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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. Wing Folding Joint
  2. Pilot on ladder, oops no flash
  3. Ok, here are the pictures, if requested I will take it outside and take pics there. Now onto the pictures, not for the dial up users. Pic 1
  4. THunderwing, is that the F-22, looks not bad for a joe toy and from I have read the pilot figure is the best one of the new line.
  5. I will try and take pictures tonight when I get home, its just been a very hectic, long week, sorry.
  6. COme on people don't feed the trolls, just point them to the evidentiary pages/reviews that graham has done.
  7. Drools, that is one pretty cockpit, the Tomcat 21 would have rocked.
  8. I got to see one at either ANime Expo '02 or '03 at the Macross Panel, it was assembled straight out of the kit, very underdetailed for its size and proported cost. plus it is not transformable. There was a project where someone got one and was going to make it full variable, or at the least a better detailed then the hasagawa.
  9. I think this is the kit you all are talking about: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...124valkyrie.htm
  10. Ok, yes us PC Gamers are in the minority, but I don't care, I refuse to go console. But to my earlier question does anybody know of any good, X-Box emulators that will run Halo-2 on the PC?
  11. Could it be the somewhat rare, and underdetailed, 1:24 scale valkyrie model, I believe one of the resident modelers show cased one at an Anime-Expo, or MacrossWorldCon a few years back.
  12. ahhh animefiend cells, make it stop, make it stop. Wasn't someone trying to make the abomination variable at one point? I remember it is loosely based on the orignal Taka 1:55. I also remember that said project hid some major snags, namely in the arms and lack of hinges. But, they actually were able to get it past stalking gerwalk and into an armless battroid while they were working on the arm problem.
  13. Nice Shots Exo, when are those babies coming out?
  14. Knight26


    aaahhh mixing Toynami 1:55 with macross 1:60 Q-Raus, that is so wrong, lol, puppies, lol, haven't seen them referred to as that in a really long time.
  15. Oh man the traitorous BOys From Syracuse, "Fast @$$ CAS" My hair left one. THey were for a long time the premiere and best CAS unit in the country, reaching their high point with the A-10, then they switched to the fragging F-16. The F-16 has no business playing hte CAS role, it stinks at it for gods sake, A-10, A-10, A-10 you stupid arrogant CHair Force Idiots. SOrry had to rant there.
  16. I say go for it.
  17. Oh come on you are on this site and you are not chomping at the bit for a high vis early 80's Jolly Roger F-14?
  18. That is for the most part my point, the gripes for the most part are small things that can easily be fixed by those with the time and inclination. I myself look forward to an eventual A-10, I will get it no matter what because I am a 'Hog nut of course then I will pick through and berate every liitle flaw, but I will still likely love it.
  19. There are no decals, it is all painted on, and DH I agree about the anntennae but like I said there are many people making aftermarket ones, even the bump anntennae. BTW the ones afte of the cockpit are not flat hexagons but flat ellipsoids, will try and take pictures later. I agree about the nose gear door, that is funky, but I like how they did the nosegear itself. And Shin my name is not Mike.
  20. very nice
  21. Shin that Hog just made me foul my shorts it is beautiful, and I put up my lengthy review of the F/A-18C.
  22. Ok first off I am not posting picture with this today because it is raining at my place and the lighting in my apartment sucks for taking pictures right now. Second here is another great review, Golden Dragons Color Scheme Review Ok onto my comments. First off this beast is big, really big and I love it, despite having such a small apartment. The color scheme and paint are really good far better then anything I could do, one of the primary reasons why I like these things is that they are prepainted. Assembly is easy, everything just slides together and plugs in very nicely, and smooth, though the wings require a little bit of force. Disassembly is a little more difficult, especially the wings, but it can be done, just jimmy it back and forth and it will come out. The pilot is a great sculpt, with all kinds of nice little details, its almost a shame to have him sitting in the cockpit, that is why mine hangs off the boarding ladder. Even the helmet is nicely sculpted and is the most accurate removable pilot helmet I have seen on a figure this size, even on the apache pilot figures. The details on the main bird are very nice, all and I do mean all the panels I have seen on a F/A-18C up close are there, and trust me when I go underway on a carrier I do poke around the planes as much as they let me. I was very impressed to even see the chaff and flare launchers under the intakes, very nice touch. One detail that really caught my eye were the fuselage strakes just aft of the cockpit and immediately forward of the engines. Now if you study the real horent closely you will see that those strakes are only connected at the rear, behind the man fuselage bulkhead that seperates where the two halves of the airplane are made, the toy has this and has this done right. One thing missing from the design that takes away from it a little but not to a great extent, is the lack of antennae, I can understand why as those blade arials would be quite prone to breaking, but I have seen aftermarket ones and am considering getting those. Another nice detail is that the wings do fold, not 100% correctly but they do fold nicely, using a small slide in the main wing that extends out and then snaps back in, so it is not loose at all. The landing gear are done nicely as solid pieces taht still manage to folding into the main fuselage nicely, of course they do take up more space they should but that is easily overlooked. The landing gear also snap into place nicely and are veyr solid when on the ground, I have yet to see the sagging some have complained about but I am sure I will someday. Ok now I am just going to list the various good and bad points of the toy, starting with the gripe list, so I can end on a happy note, lol. Gripes: 1) The horizontal stabilators are two identical solid pieces that can be swapped to either side, nice right, wrong. While it is true to the design their implimentation of it sticks. They are just two flat pieces, not a get that goes into hole or two but a flat tab that fits into a slot. I know it is a small gripe but is they had simply built them out of a slightly more rigid plastic and used a peg then they could also move. 2) Since we are talking control surfaces, none of the control surfaces move, I know few do on any of these but at least my 21st century stuhkas Elevators moved. 