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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. No wait I've got it, "Jay and Silent Bob, Jedi Knights"
  2. Interesting, NJO maybe?
  3. Except for the huge fugly screws and hinges those look pretty cool, with some neat little features, like the removable engines. It even looks like they have an A-10, anyone seen that one, did they do a good rendition of my baby hog? I may have to pic one up just to see. Oh what the heck I'll get a couple for my 10 yr old nephew too.
  4. Have to agree here. Really I don't see what's so great about her. here here
  5. You can say that all you like, but I've seen that clip and that is indeed Natalie Portman. There is an ugly rumor going around that it is actually Agent One in a bikini. Now that one I might believe, except have you seen the *shudders* pics he has posted of himself with his shrit off, he has bigger boobs then her. Portman does nothing for me, maybe if she looked more like a real woman she might, but she doesn't. Give me an actress that looks like a real woman over her any day, like Monica Belluci or Sasha Alexander.
  6. looks like a body double to me, and I will continue to say so until you can see the whole body and face.
  7. Why would you want to see that, I could understand if she was actually atractive and looked like a woman, but come on she's got the body of a 12 yr old boy.
  8. what anime is this from?
  9. The way I see it is that the FB-23 will have an edge over the FB-22 in the eyes of the general judging the competetion in large part because it will have a more "convetional" configuration in comparison to the FB-22. The USAF has always been reluctant to approve any plane that does not match what they think a fighter plane should look like, hence the lack of deltas and canards in the US inventory.
  10. Very Nice, can we see it with the bow cannon open adn what the firing effect looks like?
  11. The "helo deck" aft of the bridge is a nice touch and good tie in to modern designs, but why do the textures turn white around the major edges like that?
  12. Knight26

    VF Girls

    That is fairly cool
  13. I guess we know now how Dooku gets it.
  14. Pilot wearing helmet
  15. Intake, too dang short
  16. Cleaned up underside
  17. Nose gear well
  18. Fore left side, notice warped dorsal strake
  19. Short afterburner cans and partially lowered hook
  20. Wing Down and locked, and underwing stores
  21. Wing joint unfolded.
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