards. That design was never pursued though. The canard positioning on the later MiG-29 really isn't that good and would really hinder performance more then enhance it, the angles are horrid and the positioning would not allow for any controllability, really they would be drag magnets.
  15. Give me a good pic and I could tell you, but the first one appears to be a Mig-29C, the last one had some mods so I really need some good pictures first.
  16. Hanks is not my first choice either, I liked the book, and hanks is a good actor don't get me wrong but he really doesn't fit the role in my eyes. Ed norton definitely seems more the part or, man I can't remember the actors name, oh well.
  17. That model while nice really doesn;t do that design justice, kind of like the Yammie YF-19 only more so.
  18. The thanksgiving date I got off a poster I think, but I've heard rumor that the release date keeps moving back and forth. The production standards and quality on the original may seem crude by todays standards but the story is still great, sure there is not a lot of ethnic diversity, or any women, but that didn't matter, it would not have added anything to the story. The bandit attack seem sout of place to me, plus it ought to be interesting to see how they handle the relationship between Dorfman and the pilot. In the original it was tense because it was suppossed to be in the 50s, early sixties at the latest and the pilot was a WW2 vet, so he had a dislike of germans. There is no way they can really do that now with a modern movie, unless they made Dorfman Arab or Russian, and even then it would be doubtful. Like I said before I really hope it will be good, but am trying not to get my hopes up as it may be a letdown.
  19. Ok, I finished the forward fuselage and cockpit exterior tonight, I will start on the anti-matter cannon tommorrow after work and then move onto the missile pod before going to the engines. I will wrap it up with the easy stuff, the stub wings, canards and verticals, as well as the engine mounts, landing, gear, weapons, etc... The weapons are just a matter of converting the textures from other models. Well let me know what you think. Oh yes and the one picture is before I did the cockpit.
  20. Man Alpha could you find a worse pic of the Movie VF-1A head? Check the lineart, or the pic of the cannon fodder that gets nailed outside the observation bubble in the final battle.
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