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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. LOL that Star Destroyer is a fan creation by Howard Day over on Sci-Fi meshes inspired by a few of the first teaser trailor shots.
  2. In Comicshop guy's voice "Worst boobjob ever"
  3. Is it just me or is Jake Loyd starting to look way too much like Leo Decrappio?
  4. In what universe, blah, give me a real woman over her any day.
  5. "Battlestar Galactica" (635k) VS "Starship Enterprise" (135k) Winner the Galactica baby, eat that Kirk.
  6. "UN Spacy" (5280) vs "Robotech Defense Force" (3450) Winner UN Spacy, Hooyah.
  7. Man I loved the Alone In the Dark Games, I still have them all too, though I doubt they can be played on my machine. I really hope this movie doesn't suck and at least stays true to the themes of the games and the characters.
  8. ...eww This coming from the guy who named himself after the Macross character who is hot for a homicidal AI hologram.
  9. Ok, I litterally just walked back in the door, feel like hell but here are the Torrent sites I use: http://torrentchannel.com/ (aka torrent search, this one I use the most) Both of these are really good and fairly comprehensive, though torrent search can be hit or miss sometimes.
  10. Hey macross Fanboy be sure and go to FC school and then get yourself to RAM school, if you do you'll be working on my launcher and may even be blessed with having me come work on it for you, lol.
  11. I should be home tomorrow, my Japan trip was cancelled due to a nasty stomach bug, when I get home I will post up my torrent sites, all very nice. And while I agree that Grace Park is a cutie I'll take Starbuck and Six any day of the week, mmm Starbuck, Six sandwich.
  12. Interesting, though I am not a big fan of combiner mecha, just too complicated, The series though does seem to have potential so we will see how that goes.
  13. IMHO the prequels are all what I call five or six scene rewrites, redo a couple scenes and the movie improves tremendously. Also I think the best part of Clones was Obi-Wan's hunting down of Jango Fett, I would have liked to have seen more of that, more analysis of evidence, examining the different areas, etc...
  14. *looks at Exo evilly* I'll be sure not to pass that little comment onto all the marines I know becuase we're friends, but watch the company you say such things in.
  15. Someone asked for a comparison picture? http://www.mechahq.com/images/DSC00044.JPG
  16. The new BSG in the UK starts back up for the second half of the season on January 3. Exo when I get back I will send you the torrent site I use, it has links to all the different sites and shows, etc... I am also really digging this new series, it is very cool.
  17. um, pictures?
  18. Oh man is someone going to loose their tail over this one, if it's pilot error, then that pilot's career is over, if Lockheed still hasn't corrected the PIO problem yet then their tails are in for some serious reddening.
  19. In the OT we see officers which are definitely not clones, so why do we assume that all stormies are clones? If they are all clones then I doubt that they are still all clones of the same man, more then likely they are clones of multiple, probably thousands of different soldiers, but with the same programming ingrained into them. Let's face it, the sheer number of troops needed to subjegate a galaxy would make a strictly cloned army a logistical nightmare. Instead you start with your clones, recruit from the locals to build support and slowly pull the clones back to more essential positions. The clones were perfect for establishing the empire, as they were preprogrammed to be loyal to the emperor and were spread out all over by the clone wars. But in order to maintain an army the size that we are to assume exists you need to recruit from the locals, or at the very least build hundreds, if not thousands of more cloning facilities, which raises logisitical concerns of its own.
  20. Oh if its what we want, I'll take Sasha Alexander
  21. I'm getting a trip to Japan courtesy of the US tax payer and the US Navy.
  22. Man I want films like that at work.
  23. Holy Shreg that was awesome, now it just needs control surfaces and the pushers plates for the legs and it will be perfect.
  24. Hey all, I just got a trip to Japan dumped on me today at work. Yeah yeah I know how can I say it was dumped on me right? I won't go into that here but it is a total mess logistically and I just hope it goes off without a hitch. Anyway, I will be in Yokosuka the first week of January and then, maybe (hoping not) Sasebo the next three weeks working on a couple of ships. So, I need advice on how best to dress for the weather, I'm hearing monsoons and cold, sorry but this desert rat prefers his monsoons in hot weather. ANyway how should I dress since I will likely be doing a fair amount of work outside on the launcher? Also, does anyone know any good toy stores in Yokosuka or Sasebo, especially for Macross goodies? I know of the Toy's R' Us in Yokohama, and if we have time I plan to stop by there. I am not sure if we will have any days in Tokyo, but if we do, the location of TRUs or other good stores would be appreciated. ANyway, hope the MWers who know Japan can help me out here. Oh and when is the Winterwonderfest, maube if I play my cards right I can arrange to have us in Tokyo that weekend?
  25. Hmm, wookies and water, that planet must smell to high heavens. And I just still cannot get behind that new Jedi Starfighter, I am not a fan of the design.
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