The thanksgiving date I got off a poster I think, but I've heard rumor that the release date keeps moving back and forth. The production standards and quality on the original may seem crude by todays standards but the story is still great, sure there is not a lot of ethnic diversity, or any women, but that didn't matter, it would not have added anything to the story. The bandit attack seem sout of place to me, plus it ought to be interesting to see how they handle the relationship between Dorfman and the pilot. In the original it was tense because it was suppossed to be in the 50s, early sixties at the latest and the pilot was a WW2 vet, so he had a dislike of germans. There is no way they can really do that now with a modern movie, unless they made Dorfman Arab or Russian, and even then it would be doubtful. Like I said before I really hope it will be good, but am trying not to get my hopes up as it may be a letdown.