3) The use of soft plastics. Most of the toy is built out of hard plastic, very rigid, veyr nice, but some bits like the fuselage strakes and missiles and bombs are made out of soft plastic that bends easily. Now in thicker areas it does not bend but the thin fins bend easily, and my two fuselage strakes are warped as a resulted. I understand why they did it, but still it doesn't mean I have to like it. 4) The landing gear are made out of plastic. Now the toy is not that heavy, but still after a lond time sitting onto those plastic landing gear they will eventually sag, a metal landing gear would not have this problem. Of course that may have raised the price a few dollars, but for how much has already been invested, I say go for it. 5) Intake and exhaust depth. Ok this is just me but the intakes are not deep enough looking at the toy they could have easily increased the depth another inch without impinging on the landing gear well or any structural members. The exhaust, oh man, remember the old sky striker, the exhaust were two plug in cans that had the rear most turbine blade modled in at the end, which was what a good three inches in? The exhaust on this, while nice molded out of the softer rubber does show "turkey feathers" details nicely but the turbine blade is only depressed maybe 3/4 of an inch. And for no good reason, if there is a hidden structural member back there it could have easily been displaced, retaining its strength and allowing for a slightly truncated afterburner can. 6) Holes. The ventral fueslage has numerous small holes, mostly rectangular in shape through which they wound the numerous twist ties that keep the toy in place in the packaging. Now I understand why those are there and they did a good job of covering them up, sticking them where they are a little less likely to be seen and fit into the design as best they can but, come on provide some polycaps to fill them. While on that subject they do have poly caps at certain key areas but they do not match the contours of the design well, come on people ploycaps are nothing new. 7) Weapons mix. The toy comes with two sidewinders (fixed to their tip rails, I believe the ones of the F-16 can come off their rails), four Mk-82s on two dual racks and three drop tanks. Now for the life of me I can not understand this load out, it makes no sense whatsoever. I would have much rather seen it come with some extra weapons so you can mix it up, hopefully someone will come up with some nice aftermarket weapons. I would have been so nice to have had it include some sparrows for the fuselage and or a set of Lantirn and FLIR pods, I wouldn't have even griped about the mounting holes. The cockpit. Don't get me wrong the cockpit is nicely done, though a little shallow because of the nosegear, but the details are all stickers with only a few raised portions. My biggest grip however is that it is an 18C, I would have much preferred an 18D with two seats, for how big this beast is they could have redone it as a two seater without that much trouble and they we could have two really good pilots figures. 9) The nose, come on, if Yamato could incorporate a removable nose cone with radar on the 1:48 VF-1, how hard would it have been to do that here? Ok I'm done griping, now onto the good points: 1) The pilot, already sung these praises but I love this pilot figure. 2) The ejection seat, it is actually a NACES seat, I love that and it is removable, though I would hve prefered a launch rail for it to be on, but the details are great so I can overlook that. 3) The cockpit, yes it is a high and a low point, but the raised details of the HDDs are nicely done, and the stick is beautiful plus the area behind the seat is nicely modelled as well. Also, a nice detail, there is a HUD, though there is nothing on it, it is nicely detailed. 4) The boarding ladder, though not 100% accurate, it simply plugs instead of folding away, it is a nice touch and gives my pilot something to hang off of. 5) Overall details are just gorgeous and are superbly accurate. 6) The landing gear. These are very nicely detailed and are quite accurate in their size and shape, though as I said I would have prefered metal ones. The launch arm is on the nose gear and is nicely done, and the tires are rubber that can turn, so you can taxi the plane all day long. 7) The arrestor hook is not just molded on but actually is a seperate hinged piece that can be raised and lowered, nice touch. The paint scheme is very nice and highly accurate, I swear I have looked at planes with the dirt in exactly these same places, very well done. 9) Folding wings, the wing folding mechanism is very well done and I like it a lot. 10) Overall details and comprimises, very well done, they made only the comprimises they needed to in order to make the toy with keeping the toy accurate, overall very nice, like a fine model. Overall I'd say this is a great toy and I look forward to the F-16, despite the fact that I am not a Viper fan. Also if 21st Century ever decides to make their A-10 I will be all over that bird. If you are an aviation nut who loves looking at all the little details, and have the room as well as the extra pocket change I say go for it. While it isn't perfect it is very nice and can be played with, if they ever make a MiG-29 I'm sure you will find me with my pilot buddies on the weekend in the backyward running around like little kids having dogfights. This thing eats the skystrike for breakfast. Now someone please come up with some more weapons to change this beast up with.
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